--+ Introduction +--
This distribution contains a full System icons replacement set for all icons
included with AmigaOS 2.0 - 3.1, and for most icons in AmigaOS 3.5/3.9. The
icons are in 4 Color OldIcon (planar) format, and are intended for lower-end
Amigas, or for those who prefers a more simplistic look of Workbench. Have in
mind that the icons are most suitable for non-interlaced (640 x 256) screens.
An alternative set with big icons (twice the height) may come in the future.
This icon set was created because there isn't that many FULL 4 color replace-
ment sets out there (most of them only have a few icons, and are more like a
proof of concept). When it comes to the style of the CloverIcons, they are
both inspired by the original OS2.0-3.1 ones, as well as various other icons.
In addition to the main System icons, there is a set of DefIcons included as
well. This consists of the same type of icons that is included with both the
NewIcons46.lha package and AmigaOS 3.9 (plus a few extras).
The advantages of CloverIcons when compared to original OS 2.0-3.1 icons are:
* All icons have TWO IMAGES in them, most of the original ones has ONE only.
* All icons uses STANDARD SIZES, where File icons are 54x22 pixels, Drawers
are 54x20 pixels, and Prefs icons are 60x26 pixels. Disk icons has various
sizes though.
* All icons have been optimized for usage without those pesky icon frames.
* Pen 3 (blue) of the Workbench palette has been used as a substitute for
dark grey in order for the icons to look smoother on sharp screens.
* Entire icon set is Freeware! You can do whatever you like with the icons.
--+ Requirements +--
Any Amiga with Kickstart 2.04 or higher.
If your system doesn't already have a function for removing those annoying
icon borders, I will recommend that you download & install this from Aminet:
If you want to install the included DefIcons, I will also recommend one of
these since it reduces memory usage and also leads to a faster boot:
The included DefIcons patch is for AmigaOS 2.0 - 3.1 only. For proper
DefIcons support in AmigaOS 3.1.4 and 3.5, you may need the following:
--+ Distribution +--
CloverIcons is to be considered as Freeware. If the whole icon package is
to be distributed under the name CloverIcons, then everything must be kept
together, in original unmodified form. Otherwise, you are free to do what-
ever you like with the icons, this includes using any amount of them for
your own projects, and also modifying them as well. You can also use the
whole icon pack as basis for an entirely different icon package, where
you simply edit, replace or remove all icons you dont't like.
--+ Installation +--
Although it may be tempting to just copy all included icons over the original
ones on your system, it's best to use the installers instead. This is because
they will copy the required icons only, and/or provide various workarounds.
Another thing is that the installer scripts will for the most part only copy
icon images, which in turn means that original icon data (like Default Tool,
ToolTypes, Position, etc.) will be preserved.
This distribution includes the following TRULS installer scripts:
Install_Icons - Main script for installing CloverIcons to your Amiga.
Install_DefIcons - A script for installing the DefIcons (def_xxx.info).
Install_Files - For installing some of the files in the included C dir.
With AmigaOS 3.1 and lower, you may need to use Install_Files script in order
to get proper DefIcons functionality. For more information about the scripts,
check out the TRULS.readme file found in the included Docs drawer.
--+ Future +--
Stuff that might happen to the CloverIcons package in the future:
* I'm not entirely pleased with how some of the icons look, so it's possible
that they will be improved upon at a later date. One example of this, is
all printer related icons.
* Not all icons will be replaced on AmigaOS 3.9 systems. For the most part,
this involves the AMPlifier and Internet software (with the exception of
AmigaMail). Alternatives for those missing icons might be added in the
future. Not sure about AWeb3SE though, because this old browser version
shouldn't be installed in the first place (best to use AWeb APL instead).
* There are also some docs & media icons in OS3.9 that won't be replaced at
the moment. A script for fixing this may come later.
* As mentioned in the Introduction section, I have thoughts of creating an
alternative icon set with big icons, where they will have twice the height
of the original ones. This set will then be intended for interlaced screen
modes (640x512). I may even make two sets, where just a simple resize is
done to the first one (for authentic non-laced look), and then some extra
work is done to the second by taking advantage of the higher resolution
available (for better looks).
For more info about the CloverIcons set and other stuff I have made, check
out my website at: www.rhz1.com
In addition, there is also my Amiga911 Maker project related website, which
can be found here: www.amiga911maker.site11.com