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Short:Lightwave Mystic Oceanscape cove [BQ]
Author: terry at
Uploader:terry Inet-Direct com
Download:pix/trace/OceanScape.lha - View contents

                                                  100% FREE "stuff"


                         by Terry Cooksey

               *Cooksey Television Productions*



    This is a Lightwave3D image of an ocean covey. This is just my third
upload to Aminet. It was a Toaster framestore (560k),752x480. This is a
gift to the great people who love their Amiga. It is 100% royalty free.
I would really appreciate a small Email if you like it. That's worth more to
me than money. There is NO chance of anyone ever being asked for any
money for the use of any file by me, that you find on Aminet. Make
big money (ha!) off of it; And thanks ahead of time for appreciating
my work enough to honor it in your works. My next upload will be this same
scene,but, with a night sky. Load this one into toaster DV1, and my next
upload into DV2 (or vice versa), then do a lil' ole smooth fade between
the two for a dusk to dawn to dusk...animation.

This is in appreciation for people such as:

                             Michiel den Outer-NTitler

                             Marcel Beck--YAM

                             Thomas Kriebel--VT

                                 & others....

====If you don't use these programs, your missing some of the best.=======

NTitler is some kind of fun. If you haven't gotten 2.1 yet--do it NOW.
Marcel Beck has the easiest email program.(I'm gonna send Ya some money
too, Marcel !! You deserve it for YAM. Oh Uh..I gave it to Michiel.)
Thomas' Programs are so good, you probably already use VT, VT_Retina etc...

Please support the following companies who love the greatest computer on the
planet, and stuck it out through Commodore's betrayal of us all:

      NewTek--------SoftWood----Software Hut---VisionSoft---Amicon

And please remember not to tolerate ANY company that fails to keep their
word with you. The Amiga, my friends, is doomed to extinction if we
tolerate any mistreatment of customers buying Amiga products. The customers
are the most important thing. No company's products are worth anything
without customers. So let's drive the crooks out of business--with no
business; and thereby leaving the integrity of Our AMIGAS intact.
    NOTE: under Richard Kiernan, has enthroned themselves as
"kings of fraud". Their claim to me is that they could not fill the order
I placed on their home page because--they do not know how to dial a tele-
phone. If hisoft ever disputes this, tell them to provide you with THEIR
telephone records with a call to me prior to September 1,1996. Do not get
stuck with Ibrowse. It has no future under hisoft. hisoft is being banned
from the community of AMIGA owners. This is the solution that hisoft uses
to deal with their victims; now, hisoft --how does it feel to be satiated
with your own devices. I provide these truths as an act of love toward all
of you who are victimized by hisoft-type frauds; but left without the means
to overcome the mistreatment these companies "think" they're getting away
with. If you would like to unite to expose the frauds, and, reveal the honest
companies, email me with suggestions and support. WARNING: Any email to me
from known fraudulent companies, such as hisoft, will be forwarded to the
proper authorities who are investigating international fraud.

  I used an Amiga 2000 w/14megs ram
           Lightwave 3.5

I can be Reached by mail at: Terry Cooksey
                             PO Box 586

            or by E-mail at:

                        September 8,1996


Contents of pix/trace/OceanScape.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]               214664  214664 100.0% -lh0- 5c8c Aug 28  1996 OceanScape.jpg
[generic]                 1377    2996  46.0% -lh5- 3df5 Sep  8  1996 OceanScape.readme
[generic]                 1905    2740  69.5% -lh5- da23 Sep  8  1996
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total         3 files  217946  220400  98.9%            Sep 11  1996
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