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Short:Danm 1024x768x16-bit Dopebench5.65 x5
Author: dan.muldin at (Dan Muldin)
Uploader:dan muldin solna mail telia com (Dan Muldin)
Download:pix/wb/danm_Dopebench.lha - View contents

Stockholm, 97-Okt-04

Second Aminet upload of my WB snaps.

The archive contains 5 snapshots of my WB.


Patches and OS enhancements are:

-Visual Prefs and Full Palette by Massimo Tantignone. Enables you to chose
 different style of sysiimages, have halfshine and shade color windowborders and
 set bordersizes to 1:1 ratio or whatever you want. Available on Aminet.

-MUI 3.8, needs no further explination.

-NewIcons V4 by Eric Sauvageau. Brand new version which supports 256 color icons
 and includes a 32 color iconset.

-MagicMenu 2.19 by Martin Korndörfer and Olaf Barthel. Makes your menues look
 nicer with shadows and popup function.

-All snapshots also displays the Executive  Dashboard window at the bottom.


Image descriptions:

000: The one uploaded as my 1:st Aminet release. Displays IBrowse 1.12 with my
     Website loaded. YAM mailerwindow opened in the bottom left. A DOpus lister
     window with different quicktime animations. QT playing the Refugees cover
     of Bob Marley's No Woman... and different CyberWindow windows displaying
     logos related to my system config. Dopus Magellan startmenu docks at the
     bottom left.

001: Here the new NewIcons V4 is installed and a Dopus lister in iconmode
     displays my system partition. NewIcons prefs editor and Scout interfaces
     are opened and so are their about requesters. Scout is also displaying my
     system chipsets. Hubble telescope 1024x768x24-bit as background.

002: Visual Prefs and it's companion Full Palette prefseditorwindows are opened
     with respective about requesters. AristIcons iconset is still good enough
     for a NewIcons V4 WB! Mother Earth as background found somewhere on the
     World Wide Web.

003: IBrowse displaying searchengines in multiple windows.

004: Dopus Magellan ftp lister about to copy the danm Dopebench 1:st release
     from Aminet at Sunet. Mother Earth is more visible here and almost the
     whole continent of Africa can be seen above the ftp lister. Also the MCP
     enhanced titlebar is visible on this snapshot.


System software used:

-Amiga OS 3.0
-CyberGraphX V3 and the V43 datatypes
-Directory Opus 5.65 Magellan in Workbench replacement mode
-Executive Taskscheduler and Dashboard.
-MCP, the Master Control Program!
-NewIcons V4
-MagicMenu 2.19
-VisualPrefs and FullPalette GUI enhancement prog.

System hardware used:

-Server tower from Eagle-CP with 250W psu.
-Original Commodore A1200 motherboard.
-Blizzard 1230-II from Phase5 with 68EC030@40MHz, 68882@50MHz and 20Mb of RAM.
-OnBoard Shuttle 1200 from RBM with 7 Zorro-II and 5 PC-ISA slots.
-CyberVision64/3D 24-bit graphicsboard from Phase5
-Quantum Scirocco 1.7 IDE harddrive.
-Golstar 8x IDE CD-ROM
-Samsung SyncMaster 15GLi monitor.
-HP deskjet 540 put-it-on-paper machine.
-Microcom DeskPorte 33.6 modem.


Thanx again 4 your interest,
Dan Muldin

Amiga, alive and kicking a*s!

Email:     <>
        or <>

WWW:       <>
        or <>
        or <>

Contents of pix/wb/danm_Dopebench.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]               206622  223305  92.5% -lh5- bce7 Sep 27  1997 danm_Dopebench.000.jpeg
[generic]               185312  200369  92.5% -lh5- 6802 Sep 28  1997 danm_Dopebench.001.jpeg
[generic]               186406  212695  87.6% -lh5- d306 Oct  4  1997 danm_Dopebench.002.jpeg
[generic]               167114  194717  85.8% -lh5- 6421 Oct  4  1997 danm_Dopebench.003.jpeg
[generic]               204593  215008  95.2% -lh5- 15d5 Oct  4  1997 danm_Dopebench.004.jpeg
[generic]                 1727    3479  49.6% -lh5- 19ef Oct  4  1997 danm_Dopebench.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total         6 files  951774 1049573  90.7%            Oct  5  1997
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