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**** ****
*** -----OceanNight.jpg---- ***
** **
* by Terry Cooksey *
* *
* *Cooksey Television Productions* *
* *Cooksey Web Designs* *
* *
* http://www.inet-direct.com/cooksey/ *
* http://www.insolwwb.net/~terry/ *
* 75+ Amiga-made pages at each site *
******************* ********************
This is a Lightwave3D image of an ocean covey,at night. It was a Toaster
framestore (560k),752x480. It was jpeg'ed at 100% quality.This is a gift
to the great people who love their Amiga. It is 100% royalty free.
Get an earlier upload of mine, pix/trace Oceanscape.lha
Load Oceanscape into toaster DV1, and OceanNight into DV2 (or vice versa).
Then do a lil' ole smooth fade between the two, for a dusk to dawn
to dusk...animation.
The Amiga is back....Face up to it. Quit listening to the big wind-bag
manufacturers, and check your retailer for the availibility of the AMIGA !
But Thanks to QuickPak...A1200 A4000 Towers..and 2 new Amiga "Portable
models are readily available. Things are happening in the name of AMIGA.
This is a gift to the great people who love their Amiga. It is 100% royalty
free. I would really appreciate a small Email if you like it. That's worth
more to me than money. There is NO chance of anyone ever being asked for any
money for the use of any file by me, that you find on Aminet. Companies that
charge individual Amiga owners for products, MUST be charged to use my
material. This, by no means restricts the use of this picture by
This file must be kept in it's original form. Check out our web site;
featured in the November & January issues of Amazing/Amiga magazine.
Go Amiga !! Go Amiga !!Go Amiga !!Go Amiga !!Go Amiga !!
This is in appreciation for people such as:
Michiel den Outer-NTitler,LightWalker,FastMorpher
Felix Schawrz-UConv, ANIM>GIFANIM
Marcel Beck--YAM
Ivan Styrlic -- iX-Guide
Jeremy Friesner-Amiphone
Thomas Kriebel--VT
Randy Finch-HTML Wizard !
& others....
=====If you don't use these programs, your missing some of the best.=========
NTitler is some kind of fun. If you haven't gotten 2.1 yet--do it NOW.
Felix's UConv is the ONLY amiga program to compile gif animations.
Marcel Beck has the easiest email program. Get it NOW !
Thomas' Programs are so good, you probably already use VT, VT_Retina etc...
Amiphone is on the verge of saving us alot of typing on chatlines..with speech!
iX-Guide is a cross between Amiguide & HTML....Amiguide with Gfx--Thanks Ivan
Please support the following companies who love the greatest computer on the
planet, and stuck it out through Commodore's betrayal of us all:
NewTek----SoftWood----Software Hut---VisionSoft---Amicon
And please remember not to tolerate ANY company that fails to keep their
word with you. The Amiga, my friends, is doomed to extinction if we
tolerate any mistreatment of customers buying Amiga products. The customers
are the most important thing. No company's products are worth anything
without customers. So let's drive the crooks out of business--with no
business; and thereby leaving the integrity of Our AMIGAS intact.
I used an Amiga 2000 w/14megs ram
Lightwave 3.5
Several other great Amiga 3D artists and I have decided to design and program
web pages with our Amigas. If you would like a unique web site, with great
Amiga graphics, contact me.I can be Reached by mail at:
Terry & Sandra Cooksey
PO Box 586
or by E-mail at: terry@inet-direct.com
and at: terry@insolwwb.net
or: amiga@insolwwb.net
or join dalnet #Amiga3D... the coolest Amiga chat channel going
it's an Amigas ONLY channel
March 22,1997
My other uploads to aminet:
comm/www AmiChatOrg1.2.lha
pix/trace OceanNight.lha
pix/trace FieryAMIGA.lha
pix/trace FieryAMIGAlogo.lha
pix/trace OceanScape.lha
pix/trace AratiMarscape.lha
pix/trace GoldFlareHead.lha
pix/3dani AWarpZone.lha
mods/misc PeopleWL.lha IFF8svx Hard Rock song-NOT a mod
mods/smpl IntoTheLight.lha IFF8svx Hard Rock song-NOT a mod
Contents of pix/trace/OceanNight.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 101779 101779 100.0% -lh0- afc2 Mar 19 1997 OceanNight.jpg
[generic] 954 1634 58.4% -lh5- 67ba Mar 21 1997 OceanNight.jpg.info
[generic] 2252 5597 40.2% -lh5- b0c0 Mar 21 1997 OceanNight.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 3 files 104985 109010 96.3% Mar 22 1997
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