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Short:Color fonts in Amiga format
Download:text/bfont/Color1.lha - View contents

Here are some color fonts with index images for each and a global index
image. DPaint and many other programs will read these; just extract the
archive to fonts:

============================= Archive contents =============================

Original  Packed Ratio    Date     Time    Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------  -------------
  202262   76382 62.2% 18-Jan-96 05:11:46  0Color1_Index.iff
     264      36 86.3% 15-Jun-80 13:48:24  BentBlue.font
   16512    9037 45.2% 18-Jan-96 03:26:22  BentBlue.iff
  101824   33380 67.2% 15-Jun-80 13:48:24 +60.16C
     264      31 88.2% 10-Aug-90 02:03:04  Bones.font
    1596     716 55.1% 18-Jan-96 03:26:24  Bones.iff
   26368    6326 76.0% 10-Aug-90 02:02:18 +50.4C
     264      34 87.1% 10-Aug-90 02:51:54  Brick.font
    2378    1548 34.9% 18-Jan-96 03:26:24  Brick.iff
   19976    5703 71.4% 10-Aug-90 02:51:52 +32.16C
     264      28 89.3% 10-Aug-90 02:12:30  Brush.font
    4752    1701 64.2% 18-Jan-96 03:26:24  Brush.iff
   15724    6613 57.9% 10-Aug-90 02:11:44 +50
   33864   13028 61.5% 10-Aug-90 02:18:48 +52.4C
     264      35 86.7% 17-Sep-92 19:45:14  Busorama.font
    5066    2821 44.3% 18-Jan-96 03:26:26  Busorama.iff
   38632   17643 54.3% 17-Sep-92 19:44:20 +40.16C
     524      39 92.5% 10-Aug-90 02:18:02  Byte.font
     760     483 36.4% 18-Jan-96 03:26:26  Byte.iff
    2532    1309 48.3% 10-Aug-90 02:17:26 +16
    1208     778 35.5% 10-Aug-90 02:17:28 +8
     264      34 87.1% 17-Sep-92 19:45:14  Caligra.font
   16740    8666 48.2% 18-Jan-96 03:26:26  Caligra.iff
   90632   36988 59.1% 17-Sep-92 19:44:20 +70.16C
     264      40 84.8% 10-Aug-90 02:10:24  Camouflage.font
    3212    1472 54.1% 18-Jan-96 03:26:26  Camouflage.iff
   22248    4747 78.6% 10-Aug-90 02:10:14 +39.16C
     264      33 87.5% 18-Oct-89 18:40:26  Candy.font
    3712    1619 56.3% 18-Jan-96 03:26:26  Candy.iff
   43156   16062 62.7% 18-Oct-89 18:40:22 +60.8C
     264      35 86.7% 02-Sep-91 16:08:36  Chelt.font
    8468    2174 74.3% 18-Jan-96 03:26:28  Chelt.iff
   96784   15929 83.5% 02-Sep-91 16:08:36 +57.16C
     264      35 86.7% 17-Sep-92 19:45:16  Cherrydo.font
     966     462 52.1% 18-Jan-96 03:26:28  Cherrydo.iff
   15392    3224 79.0% 17-Sep-92 19:44:20 +29.8C
     264      38 85.6% 01-Mar-92 13:29:48  Chessfont.font
     994     507 48.9% 18-Jan-96 03:26:28  Chessfont.iff
    3028     975 67.8% 01-Mar-92 13:29:48 +21.8C
     264      33 87.5% 17-Sep-92 19:45:16  Coop16.font
   29978   14927 50.2% 18-Jan-96 03:26:30  Coop16.iff
  202624   50529 75.0% 17-Sep-92 19:44:24 +105.16C
     264      32 87.8% 10-Aug-90 02:08:56  Copper116.font
    5802    2677 53.8% 18-Jan-96 03:26:30  Copper116.iff
   95832   26387 72.4% 10-Aug-90 02:06:02 +66.16C
     264      32 87.8% 10-Aug-90 02:08:58  Copper216.font
    5802    2677 53.8% 18-Jan-96 03:26:30  Copper216.iff
   95832   26386 72.4% 10-Aug-90 02:06:36 +66.16C
     264      32 87.8% 10-Aug-90 02:09:02  Copper316.font
    5802    2675 53.8% 18-Jan-96 03:26:32  Copper316.iff
   95832   26388 72.4% 10-Aug-90 02:07:08 +66.16C
     264      32 87.8% 10-Aug-90 03:42:42  Crypto.font
    1104     625 43.3% 18-Jan-96 03:26:32  Crypto.iff
   19032    4098 78.4% 10-Aug-90 03:41:20 +30.16C
     264      35 86.7% 17-Sep-92 19:45:18  Diamonds.font
   13148    5184 60.5% 18-Jan-96 03:26:32  Diamonds.iff
   85244   20814 75.5% 17-Sep-92 19:44:26 +60.8C
     264      25 90.5% 10-Aug-90 02:12:34  Diva.font
    6502    1705 73.7% 18-Jan-96 03:26:34  Diva.iff
   17124    5324 68.9% 10-Aug-90 02:11:50 +54
   59332   28459 52.0% 10-Aug-90 02:19:08 +54.8C
     264      35 86.7% 04-Dec-91 21:39:38  ElsyBlue.font
    1086     400 63.1% 18-Jan-96 03:26:34  ElsyBlue.iff
   19032    2641 86.1% 04-Dec-91 21:39:44 +30.16C
     264      36 86.3% 04-Dec-91 21:39:30  ElsyBlue2.font
    2100     565 73.0% 18-Jan-96 03:26:34  ElsyBlue2.iff
   24312    4158 82.8% 04-Dec-91 21:39:36 +35.16C
     264      30 88.6% 17-Sep-92 19:45:20  Eye.font
   29098   17647 39.3% 18-Jan-96 03:26:36  Eye.iff
  202624   63065 68.8% 17-Sep-92 19:44:28 +105.16C
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
 1802096  578364 67.9% 04-Nov-95 17:08:06   70 files

Contents of text/bfont/Color1.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                76382  202262  37.8% -lh5- a3e5 Jan 18  1996 0Color1_Index.iff
[generic]                   36     264  13.6% -lh5- 2026 Jun 15  1980 BentBlue.font
[generic]                 9037   16512  54.7% -lh5- a872 Jan 18  1996 BentBlue.iff
[generic]                33380  101824  32.8% -lh5- 153c Jun 15  1980 BentBlue/60.16C
[generic]                   31     264  11.7% -lh5- d583 Aug 10  1990 Bones.font
[generic]                  716    1596  44.9% -lh5- fbd6 Jan 18  1996 Bones.iff
[generic]                 6326   26368  24.0% -lh5- c8b7 Aug 10  1990 Bones/50.4C
[generic]                   34     264  12.9% -lh5- 7c97 Aug 10  1990 Brick.font
[generic]                 1548    2378  65.1% -lh5- 4704 Jan 18  1996 Brick.iff
[generic]                 5703   19976  28.5% -lh5- 65a7 Aug 10  1990 Brick/32.16C
[generic]                   28     264  10.6% -lh5- 68a3 Aug 10  1990 Brush.font
[generic]                 1701    4752  35.8% -lh5- cfb1 Jan 18  1996 Brush.iff
[generic]                 6613   15724  42.1% -lh5- e448 Aug 10  1990 Brush/50
[generic]                13028   33864  38.5% -lh5- 48e8 Aug 10  1990 Brush/52.4C
[generic]                   35     264  13.3% -lh5- e8bd Sep 17  1992 Busorama.font
[generic]                 2821    5066  55.7% -lh5- 8186 Jan 18  1996 Busorama.iff
[generic]                17643   38632  45.7% -lh5- bb74 Sep 17  1992 Busorama/40.16C
[generic]                   39     524   7.4% -lh5- 9d88 Aug 10  1990 Byte.font
[generic]                  483     760  63.6% -lh5- 921c Jan 18  1996 Byte.iff
[generic]                 1309    2532  51.7% -lh5- 19c4 Aug 10  1990 Byte/16
[generic]                  778    1208  64.4% -lh5- 1e19 Aug 10  1990 Byte/8
[generic]                   34     264  12.9% -lh5- 4a89 Sep 17  1992 Caligra.font
[generic]                 8666   16740  51.8% -lh5- fc92 Jan 18  1996 Caligra.iff
[generic]                36988   90632  40.8% -lh5- d050 Sep 17  1992 Caligra/70.16C
[generic]                   40     264  15.2% -lh5- ab7b Aug 10  1990 Camouflage.font
[generic]                 1472    3212  45.8% -lh5- a713 Jan 18  1996 Camouflage.iff
[generic]                 4747   22248  21.3% -lh5- e80f Aug 10  1990 Camouflage/39.16C
[generic]                   33     264  12.5% -lh5- 744c Oct 18  1989 Candy.font
[generic]                 1619    3712  43.6% -lh5- 6af7 Jan 18  1996 Candy.iff
[generic]                16062   43156  37.2% -lh5- b341 Oct 18  1989 Candy/60.8C
[generic]                   35     264  13.3% -lh5- f71c Sep  2  1991 Chelt.font
[generic]                 2174    8468  25.7% -lh5- 5d3b Jan 18  1996 Chelt.iff
[generic]                15929   96784  16.5% -lh5- feb4 Sep  2  1991 Chelt/57.16C
[generic]                   35     264  13.3% -lh5- 42b3 Sep 17  1992 Cherrydo.font
[generic]                  462     966  47.8% -lh5- 0b98 Jan 18  1996 Cherrydo.iff
[generic]                 3224   15392  20.9% -lh5- 612c Sep 17  1992 Cherrydo/29.8C
[generic]                   38     264  14.4% -lh5- a77b Mar  1  1992 Chessfont.font
[generic]                  507     994  51.0% -lh5- 8eff Jan 18  1996 Chessfont.iff
[generic]                  975    3028  32.2% -lh5- 1aaa Mar  1  1992 Chessfont/21.8C
[generic]                   33     264  12.5% -lh5- 8356 Sep 17  1992 Coop16.font
[generic]                14927   29978  49.8% -lh5- f873 Jan 18  1996 Coop16.iff
[generic]                50529  202624  24.9% -lh5- 5c37 Sep 17  1992 Coop16/105.16C
[generic]                   32     264  12.1% -lh5- ef20 Aug 10  1990 Copper116.font
[generic]                 2677    5802  46.1% -lh5- cd39 Jan 18  1996 Copper116.iff
[generic]                26387   95832  27.5% -lh5- f5b3 Aug 10  1990 Copper116/66.16C
[generic]                   32     264  12.1% -lh5- 1c20 Aug 10  1990 Copper216.font
[generic]                 2677    5802  46.1% -lh5- 07f8 Jan 18  1996 Copper216.iff
[generic]                26386   95832  27.5% -lh5- 077f Aug 10  1990 Copper216/66.16C
[generic]                   32     264  12.1% -lh5- 4d20 Aug 10  1990 Copper316.font
[generic]                 2675    5802  46.1% -lh5- d864 Jan 18  1996 Copper316.iff
[generic]                26388   95832  27.5% -lh5- 16f8 Aug 10  1990 Copper316/66.16C
[generic]                   32     264  12.1% -lh5- af69 Aug 10  1990 Crypto.font
[generic]                  625    1104  56.6% -lh5- 3a11 Jan 18  1996 Crypto.iff
[generic]                 4098   19032  21.5% -lh5- cb54 Aug 10  1990 Crypto/30.16C
[generic]                   35     264  13.3% -lh5- 019d Sep 17  1992 Diamonds.font
[generic]                 5184   13148  39.4% -lh5- 686c Jan 18  1996 Diamonds.iff
[generic]                20814   85244  24.4% -lh5- 9247 Sep 17  1992 Diamonds/60.8C
[generic]                   25     264   9.5% -lh5- f22c Aug 10  1990 Diva.font
[generic]                 1705    6502  26.2% -lh5- ffab Jan 18  1996 Diva.iff
[generic]                 5324   17124  31.1% -lh5- 15a2 Aug 10  1990 Diva/54
[generic]                28459   59332  48.0% -lh5- f970 Aug 10  1990 Diva/54.8C
[generic]                   35     264  13.3% -lh5- 8cb9 Dec  4  1991 ElsyBlue.font
[generic]                  400    1086  36.8% -lh5- 994d Jan 18  1996 ElsyBlue.iff
[generic]                 2641   19032  13.9% -lh5- a3b6 Dec  4  1991 ElsyBlue/30.16C
[generic]                   36     264  13.6% -lh5- 2ad9 Dec  4  1991 ElsyBlue2.font
[generic]                  565    2100  26.9% -lh5- cd1f Jan 18  1996 ElsyBlue2.iff
[generic]                 4158   24312  17.1% -lh5- a288 Dec  4  1991 ElsyBlue2/35.16C
[generic]                   30     264  11.4% -lh5- b1bf Sep 17  1992 Eye.font
[generic]                17647   29098  60.6% -lh5- be58 Jan 18  1996 Eye.iff
[generic]                63065  202624  31.1% -lh5- 2422 Sep 17  1992 Eye/105.16C
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        70 files  578364 1802096  32.1%            Nov  4  1995
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