============================== F E A T U R E S ==============================
MicroEMACS version 3.6 (Lemacs) as enhanced by Daniel Lawrence.
This version works and has been tested on Unix V7, BSD 4.2, Amiga, MS-DOS,
and VMS. Enhancements include overwrite mode, support for Amiga function
keys, reverse video status line, numeric arguments using <ESC><number>,
replace, buffer specific editing modes, word wrap mode, goto-line, buffer
rename, insert-file, execute named command, describe bindings, startup
files, and more.
============================ R E Q U I R E M E N T ==========================
MEmacs tested and worked fine on the following configurations:
- IcarOS i386 (Kickstart 51.51, Workbench 40.0, AROS ABIv0)
- AROS One i386 (Kickstart 51.51, Workbench 40.0, AROS ABIv0)
================================= U S A G E =================================
1.AROS> version MEmacs
MicroEMACS 3.6
1.AROS> MEmacs emacs.tut
================================ S O U R C E ================================
AROS port based on source by Daniel Lawrence
and has additional features:
+ Amiga-version support
+ fixed window size for modern resolution
AROS ported by
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home cross-compilation factory