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Welcome to PageStream 2.2.HL. This is a maintenance upgrade from
PageStream 2.2.
Make sure you read all of the readme files.
They contain important information on installation.
BREAK LINKS: You can now 'un-publish' a picture or text article to
break the link between it and the edition file on disk. To break the
link select the desired element and then choose the Publish command
while holding down a Shift key.
LANDSCAPE PRINTING: Printing landscape pages to non-PostScript printers
with an unequal aspect ratio (ie: 180x360 dpi instead of for example
180x180dpi) distorted bitmap pictures. This is fixed in 2.2 HL.
IMPORT PICTURES: Importing graphics into picture windows did not work
if certain program settings were defaulted on in 2.2. This is fixed in
2.2 HL.
POSTSCRIPT TYPE 1 FONTS: The normal, roman or standard style of all
fonts is now correctly displayed in the font requester.
FILE REQUESTERS: PageStream will now work with replacements for
AmigaDOS 2.04's ASL file requester such as FR_Bypass (Khalid's file
requester) or the MFR (Magic File Requester).
8 AND 16 COLOR MODES: Window gadget highlighting now matches the 2.04
TAGS: Appending tags, appending documents and hotlinking text now checks to
see if a tag already exists before adding it to the list so multiple copies
of tags will not accumulate.
HOTLINKS: Many changes have been made to the HotLinks features in 2.2 HL.
If you use HotLinks you must use 2.2 HL, not 2.2.
Soft-Logik Publishing is proud to announce that HotLinks Editions is now
shipping. This package contains everything you need to start using
HotLinks right away. It includes BME (BitMap Editor), PageLiner (text
processor) and HotLinks itself. You can purchase it from your local
dealer or order it from sales for $99.95. It is available directly from
Soft-Logik to registered owners of PageStream for just $75 for a limited
PageStream 2.2 HL is a HotLinks compatible application. Watch for more
exciting HotLinks programs from your favorite Amiga software houses. If
one of your programs isn't HotLinks compatible and you would like
HotLinks features added to it, call its technical support department
and request that they add HotLinks.
If you would like to add HotLinks to your programs, call Soft-Logik at
800-829-8608 and ask for Dan Weiss. He will get you our HotLinks
developer package. This package is available free to developers.
The next issue of DTP World, the Soft-Logik newsletter, will be mailed
to all registered owners of Soft-Logik products. If you have not mailed
in your registration card or if you've moved and not informed us of your
new address you will not receive DTP World.
"Where is Art Expression?" We are still working on this exciting new
Amiga illustration package. We will let you know by mail as soon as it
is ready for release. No shipping date has been set at this time.
Don't forget about the exciting Soft-Logik Typeface Library. This
collection of over 600 PostScript Type 1 fonts can be used with any
printer with PageStream 2.2 HL. They will also work with the upcoming
Art Expression illustration program. Attention Saxon Publisher and
Professional Page users: you can now use these fonts with Professional
Page 3.0 (Gold Disk reportedly supplies a font conversion program which
will accept these fonts for use with ProPage 3.0), and with Saxon
Publisher 1.2 (SaxonScript is used to create Saxon format fonts.)
Contact Gold Disk or Saxon Industries for more information on font
compatibility with their software.
And don't forget the Soft-Logik Graphic Library. This collection of 21
volumes of high quality Encapsulated PostScript clip art is the ideal
source for all your illustration needs, and is now available from your
dealer or Soft-Logik Publishing. Virtually all of these graphics are in
Illustrator EPS format so they can be imported into PageStream as
editable objects. EPS clip art can also be used with Art Expression,
Professional Page and Saxon Publisher.
Thank you for using PageStream. We hope you enjoy this latest free
upgrade. New versions of printer drivers and import modules can be found
by dialing the Soft-Logik BBS with your modem at 314-894-0057. We
provide official technical support on our BBS, on CompuServe (type GO
AMIGAVEN or GO ATARIVEN) and on GEnie (move 385).
Phone support is also available at 314-894-0431. Due to the popularity
of PageStream our technical support staff are often busy. We hope to
remedy this situation in the near future. If you do not have access to a
modem, you can mail your questions to Soft-Logik Technical Support or
fax them to 314-894-3280.
Soft-Logik Publishing is dedicated to providing you with the highest
quality publishing solutions. PageStream 2.2 HL is our third free
upgrade since PageStream 2.0. HotLinks Editions, and the Typeface and
Graphic Libraries make the Soft-Logik Publishing Solution your best
publishing solution for Amiga computers.
Contents of text/dtp/pgs2ptch.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 7808 13132 59.5% -lh5- 898f Mar 6 1992 lpatch
[generic] 1636 3823 42.8% -lh5- 6229 Mar 15 1992 Patch.ReadMe
[generic] 235 377 62.3% -lh5- b826 Mar 14 1992 Patch.ReadMe.info
[generic] 16309 26640 61.2% -lh5- 194b Mar 6 1992 pgs22.pch
[generic] 17787 28928 61.5% -lh5- 421a Mar 6 1992 pgs22u.pch
[generic] 2507 5306 47.2% -lh5- 083c Mar 14 1992 README.First!
[generic] 123 277 44.4% -lh5- 6492 Mar 14 1992 README.First!.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 7 files 46405 78483 59.1% Aug 15 1992
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Aminet © 1992-2024 Urban
Müller and the Aminet team.
Aminet contact address: <aminet aminet net> |