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Short:Plight of the Artist Moviesetter anim by Eric Schwartz.
Author:Eric W. Schwartz
Uploader:Eric W Schwartz (erics coax net)
Download:pix/eric/Plight_Half.lha - View contents

Plight of The Artist: an animation with Sabrina by Eric W. Schwartz ©1995

Aminet release-

This animation was originally created for the Eric Schwartz Productions
CD-ROM Archive, produced by Cronus (formerly Amiga Library Services). Now
that the original exclusivity term is past (way past), the animation is now
released as a form of shareware. It is not crippled in anyway, and payment
of the shareware fee is completely voluntary. See the 'Licence' below for
details. This archive contains the animation in two parts, which must be
run separately. Each individual part requires about 6 megs of free memory.
read below for details.

* LICENSE: This Animation is Copyright (c) 1995 Eric W. Schwartz. it is
NOT to be considered Public Domain. This particular animation is under a
one-user exclusive license. Users who buy the CD-ROM are allowed use of
the animation for personal use only, and may make copies for personal
backups ONLY. You may not copy or distribute this animation to other
users, other formats, or recorded to print or video (except for review
purposes) until May 1 1996.  After May 1, 1996 this animation can be
distributed freely. users who do not obtain this animation directly from
the CD-ROM release are obligated to pay a minimal Shareware fee to Eric W.
Schwartz ($5 or whatever you feel an animation of this caliber is worth).
Users who buy the CD-ROM can waive the shareware fee. Permission from the
author must be obtained before you may convert these files to other
formats, Including but not limited to Print, Video, or other computer file
formats for playback on other platforms than Amiga.  Finally, characters
created for these animations are the sole property of Eric W. Schwartz,
and should not be used in pictures and animations by others.

Minimum Requirement: Any Amiga with at least 6 megs of memory (to run one
half of the Animation at a time) or 10 megs (to run the full animation in
one go) and a Hard Drive, CD-ROM drive, or other storage device with the 6
megs of room to hold it.(AGA Amiga strongly recommended)

Reccommended System: AGA chipset Amiga with over 10 megs and a Hard Drive,
CD-ROM, and/or other storage media described above.

* Some AGA/workbench 3.X  users may have difficulty running this animation
(the player returns an 'out of memory' error, even when there is plenty)
or the animation plays badly centered with the edges cropped usually with
a multisync monitor.) Users experiencing these problems should, if
possible, close other programs that are on their own screens, Reconfigure
their Workbench screen to NTSC or PAL mode with 16 colors or less, and
remove any pictures used as workbench and window backdrops. These measures
should fix most of the problems associated with playing Moviesetter

The Intent of this Animated short was to determine the absolute top end of
what is possible using the MovieSetter animation software, my standard for
long story animation since 1989. That said, this is meant to be a
no-compromise, full animation effort. From the outside, it may seem to not
be such, especially since it clocks in at about 3 minutes 20 seconds
compared to "Quality Time"'s length of over six minutes, and "Plight"
doesn't even use the overscan area, but its specs are impressive, at least
in writing, anyway.

-Full character animation drawn on paper, scanned, painted in Brilliance,
and reduced/antialiased with ADPro and Anim Workshop.

-Backgrounds created as 24-bit originals (and reduced to a limited
32-color palette, UGH!)

-Additional 3D background art and spot animation created in Lightwave 3D
(You'll know it when you see it)

-Lots of sound and spot music effects, including a several good things
digitized specifically for this animation.

The Character of Sabrina is not a new character, though many who see this
will believe it so. Sabrina has been around since 1993, and has not
appeared in animation previously, staying primarily in print. She did make
an appearance in The Girls of E.S. Productions multimedia demo, and a
little bit more can be learned about her character there.

Additional Credits:
Musical clips utilized from title and soundtrack musics by JellyBean /
Reflect / SoundVision, Carter Burwell, Joel Hodgson, & Josh Weinstein.

Babylon 5 Lightwave objects created by Dean A. Scott and Planet Z

I hope you enjoy this animation as much as I went through HELL making it.
(Bear in mind that doesn't necessarily mean I didn't enjoy the work.)

As Always,

Eric W. Schwartz

E.S. Productions
P.O. Box 292684
Kettering, OH 45429-0684

Contents of pix/eric/Plight_Half.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                29168   65600  44.5% -lh5- 58c5 Dec 13  1988 MoviePlayer
[generic]              1430732 2658971  53.8% -lh5- bfb9 Jul 29  1995 Plight.Part1
[generic]                 6606   11787  56.0% -lh5- e725 Oct 26  1995
[generic]              1413497 2751478  51.4% -lh5- 9599 Aug  4  1995 Plight.Part2
[generic]                 6606   11787  56.0% -lh5- 17aa Oct 26  1995
[generic]                 2290    4561  50.2% -lh5- 0139 Nov 30  1997 Plight.README!
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total         6 files 2888899 5504184  52.5%            Dec  3  1997
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