Finally, Version 1.0 release of Exoticons is here.
Exoticons currently comes in 2 flavours, NewIcons and an OS3.5/3.9 version.
This is the NewIcon version.
Exoticons consists of 1500 icons created from high quality box scans of
Amiga games. Certainly, it must be the largest game icon collection
currently available for the Amiga. The Original scans and information can
be found at the ExoticA website -
(Although at the time of writing this only 1100 of the images are available
for download at the site).
I recommend you use Exoticons with the excellent WHDLOAD
( - a great AmigaOS friendly game install package.
They also can be used with other HD install systems such as JST
Each icon is 128 colours and has its own palette meaning they will probably
not look good if you don't have many free pens (aga) or are viewing many
on screen at the same time. The NewIcons are 93x93 pixels in size.
NOTE: With standard 3.1 Workbench and NewIcons system with transparency on
a few of the icons may look bugged. This is because it always presumes
colour 0 is transparent. This bug will not appear if using a WB replacement
like Scalos. If I found an scriptable image program which would allow me to
remap the images to use only the top 127 colours in the palette and ignore
colour 0 this problem would not occur. I recommend you upgrade to 3.5/3.9 to
really enjoy this collection (But use the larger 3.5/3.9 icons, distributed
Included with this release, as a bonus, is the latest version of my Game
Information Text and a great little intro to watch to introduce the icons.
The credits for this release are as follows:
Scans: Wildwest, Jan Krolzig, Greeble, Marcus Gerards, Dante, Frost
Mnemotron, MazzelSiD, Joachim Ljunggren, Mathias Ortmann, J Jenson
David Banz, Elend, Jean-Francois Fabre, Alexander Holland, Panther,
Dominic Holmes, Mr. Tickle, Ronald van Dijk, Skid, Tom, Conan,
me (Buzz) and a friend.
Exoticons Logo: XtC (Based on artwork from Bob Wakelin)
Intro Code: Cupid/IRIS
Software used to create Exoticons:
ImageMagick - Excellent open source image manipulation program, that
I used for the scaling and colour reduction.
Image2Icon - Great program from Stephan Rupprecht that was used for the
actual icon creation from the scaled scans.
Perl - For the image conversion scripting.
TVPaint, PPaint, Photogenics and IconEdit were also used for much of the
graphic work.
ExoticA ( and Exoticons is an IRIS production.
Thanks to all the people who have helped to make this possible.
Use the icons as you wish, but always give credit where due.