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Recently I've come across some .arc packed
files and thought it would be nice to have
a more uptodate version of this archiver...
Although it's a little bit outdated, it may
be of some use sometimes - and so, why not
directly make a PPC version instead of
fiddling with 68k first ?!
So, now it is finally available for
powerUP (TM), too...
There was some work necessary for porting
it to PPC - not actually changes to the
program itself, but additions to replace
missing/differing functions within the
compilers' library.
Within the directory "src" (archived to src.lha)
you find the complete, unmodified source code distribution.
Directory "srcpup" (archived to srcup.lha) does include
a smakefile + SCOPTIONS as well as the three sourcefiles
that had to be added (scandir.c, getwd.c, rename.c).
"rename()" had to be changed to be able to perform
a move() as well. Adjusting "scandir()" was a
little bit hacky/kludgy/tricky but resulted
in the nice bonus, that this version of ARC
is aware of the AmigaDOS "#?" wildcard
(should not be too difficult to extend readdir.c
to support the rest of the wildcards as well...)
The "bin" directory finally does include the
ELF binaries.
Those PPC binaries have the extension ".elf" and are
useable from Shell when being used with ppc.library V46+
Last not least:
Set some environment variables, for example as follows:
Note, that the given path must not end with a ":" or "/"
You MUST do these settings as described, otherwise
archiving won't work (because otherwise the unix-code will
produce something like "foo:/tmpfile" or "foo//tmpfile).
How to call the program:
1. Archiving: ARC.ELF a archive file1 file2 file3
ARC.ELF a archive pattern1#? pattern2#? file1
2. Dearchiving ARC.ELF e archive
P.S.: If the author did not forbid modifications in the
source code itself, this port would have been MUCH easier.
P.P.S: Late changes: with the newest SAS/C PPC version,
make sure, that tmclock.c (and only that one) is
compiled with BSD=0
ARK, 27/Aug/98
In the past, some guy called "SPH" took most of my free PPC ports
(those where the sources have been included) and ported them to WOS.
While I've nothing against WOS ports, an other point is very distasteful
and unfair in my opinion: removing all references to my name and initials
and simply replacing those with his own, while also removing all references
to PPC-Lib/ELF and replacing those with WOS references and usually some flames
or even offenses against the competing kernel and porter - without actually
rewriting the readme text itself in a major way (for example, if I describe what
*I* specifically did for the port - and what he didn't have to do a *second* time,
of course - he does not even remove/change *those* notes and/or give me credit).
This leads to the strange situation, that I hereby have to copyright this
.readme text, to claim its authorship and forbid changes which aren't
clearly marked as being changes to the original: While quotes may have
been derived from other parts of the distribution, the whole .readme as
such now is (C)opyrighted by Andreas R. Kleinert in 1998.
Copyrights to the other files remain as such. Nevertheless I'd ask anyone
to give me credit for the changes which I did myself and which of
course have been labeled/marked/documented as such. Even free software
lives from respecting the intellectual work and property of others. Thank you.
Contents of util/arc/arcPPC.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 211467 211467 100.0% -lh0- 55f5 Apr 8 1998 arcPPC/src.lha
[generic] 4069 4069 100.0% -lh0- c59d Apr 8 1998 arcPPC/srcpup.lha
[generic] 1926 4136 46.6% -lh5- ea8e Aug 27 1998 arcPPC/arcPPC.readme
[generic] 55899 133320 41.9% -lh5- d3a2 Aug 27 1998 arcPPC/bin/arc.elf
[generic] 34345 78913 43.5% -lh5- 14a7 Aug 27 1998 arcPPC/bin/marc.elf
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 5 files 307706 431905 71.2% Aug 29 1998
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