Included: Thunder.jpg and this ThunderJPG.readme
Alright, so i liked the movie... got a problem with it?!?!?
Ide have added more detail, but this damn thing already takes up
16megs of ram!! sheesh... <The object itself> This might be one
of my last Releases on Internet. Either my artwork isnt that popular
anymore, or the public has grown complacent with it. Either stinks,
I used to get about 40-100 email messages for an image, Now my latest
SunSet got 3. <Thankyou to the 3.> I dont ask for money, I just
your acnowledgment! <At least of my terrible spelling>.
EMAIL ME IF YOU LOVE ME!!!!!!!!!! <Artists need love>
btw this isnt a contest on who's artwork is better then whos.. Im glad
others are releasing their artwork on the Internet... Ive had had an
argument with another artist that states releasing on the internet cheapens
the image, spreading it like so much cheap chewinggum. Show you appreciation
and prove him wrong! take care, Hope you like this.
Once again, i model everything i make,and I Dont release my models..
Also look for Sealife,Pleasure,DragonSong,Embrace,Power,Awakening,
Castlrok,Hellspawn,BeautifulBlue,SeaLife on the net..
and if you like it,SEND ME MAIL!
Either say hi on IRC or Mail me at
PLEASE PLEASE keep the images in their original form! Do not fold,
spindle, mutilate or put your own name on it! These are NOT ment to be
used for INTRO's or any other comercial or private use... other then viewing
and showing to friends...<I know that sounds kindaodd, but believe it or not,
ive had it happen...> And keep all 2 files is this orginal file.
mtk,jor,pjotr,Laire,jacho, ->mAu<- and to all the other IRC'ers and net runners>
Legal MumboJumbo: These Images are ©91-93 Andrew Denton, Engulf and Devoure
Graphics Blah blah blah dont touch or i sue blah blah blah and then you wont
be able to afford bus money blah blah blah and so on..
Take care
Andrew Denton