* Faster than any other ANSI terminal engines! *
* Supports monochrome, 8-colors and 16-colors display *
People are using this software, but none has payed one dime.
Doesn't matter if it's one time or thousands of times..
You are killing support and development my friends...
Wake up.
$VER: ConDios 1.0 (01.01.99), library revised to 1.1
Copyright (C) 1998-1999 by Digital Surface/Kenneth "Kenny" Nilsen.
All rights reserved.
MINOR BUGFIX in condios.library:
- Forgot to add top border delta to y position. Now you can view
those special ascii files which produces "graphics" in the
console too (and that more than 4x as fast as with shell..).
With ConDios you can view plain text, ANSI text, ANSI graphics, ANSI
animations and more. It can be configured in many ways including
different filtering, sequence interpertations, visual and more.
It can process any file that contains ANSI 3.41, VT100 (VT54), VT220
ESCape control codes, CSI sequences, SGR, ISO, control codes and
EMCA94 Latin 1, and display the result in monochrome (2 colors),
Amiga ANSI (8 colors) or EGA (16 colors). You can choose between two
palettes, one for standard ANSI (8/16) and one to support ANSI
graphics colors (EGA) such as human skin. It can strip ANSI,
optionally wrap, scroll and much more. It can read a file of any
size as it uses buffered input. You can also specify several files on
the same comandline. The condios engine allocates its own colors on
any public screen you decide to open ConDios on (it's recommended that
you open on a screen with atleast 32 colors for EGA ANSIs). By using a
fifo or pipe you can actually use ConDios as a terminal display too..
ConDios uses the condios.library (which will have its own developer
package released later) that contains an ANSI engine. That means it
does NOT use the Amiga's console.device which is quite limited when it
comes to some of the features ConDios provides. However,
condios.library support almost every sequences in the console.device
except a few very specialized sequences (raw events etc) and a couple
of Amiga specific sequences are replaced with more 'global' ones. The
ANSI engine is written in assembler and even with all features enabled
it is upto 17% times faster then Amiga's console.device with plain
text and upto 55 times (!) faster with ANSI animations (A4000/030/25)
(see benchmarks inside archive).
The following standards are supported (some optional):
ANSI 3.41 (except CTC, TBC, DSR, aSRE, aIER, aRRE, aSKR, aWSR, HTS, RI,
some are special Amiga comands for RAW events etc.)
VT100 (VT52) (partly, cursor movements)
VT220 (partly, common codes and <ESC>[nX )
CSI sequences (code 155 replaces ESC+[ )
ISO sequences [reset, linefeed]
CTRL codes
ECMA 94 Latin 1
Detailed list inside of archive (doc file).