Well, another Workbench grab, but this time the biggest resolution i´ve seen ever on a WB grab.
I opened a few windows and programs in order to show some patches i´m using, and to get the
screen a little more filled up.
System: A1200T with Cyberstorm MK3 (68060@50) and Cybervision 3D with scandoubler.
Memory: 2MB chip 64MB fast. HD: Seagate 1.2GIG and Seagate 406MEG
CDRom: Sony 2x SCSI and surf squirrel Video: 17" Microvitec multisync monitor
Misc: USRobotics 33.6K V.Everything modem
To be acquired: ZIP drive, Sound board, Cybervision PPC and PPC604e
Dopus 5 Magellan, SysIhack, Birdie, MCP, CGFX V3 and tons more.
I hope you like my WB grab and if it helps you decorating yours too, go ahead.
My desktop is still under "development" but most things are in place already, so not
much to be added in the future.
Well, not much to describe here, actually....
14.07.97 -- First grab, still using MagicWB icons and colors (1024x768)
25.08.97 -- Second grab, changed to NewIcons and looks MUCH MUCH better.
01.10.97 -- Third grab, some things changed so i did this one too.
25.11.97 -- My last grab, look changed a bit and increased resolution
to 1160x864. Decided to upload to Aminet so people can see if they want,
because i like very much to see other WBs too :)
Well, i guess this is all...if you want to see some other grabs i made before, just mail me
and ask for them...
My current WB look can be found at http://www.cpsi.pt/~mortal/setup.html. This page is updated
from time to time (well, i´m kinda lazy, so....) so if you want to take a look, you´re welcome!
C ya!
^NaMcO^ (mortal@cpsi.pt)