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Short:[MorphOS] Another Skin
Author:blade_runner at (Oliver Hummel)
Uploader:blade_runner gmx li (Oliver Hummel)
Requires:Morph OS 1.4+
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                    Blue Chrome Ambient Skin

   Another week another skin ;-)
   This time I decided switching back to blue again.
   Here is the result, Blue Chrome. I hope you like it.

   To install this Skin, you can either use the Install Skript,
   Or you can do it "by Hand" just make a Skins Directory
   in Sys:Prefs and copy the whole Bluechrome directory to it.


   I decided to include my Mui Presetsfile with this skin.
   You will be asked during the Install Process whether you
   want to copy it or not. As I don`t use any patterns just
   gradients, it shouldn`t be a Problem.
   After the Installation it is found in Sys:prefs/presets/mui
   named "blue-chrome.prefs" Now you can select it by choosing
   Settings/Global Mui Settings in Ambient Menu. (Mui still searches
   the Mui Assign, ignore it and choose the right path manually)

   Now you should hae a real blue desktop ;-)


   Some Notes:

   High Resolution:
   This time, the skin is a bit smaller then my previous work.
   So it should also look good on 1024x768 Screens, but it is
   still meant for higher Resolutions.

   Even more important this time, the Font settings.
   If it is to big, the middle bar will look strange, if it`s
   to small, it will be out of the middle or even worse, the
   skinn will look cropped.

   I recommend Verdana 18, this works well here.

   Or once again, you play with the values for WINDOWTITLEBARINCREMENT
   and WINDOWTITLETEXTSHIFT in skin Config.
   The Preview Screenshot should give you a good Idea how it was ment to look

   Targhan told me, that he didn`t like the choosen colour for
   the light grey. Well until we have a Prefstab for easy Skin
   customization, you have to do again some work manually.
   Load the Skin config file into you favourite Text Editor
   and play with the values for the Systempens. (But please
   don`t complain if you end with black text on black background,
   you have been warned!) For a darker Grey in just change the Value
   for Systempen 0. C8C8C8 should give a darker Result.

   A last word:
   Well, releasing my third skin now, I must be the "record holder"
   in making Ambient Skins, beside Jobbo who  did afaik most/all?
   the Skins which are found on you MOS CD (Actually he did much much more
   so by the way a big "Thank you" for your good work Jobbo!)
   But this is nothing for which I am proud of, because it means, there
   are only few skins currently available. (I know only 3 other Skins which
   are puplic yet) But there are many many talented people out there, so
   pleease think about your own ambient skin. I really would like to see
   the work of other people.

   Oh.. and err. sorry for my lousy english ;-)

   This skin is ©2004 Oliver Hummel


   This Skin is Mailware, If you like it, mail me, If you
   don`t like it mail me too. (Criticism is a good thing if
   it could help to make things better)

   It is freely redistributable, but it would be nice
   if you send me a short mail if you plan to include
   it on CD Rom or upload it anywhere else than on Morphzone
   or Aminet.
   You may use it for your own skin e.g. Visual Prefs.
   I am not responsible for any damage, use it at your own risk.

Contents of pix/theme/bluechrome.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 3893   16690  23.3% -lh5- 6729 Jun  6  2004 Blue_Chrome/blue-chrome.prefs
[generic]                 1777  220303   0.8% -lh5- fb25 Jun  4  2004 Blue_Chrome/Bluechrome/MenuBackground
[generic]                  248    2215  11.2% -lh5- 8e36 Jun  4  2004 Blue_Chrome/Bluechrome/MenuTitlebar
[generic]                 3499    9437  37.1% -lh5- db49 May 29  2004 Blue_Chrome/Bluechrome/Requesters/crash
[generic]                 6160   10397  59.2% -lh5- 78b3 May 29  2004 Blue_Chrome/Bluechrome/Requesters/DiskBusy
[generic]                 5547    9437  58.8% -lh5- 5200 May 29  2004 Blue_Chrome/Bluechrome/Requesters/DiskError
[generic]                 4557    8669  52.6% -lh5- 0896 May 29  2004 Blue_Chrome/Bluechrome/Requesters/DiskFull
[generic]                 5450    9437  57.8% -lh5- 27da May 29  2004 Blue_Chrome/Bluechrome/Requesters/DiskInsert
[generic]                 5517    9629  57.3% -lh5- 9dae May 29  2004 Blue_Chrome/Bluechrome/Requesters/DiskNotValidated
[generic]                 5775    9437  61.2% -lh5- b2a6 May 29  2004 Blue_Chrome/Bluechrome/Requesters/DiskProtected
[generic]                 6437   11367  56.6% -lh5- f894 May 29  2004 Blue_Chrome/Bluechrome/Requesters/NoDisk
[generic]                 5875   10595  55.5% -lh5- a63d May 29  2004 Blue_Chrome/Bluechrome/Requesters/NotADOSdisk
[generic]                  189     252  75.0% -lh5- 2038 Jun  6  2004 Blue_Chrome/Bluechrome/Requesters/RequesterBackground
[generic]                  182     197  92.4% -lh5- 59a6 Jun  6  2004 Blue_Chrome/Bluechrome/Requesters/RequesterTextBackground
[generic]                 1780    4932  36.1% -lh5- bd68 Jun  6  2004 Blue_Chrome/Bluechrome/SkinConfig
[generic]                  245    2215  11.1% -lh5- cebe Jun  4  2004 Blue_Chrome/Bluechrome/STitleBarBackground
[generic]                 1174    4867  24.1% -lh5- 634c Jun  4  2004 Blue_Chrome/Bluechrome/STitleBarObject
[generic]                 1032    8299  12.4% -lh5- c463 Jun  6  2004 Blue_Chrome/Bluechrome/SysIClassClose
[generic]                 1065    8299  12.8% -lh5- e567 Jun  6  2004 Blue_Chrome/Bluechrome/SysIClassDepth
[generic]                  798    5991  13.3% -lh5- 6c6d Jun  6  2004 Blue_Chrome/Bluechrome/SysIClassDown
[generic]                  999    8299  12.0% -lh5- c72d Jun  6  2004 Blue_Chrome/Bluechrome/SysIClassIconify
[generic]                  958    8299  11.5% -lh5- 2ca3 Jun  6  2004 Blue_Chrome/Bluechrome/SysIClassJump
[generic]                  802    5991  13.4% -lh5- 518d Jun  6  2004 Blue_Chrome/Bluechrome/SysIClassLeft
[generic]                 1422    2771  51.3% -lh5- dc3b May 29  2004 Blue_Chrome/Bluechrome/SysIClassMenuCheck
[generic]                 1561    2489  62.7% -lh5- 74d6 Jun  6  2004 Blue_Chrome/Bluechrome/SysIClassMenuKey
[generic]                 1373    2771  49.5% -lh5- 686e May 29  2004 Blue_Chrome/Bluechrome/SysIClassMenuToggle
[generic]                 1155    8299  13.9% -lh5- 2eae Jun  6  2004 Blue_Chrome/Bluechrome/SysIClassMUI
[generic]                 1078    8299  13.0% -lh5- d119 Jun  6  2004 Blue_Chrome/Bluechrome/SysIClassPopup
[generic]                  859    5991  14.3% -lh5- 5cc3 Jun  6  2004 Blue_Chrome/Bluechrome/SysIClassRight
[generic]                  882    5595  15.8% -lh5- 2ce0 Jun  6  2004 Blue_Chrome/Bluechrome/SysIClassSDepth
[generic]                  836    5991  14.0% -lh5- 55f6 Jun  6  2004 Blue_Chrome/Bluechrome/SysIClassSize
[generic]                 1143    8299  13.8% -lh5- a690 Jun  6  2004 Blue_Chrome/Bluechrome/SysIClassSnapshot
[generic]                  708    1781  39.8% -lh5- a3c0 Jun  6  2004 Blue_Chrome/Bluechrome/SysIClassSubMenu
[generic]                  758    5991  12.7% -lh5- 8d7e Jun  6  2004 Blue_Chrome/Bluechrome/SysIClassUp
[generic]                 1098    1098 100.0% -lh0- 4f85 Jun  6  2004 Blue_Chrome/Bluechrome/SysIClassZoom
[generic]                  255    8961   2.8% -lh5- 634c Jun  3  2004 Blue_Chrome/Bluechrome/WindowBackground
[generic]                  255    8961   2.8% -lh5- 6331 Jun  3  2004 Blue_Chrome/Bluechrome/WindowBackgroundActive
[generic]                  240    2215  10.8% -lh5- 57ba Jun  3  2004 Blue_Chrome/Bluechrome/WindowTitlebarL
[generic]                  243    2215  11.0% -lh5- 3867 Jun  3  2004 Blue_Chrome/Bluechrome/WindowTitlebarLActive
[generic]                  480    1981  24.2% -lh5- b1f1 Jun  3  2004 Blue_Chrome/Bluechrome/WindowTitlebarLM
[generic]                  492    1981  24.8% -lh5- 42bb Jun  3  2004 Blue_Chrome/Bluechrome/WindowTitlebarLMActive
[generic]                  329    7467   4.4% -lh5- 2672 Jun  3  2004 Blue_Chrome/Bluechrome/WindowTitlebarM1
[generic]                  392    7467   5.2% -lh5- 21e7 Jun  3  2004 Blue_Chrome/Bluechrome/WindowTitlebarM1Active
[generic]                  314    1435  21.9% -lh5- 3916 Jun  3  2004 Blue_Chrome/Bluechrome/WindowTitlebarM2
[generic]                  273    1435  19.0% -lh5- eca4 Jun  3  2004 Blue_Chrome/Bluechrome/WindowTitlebarM2Active
[generic]                  270    1435  18.8% -lh5- 27af Jun  3  2004 Blue_Chrome/Bluechrome/WindowTitlebarM3
[generic]                  272    1435  19.0% -lh5- a965 Jun  3  2004 Blue_Chrome/Bluechrome/WindowTitlebarM3Active
[generic]                  240    2891   8.3% -lh5- 5cc5 Jun  3  2004 Blue_Chrome/Bluechrome/WindowTitlebarR
[generic]                  248    2891   8.6% -lh5- e016 Jun  3  2004 Blue_Chrome/Bluechrome/WindowTitlebarRActive
[generic]                  554    2579  21.5% -lh5- 36fe Jun  3  2004 Blue_Chrome/Bluechrome/WindowTitlebarRM
[generic]                  544    2579  21.1% -lh5- cb88 Jun  3  2004 Blue_Chrome/Bluechrome/WindowTitlebarRMActive
[generic]                  552    1936  28.5% -lh5- 7794 Jun  6  2004 Blue_Chrome/Install_Skin
[generic]                 7292    7292 100.0% -lh0- ab59 Jun  6  2004 Blue_Chrome/
[generic]               224686  224686 100.0% -lh0- 33e6 Jun  6  2004 Blue_Chrome/Preview.png
[generic]                 8418    8418 100.0% -lh0- 01eb May 29  2004 Blue_Chrome/
[generic]                 1774    3520  50.4% -lh5- 8ceb Jun  6  2004 Blue_Chrome/Readme
[generic]                 7642    7642 100.0% -lh0- 87a6 May 29  2004 Blue_Chrome/
[generic]                 7692    7692 100.0% -lh0- 39f7 May 29  2004
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        58 files  340289  763743  44.6%            Aug 30 00:21

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