84794 packages online
text/dtp/MUItxtRotator.lha |
No screenshot available
Short: | PGS3 arexx script - place text around an ellipse |
Author: | Michael.Merkel gmx.net (Michael Merkel) |
Uploader: | Michael Merkel gmx net (Michael Merkel) |
Type: | text/dtp |
Version: | 4.04 (26.06.1998) |
Architecture: | generic |
Date: | 1998-07-10 |
Replaces: | text/dtp/MUItxtRotator.lha |
Download: | text/dtp/MUItxtRotator.lha - View contents | Readme: | text/dtp/MUItxtRotator.readme |
Downloads: | 428 |
This is an ARexx script for use with PageStream3.
With this script it's possible to place a selectable text (or textfile) around
a circle, ellipse or a spiral.
Just select the object and call the script.
spread it! use it! _write me!_
- PageStream3 (of course!!!) >= V3.3x
- MUIREXX V3.x!! (Aminet: dev/mui/MUIRexx_3_0a.lha)
- rexxmathlib.library (Aminet : util/rexx/RexxMathLib.lha)
- a circle or similar
* install it with the installer script
* select "Play Script" in PageStream3
* loooook!!!
* ---------- *
* The prefs window of MUItxtRotator can be quite large *
* depending on your MUI font configuration. So be shure *
* to have a WorkBench/PageStream3 screen which is large *
* enough! Otherwise it can result in crashes at startup! *
V1.00 - V2.03 (March - August 1996)
* non public versions
V2.04 (03. August 1996)
* first public release
V2.05 (04. August 1996)
* fixed a bug in the drawing loop. last character wasn't placed at the
desired position
* fixed error in requester. only 10 text gadgets are allowed under PGS3
V3.00 (07. August 1996)
* some code cleanup
* added support for spiral text!!
V3.01 (08. August 1996)
* text for a spiral is now scaled!!
this looks *much* better
* added prefs file (all user settings are saved now)
V3.02 (26. August 1996)
* very very little code cleanup for requester
* arexxlist was not cleared :-(
V3.03 (25. September 1996)
* corrected the gadgets (labels) to the new format introduced with V3.2b6 of PGS
V3.04 (26. September 1996)
* coordinate handling changed again! (V3.2b8)
Now txtRotator sets the default measurement system to points during the work!
After placing the letters the measurement system is set to the one specified in
the PageStream.prefs file!
V3.05 (12. October 1996)
* added the possibility to hide the window while setting the text.
this is *much* faster on slow machines (well, on every machine!)
* bugfix - will not crash when entering no text
* nicer looking busy requester :-)
V4.00 (14. June 1998)
* switched over to MUIRexx for the interface design!
(gives much more possibilities for requesters and parameters)
* corrected EMail address
* added possibility to load the text from an ASCII(!) file.
Even special characters (unicodes) and be used.
eg a "\8226" will result in a bullet and a "\0916" in a delta.
"\\" will result in a backslash.
V4.01 (16. June 1998)
* the progress gauge in the busy window was not used -> fixed!
* angles are only from 0 to 360 degrees. If an arc was used an end angle of
>360 degrees was the result. But it was not used 8-( -> hopefully fixed!
* added a switch in the busy window to turn off or on the document window.
(Speed up for the drawing! Like in the old txtRotator.rexx)
* added a button to show an example arc. So you can check out the angle settings.
(does this really work??)
V4.02 (19. June 1998)
* improved the preview of the example arc. Now includes _all_ features as there are
spiral, surroundings, direction, position!
* added entry for the quality of the preview!
* lock bug introduced with the example preview. Canceling while rotating
was not possible -> fixed!
V4.03 (24. June 1998)
* "save as" always reacted like "save" -> fixed!
V4.04 (26. June 1998)
* quick fix! "Save" saves as "MuiFontCatalog.prefs" instead of "MUItxtRotator.prefs"!
-> fixed! (thanks to Brian Hosty!)
Michael Merkel (MiMe@IRC)
Michael.Merkel@gmx.net (Michael Merkel)
SoftLogik for this wonderful program! It's the best on all platforms...
Contents of text/dtp/MUItxtRotator.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 608 1593 38.2% -lh5- f054 Jun 10 1998 MUItxtRotator.info
[generic] 488 1356 36.0% -lh5- a397 Jun 14 1998 muitxtrotator/Install-MUItxtRotator
[generic] 1532 4573 33.5% -lh5- 3e0d Jun 14 1998 muitxtrotator/Install-MUItxtRotator.info
[generic] 303 3423 8.9% -lh5- 376c Feb 28 1998 muitxtrotator/MUItxtRotator.pic
[generic] 1983 4158 47.7% -lh5- 7dd1 Jun 26 1998 muitxtrotator/MUItxtRotator.readme
[generic] 8786 32806 26.8% -lh5- a904 Jun 26 1998 muitxtrotator/MUItxtRotator.rexx
[generic] 140 292 47.9% -lh5- 48aa Jun 14 1998 muitxtrotator/MUItxtRotatorStart.rexx
[generic] 95 112 84.8% -lh5- f400 Jun 14 1998 muitxtrotator/ScriptMenu.AppendMe
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 8 files 13935 48313 28.8% Jul 9 1998
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