84781 packages online
text/dtp/GSGui_68k.lha |
No screenshot available
Short: | GUI for Ghostscript8 in MUI |
Author: | Michael.Merkel, Mathias Parnaudeau |
Uploader: | Michael Merkel gmx net |
Type: | text/dtp |
Version: | 0.38 |
Architecture: | generic |
Date: | 2008-04-22 |
Requires: | Ghostscript8.xx, MUI |
Replaces: | gfx/conv/GSGui_68k.lha |
Download: | text/dtp/GSGui_68k.lha - View contents | Readme: | text/dtp/GSGui_68k.readme |
Downloads: | 2282 |
Simple Graphical User Interface for the Ghostscript8 port done by whoosh.
The previous GUI was written in rxMUI but due to a problem on MorphOS/OS4
(a bug in rmh.library) and needs for a professional use, it was decided to
write a new GUI in C.
Mathias Parnaudeau did it thanks to the GS8Gui original sources by Michael
When the program was almost usable in a basic form, many features were
discussed with Michael and whoosh. Then Michael added these features that
brought much more quality to the program.
This GUI complete replaces the old GS8Gui.rexx srcipt!
spread it! use it! _write me!_
* Ghostscript8.xx ported by whoosh (http://www.whoosh777.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk)
(also other ports should work)
* MUI (aminet)
* Postscript or PDF files
* Extract this archive and copy the drawer where you want.
* The GS executable name is stored in the "GSExe" tooltype of GSGui. Its default
value is "Ghostscript:gs" which is the original location of ghostsript. You
may need to change it to the correct executable on your installation. For
example the lates version of whooshs ghostscript needs "GS854:bin/gs".
* Just start the program via shell or via its icon (Workbench).
* The internal viewers work with whooshs port and are the preferred ones. They
will NOT work when using the OS4 native version of Ghostscript.
* you can use it as a default-icon -tool for your PS/PDF files now
The file to handle
The action to execute (optional, default DISPLAY)
A Prefs file to use (optional, default default-Prefs)
Quit after handling file
* DEBUG=1:
Some *very* minor debug output
* GSStack:
The stack ghostscript is called with (Default = 500000)
* GSExe:
the GS executable (default: "GS854:bin/gs")
* StartAction:
See shell arguments DISPLAY/PRINT/CONVERT
* StartPrefs:
See shell argument PREFS
* Quit, DEBUG, GSStack:
The .CT file is included. If you want to do a translation just send it to me
so I can include it with the next version or do an interim update.)
* v0.38 (21.4.2008 - same version, small update)
- BUG: The executable flag was not set - sorry
- NEW: French catalog by Patrice Brochard added (thanks!!) -> FIXED NOW!
* v0.38 (19.4.2008)
- BUG: The stack settings never were read from the tooltypes when starting
from workbench (Thanks Christoph Pölzl)
* v0.37 (10.3.2008)
- CHG: swedish catalog by Pär Boberg updated - NEW: You can now drop source
files on the GSGui window (Thanks Christoph Pölzl)
* v0.36 (5.3.2008)
- BUG: Stupid!! The stack was set twice - one was hardcoded to 200000 when
calling gsgui via syscall...
Removed this fixed value now - only the tooltype/commandline one is
valid now.
* v0.35 (25.02.2008)
- BUG: Possible GSGui crash because of too small stack default - see below
- NEW: The GhostScript process is now called with a default stack of 500000.
This can be changed via tooltype "GSStack".
- NEW: OS4 version available on os4depot.net and via AmiUpdate
* v0.34 (20.02.2008)
- BUG: The page count missed the "" around the file. This could lead to a
crash - CHG: The input file is now also stored with the settings (again)
- NEW: Some *minor* debug output for me
* v0.33 (07.10.2007)
- CHG: Detection of the "ported type" of ghostscript. If it is not Whooshs
port, the internal viewing, the "tp#?" and "whoosh#?" output devices
are disabled now.
Instead the "turboprint" printer device is available then.
* v0.32 (14.09.2007)
- NEW: Swedish catalog by Pär Boberg - CHG: Changed the way to read the
number of pages of a PDF file - using ghostscript itself now (thanks to
Ernest Unrau for the suggestion)
* v0.31 (05.09.2007)
- CHG: Removed slider for "Page from" and "Page to" fields. Makes no sense.
- NEW: Checkmark "All" for pages input to handle always all pages
- NEW: Some TabChain definitions for navigation with keyboard
* v0.30 (03.09.2007)
- BUGFIX: CONVERTDEVICE not always respected - NEW: Fully localized!
Included are english (built in) and german - NEW: Shell arguments and
tooltypes to display a file immediately - NEW: Loading/Saving of prefs, prefs
are no longer saved on exit! Filename is no longer remembered.
- NEW: Menus for loading/saving of settings
- NEW: Can be used as Tool in default icon for PS/PDF files
- NEW: AmiUpdate support for future releases (OS4 only)
* v0.20 (25.06.2007)
- first working release
Michael Merkel
Michael.Merkel@gmx.net - http://www.mirime.de/Michael/
Mathias Parnaudeau
amigadev@free.fr - http://amigadev.free.fr/
for porting Ghostscript8.xx to the wonderful Amiga
Christoph Poelzl
for testing and support
for his phantastic icon
Contents of text/dtp/GSGui_68k.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[generic] 9705 11778 82.4% -lh5- 36d9 Dec 8 2007 GSGui.info
[generic] 18919 42832 44.2% -lh5- 3f48 Apr 21 2008 GSGui/GSGui
[generic] 9788 12359 79.2% -lh5- 4887 Apr 19 2008 GSGui/GSGui.info
[generic] 2510 5307 47.3% -lh5- 6621 Apr 21 2008 GSGui/GSGui.readme
[generic] 5438 6200 87.7% -lh5- 28b8 Jun 25 2007 GSGui/GSGui.readme.info
[generic] 6 6 100.0% -lh0- 09ab Apr 21 2008 GSGui/Catalogs/.DUMMY
[generic] 1621 3760 43.1% -lh5- 0cf1 Apr 21 2008 GSGui/Catalogs/french/GSGui.catalog
[generic] 1720 3992 43.1% -lh5- 213f Apr 21 2008 GSGui/Catalogs/german/GSGui.catalog
[generic] 1573 3536 44.5% -lh5- 6059 Apr 21 2008 GSGui/Catalogs/svenska/GSGui.catalog
[generic] 5265 6206 84.8% -lh5- 6a3e Jun 25 2007 GSGui/Icons.info
[generic] 5265 6206 84.8% -lh5- 45a1 Jun 16 2007 GSGui/Icons/DualPNG_Mason.info
[generic] 7645 8466 90.3% -lh5- 0dff Jun 16 2007 GSGui/Icons/DualPNG_Mason/GSGui_drawer.info
[generic] 8055 8890 90.6% -lh5- 7f6c Jun 16 2007 GSGui/Icons/DualPNG_Mason/GSGui_exe.info
[generic] 5265 6206 84.8% -lh5- 09d6 Jun 16 2007 GSGui/Icons/GlowIcon.info
[generic] 3853 6342 60.8% -lh5- 3737 Jun 16 2007 GSGui/Icons/GlowIcon/GSGui_drawer.info
[generic] 1070 1358 78.8% -lh5- 0061 Jun 16 2007 GSGui/Icons/GlowIcon/GSGui_exe.info
[generic] 5266 6206 84.9% -lh5- 8e4b Jun 16 2007 GSGui/Icons/PNG.info
[generic] 6198 6447 96.1% -lh5- 9eb0 Jun 16 2007 GSGui/Icons/PNG/GSGui_exe.info
[generic] 1952 7627 25.6% -lh5- c5ea Apr 21 2008 GSGui/GSGui.cd
[generic] 1956 7473 26.2% -lh5- c015 Apr 21 2008 GSGui/GSGui.ct
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
Total 20 files 103070 161197 63.9% Apr 21 2008
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