84794 packages online
util/arc/AmiZipRecover.lha |
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Short: | Amiziprecover beta v1(Amiga zip recover)recovers lost .zip passwords. |
Author: | mboran.fsnet.co.uk fs (by member of portacall amigausergroup) |
Uploader: | mboran fsnet co uk fs (by member of portacall amigausergroup) |
Type: | util/arc |
Version: | 0.1 |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos |
Date: | 2004-02-23 |
Download: | util/arc/AmiZipRecover.lha - View contents | Readme: | util/arc/AmiZipRecover.readme |
Downloads: | 7515 |
This is beta version 1 of the Amiziprecover
There are some changes made just before upload to aminet.
1.name has changed from Zip-RecoVer.lha to AmiZipRecover.lha.
2.added zip-recoverpro in this archive (beta version USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK)
3. more bugs fixed in both versions & recompiled.
Please note this software (not designed) to be used as cracking .zip files.
I have wrote ziprecover to recover my lost .zip passwords which i forget them very often when i transfer .zip files from windoz to amiga to work on.
why amiga
why amiga? basicly i`m a uni student one time last year 2003 i have .ziped some of my uni works & took them home on disk. after 2 weeks later then i needed them back but there was passwords on them
so i have looked at the unzip source code a bit good same night tryed some passwords that i can remmember
then i fedup typeing them in so i wrote this plus there was no any zip-recover utilitie for amiga anyway & here you go amiga user have a zip-recover utilitie.
plus it free to use.
any update versions
yes zip-recoverpro which i intent to use bruteforce or more options to recover lost passwords in more powerfull ways but its slow on 68k amigas.
i might rewrite code again if i get any requests from amigans but for time been use zip-recover because zip-recoverpro wont function fully until bug fixed version 2.
please also note bruteforce option can take time to recover & might crash your computer after it finds the password that happend to me couple times & dont now why some thing to do with the GUI interf
ace which is buggy dont get quit signals.
So i re write new GUI interface (called PGUI portacallGUI)& used on PuK-Lottery.LHA i might use PGUI on zip-recoverpro too.
only bug was the GUI interface which i wrote time a go you have to use return key after every inputs so it can function.
Contents of util/arc/AmiZipRecover.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 1359 1694 80.2% -lh5- 2389 Jul 10 2003 Zip-RecoVer.info
[generic] 0 0 ****** -lh0- 0000 Jul 10 2003 Zip-RecoVer/RecoVered/
[generic] 1361 1694 80.3% -lh5- 2527 Jul 10 2003 Zip-RecoVer/RecoVered.info
[generic] 12708 52160 24.4% -lh5- f974 Jul 10 2003 Zip-RecoVer/ScreenShot
[generic] 1490 2285 65.2% -lh5- 07ac Jul 10 2003 Zip-RecoVer/WrdBox.info
[generic] 102 128 79.7% -lh5- 2c78 Jul 10 2003 Zip-RecoVer/WrdBox/pwlist
[generic] 1211 4004 30.2% -lh5- 7313 Jul 10 2003 Zip-RecoVer/Zip-RecoVer.Guide
[generic] 1241 1880 66.0% -lh5- a75e Jul 10 2003 Zip-RecoVer/Zip-RecoVer.Guide.info
[generic] 11043 18860 58.6% -lh5- 6ac9 Jul 10 2003 Zip-RecoVer/Zip-RecoVer020
[generic] 1498 2148 69.7% -lh5- 710e Jul 10 2003 Zip-RecoVer/Zip-RecoVer020.info
[generic] 9840 19328 50.9% -lh5- 7642 Jul 10 2003 Zip-RecoVer/Zip-RecoVer040
[generic] 1499 2148 69.8% -lh5- f9ca Jul 10 2003 Zip-RecoVer/Zip-RecoVer040.info
[generic] 49838 118284 42.1% -lh5- 8c28 Jul 10 2003 Zip-RecoVer/Zip-RecoVer_Pro
[generic] 1508 2148 70.2% -lh5- 273a Jul 10 2003 Zip-RecoVer/Zip-RecoVer_Pro.info
[generic] 0 0 ****** -lh0- 0000 Jul 10 2003 Zip-RecoVer/ZipBox/
[generic] 1361 1694 80.3% -lh5- efae Jul 10 2003 Zip-RecoVer/ZipBox.info
[generic] 75 118 63.6% -lh5- 22c8 Jul 10 2003 Zip-RecoVer/.Key
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 17 files 96134 228573 42.1% Feb 22 2004
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