Make sure you read the documentation before usage.
I take no responsibility for misuse of this program.
arcsing is a program which is based on an earlier program which I wrote
known as zipsing.
See "zipsing.lha" on the aminet for arcsing's historical evolution. :)
WTF is arcsing ?
arcsing will archive a directory of files into individual archived files.
As each file is archived, the un-archived file is deleted, provided the
archive was successfully made.
arcsing currently supports the archivers ZIP, LHA, LZX, Shrink and 7zip.
NB: arcsing has been tested with various "1.x" versions of LHA and also
some of the latest LHA versions from the aminet (ie. v2.11 and v2.12).
However arcsing does not work with "LHA v2.1" and "LHA v2.2".
Yes "v2.11" is newer than "v2.2" in this case, so much for the rules of
decimal numerics. :)
Before using arcsing you should ensure that you have the archiver you wish
to use on your system and pathed.
Usage & installation eg:-
Copy arcsing to a pathed directory such as your C: directory.
Then from CLI type:-
CD "to your temporary files directory"
arcsing <ZIP/LHA/LZX/SHR/7z>
eg. CD temp_mod
arcsing lha
Alternatively, if you wish to use arcsing from the WorkBench you can use
the provided "arcsing_script".
This program was written out of shear bordem. ;)
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