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Short:The ultimate bootpic utility! (v4.00) FREE
Author: grzes at (Grzegorz Calkowski)
Uploader:grzes calkowski net
Download:util/boot/SysPic400free.lha - View contents

Version   4.00
Requires: Kickstart 3.0 or higher
Replaces: util/boot/SysPic400.lha

   This is free re-release (under GPL) of SysPic 4.00 originally released
   as shareware in September 1996. No functional modifications has been made.
   The full source code is available in util/boot/SysPic400src.lha.

   Here goes the feature list:

   SysPic 4.00                               * - a star feature :-)

      o is small & VERY fast! (picture decompression routines written
        in optimized assembly)

      o shows IFF-ILBM pictures of any size and resolution,
        supports AGA modes (also HAM8)

      * has a flexible script-like language which allows you to display
        configurable text with hard/soft info, also with typewritter and
        shadow effects

      * can display a realtime digital clock on the displayed picture

      * can fade-in picture and fade-out it to Workbench (with selectable
        rate) - this works in asynchronous manner (i.e no delays) -
        mouse pointer is also faded

      * can play IFF-8SVX samples or Protracker modules with volume slide
        synchronized to fade-out

      o centers picture both horizontally & *vertically*

      o centers the mouse pointer when exits

      * has a very powerful random selector - an option assures that
        a picture won't show twice until all pictures are shown

      o forces Workbench to open behind the displayed picture so it can be
        closed after whole Workbench initialization, also works with
        the Directory Opus 5, the Workbench replacement

      o has no problems with MCP 'PubModes' feature

      * is iprefs-jump proof - sets overscan prefs before IPrefs will do it!

      o picture can be displayed in a desired mode or just promoted to
        specific monitor

      o optionally blanks the pointer sprite so you won't see it when the
        Workbench screen opens (it would look annoying)

      * picture is automatically closed when something goes wrong with
        booting - when a requester pops up on Workbench or so

      o detaches from shell in an intelligent way (i.e after loading
        the picture)

      * DOES NOT fragment the memory!!!

      o has been thoroughly tested by a team of betatesters

Contents of util/boot/SysPic400free.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  554    1197  46.3% -lh5- 2e8a Sep 29  1996
[generic]                  808    1197  67.5% -lh5- a3d0 Sep 29  1996 SysPic-4.00free/
[generic]                  561     748  75.0% -lh5- 2b35 Jul  9  1995 SysPic-4.00free/C/GetModeID
[generic]                  651     908  71.7% -lh5- e701 Feb 25  1996 SysPic-4.00free/C/ListModes
[generic]                21227   36720  57.8% -lh5- bab5 May  1  2001 SysPic-4.00free/C/SysPic
[generic]                21074   36488  57.8% -lh5- 16f4 May  1  2001 SysPic-4.00free/C/SysPic.020
[generic]                 2679    4968  53.9% -lh5- 4d63 Jul  9  1995 SysPic-4.00free/C/UnpackILBM
[generic]                  246     304  80.9% -lh5- 4040 Feb 25  1996 SysPic-4.00free/C/WaitForFadeIn
[generic]                  736    1197  61.5% -lh5- 6857 Sep 29  1996 SysPic-4.00free/
[generic]                   62      93  66.7% -lh5- 4a71 Oct 12  1996 SysPic-4.00free/Demos/.syspics
[generic]                   53      55  96.4% -lh5- 0bda Sep 28  1996 SysPic-4.00free/Demos/A-Start
[generic]                  425     990  42.9% -lh5- 2eef Sep 28  1996 SysPic-4.00free/Demos/
[generic]                  568    1061  53.5% -lh5- a445 Sep 23  1996 SysPic-4.00free/Demos/A-Start.script
[generic]                   51      53  96.2% -lh5- 7243 Sep 28  1996 SysPic-4.00free/Demos/Amiga
[generic]                  425     990  42.9% -lh5- e732 Sep 28  1996 SysPic-4.00free/Demos/
[generic]                  749    1301  57.6% -lh5- 2702 Sep 23  1996 SysPic-4.00free/Demos/Amiga.script
[generic]                   53      54  98.1% -lh5- 2cfe Sep 28  1996 SysPic-4.00free/Demos/Amiga2
[generic]                  427     990  43.1% -lh5- 5c2c Sep 28  1996 SysPic-4.00free/Demos/
[generic]                  736    1275  57.7% -lh5- 5f91 Sep 28  1996 SysPic-4.00free/Demos/Amiga2.script
[generic]                   50      51  98.0% -lh5- 0af2 Sep 28  1996 SysPic-4.00free/Demos/AWS
[generic]                  423     990  42.7% -lh5- ab03 Sep 28  1996 SysPic-4.00free/Demos/
[generic]                  380     828  45.9% -lh5- 4e32 Sep 23  1996 SysPic-4.00free/Demos/AWS.script
[generic]                   51      53  96.2% -lh5- 0e98 Sep 28  1996 SysPic-4.00free/Demos/Clock
[generic]                  426     990  43.0% -lh5- 6f44 Sep 28  1996 SysPic-4.00free/Demos/
[generic]                  147     184  79.9% -lh5- 5067 Sep 23  1996 SysPic-4.00free/Demos/Clock.script
[generic]                  153     214  71.5% -lh5- 7d84 Sep 28  1996 SysPic-4.00free/Demos/Demos.readme
[generic]                  514    1396  36.8% -lh5- bc73 Sep 29  1996 SysPic-4.00free/Demos/
[generic]                   30     264  11.4% -lh5- 4144 Aug 29  1996 SysPic-4.00free/Demos/Fonts/Digital.font
[generic]                 1845    7292  25.3% -lh5- f488 Aug 29  1996 SysPic-4.00free/Demos/Fonts/Digital/50
[generic]                   50     784   6.4% -lh5- e892 Sep 20  1996 SysPic-4.00free/Demos/Fonts/SysPic.font
[generic]                 1076    1976  54.5% -lh5- 9644 Apr  5  1996 SysPic-4.00free/Demos/Fonts/SysPic/13
[generic]                 1947    3900  49.9% -lh5- 4ff3 Apr  5  1996 SysPic-4.00free/Demos/Fonts/SysPic/16
[generic]                 3690    8060  45.8% -lh5- cd42 Apr  5  1996 SysPic-4.00free/Demos/Fonts/SysPic/23
[generic]                   52      52 100.0% -lh0- 6f87 Sep 28  1996 SysPic-4.00free/Demos/Joke
[generic]                  424     990  42.8% -lh5- c228 Sep 28  1996 SysPic-4.00free/Demos/
[generic]                  469     869  54.0% -lh5- a0f1 Sep 23  1996 SysPic-4.00free/Demos/Joke.script
[generic]                 1011    4492  22.5% -lh5- f37d Sep 22  1996 SysPic-4.00free/Demos/Pics/amiga1.3.ilbm
[generic]                 6659   12608  52.8% -lh5- bf0e Jul 17  1996 SysPic-4.00free/Demos/Pics/amigalogo.ilbm
[generic]                 8593   26406  32.5% -lh5- 5564 Sep 22  1996 SysPic-4.00free/Demos/Pics/AWS.ilbm
[generic]                   79    1034   7.6% -lh5- c292 Sep 22  1996 SysPic-4.00free/Demos/Pics/black.ilbm
[generic]                   53      54  98.1% -lh5- 8742 Sep 28  1996 SysPic-4.00free/Demos/Random
[generic]                  424     990  42.8% -lh5- eecf Sep 28  1996 SysPic-4.00free/Demos/
[generic]                48417   69066  70.1% -lh5- f759 Jul 17  1996 SysPic-4.00free/Demos/SoundFiles/MidnightBluesTheme.8svx
[generic]                 7653   22002  34.8% -lh5- 44ae Jan 15  1996 SysPic-4.00free/Demos/SoundFiles/mod.Jack The Ripper
[generic]                   54      55  98.2% -lh5- 29b1 Sep 28  1996 SysPic-4.00free/Demos/Windoze
[generic]                  432     990  43.6% -lh5- 9e1b Sep 28  1996 SysPic-4.00free/Demos/
[generic]                  130     160  81.2% -lh5- 951d Sep 23  1996 SysPic-4.00free/Demos/Windoze.script
[generic]                    7       7 100.0% -lh0- 81ec Jan 31  1997 SysPic-4.00free/Demos/WindozePics/.exdata
[generic]                   40      98  40.8% -lh5- 6865 Oct 12  1996 SysPic-4.00free/Demos/WindozePics/.syspics
[generic]                 7690   31652  24.3% -lh5- d469 Jan 15  1996 SysPic-4.00free/Demos/WindozePics/windows1.ilbm
[generic]                 8095   32202  25.1% -lh5- e063 Jan 15  1996 SysPic-4.00free/Demos/WindozePics/windows2.ilbm
[generic]                 8099   32590  24.9% -lh5- a9e6 Jan 15  1996 SysPic-4.00free/Demos/WindozePics/windows3.ilbm
[generic]                 8396   33182  25.3% -lh5- aac0 Jan 15  1996 SysPic-4.00free/Demos/WindozePics/windows4.ilbm
[generic]                10089   35806  28.2% -lh5- b263 Jan 15  1996 SysPic-4.00free/Demos/WindozePics/windows5.ilbm
[generic]                 8120   32486  25.0% -lh5- fcf9 Feb  3  1996 SysPic-4.00free/Demos/WindozePics/windows6.ilbm
[generic]                 7405   31482  23.5% -lh5- ccf9 Feb  3  1996 SysPic-4.00free/Demos/WindozePics/windows7.ilbm
[generic]                  732    1779  41.1% -lh5- dfc6 Sep 23  1996 SysPic-4.00free/Install SysPic
[generic]                 1037    1851  56.0% -lh5- 8fec Sep 29  1996 SysPic-4.00free/Install
[generic]                 4580    8004  57.2% -lh5- 86a7 Aug 13  1996 SysPic-4.00free/Libs/ptreplay.library
[generic]                29347   77849  37.7% -lh5- f94b May  1  2001 SysPic-4.00free/
[generic]                  866    1572  55.1% -lh5- 2e3e Sep 29  1996 SysPic-4.00free/
[generic]                 1198    2386  50.2% -lh5- 9ccf May  1  2001 SysPic-4.00free/SysPic400free.readme
[generic]                  510    1396  36.5% -lh5- 19f4 Sep 29  1996 SysPic-4.00free/
[generic]                  737    1197  61.6% -lh5- 5b53 Sep 29  1996 SysPic-4.00free/
[generic]                  500     852  58.7% -lh5- b607 Mar 15  1996 SysPic-4.00free/WBStartup/ClosePic
[generic]                 1029    1619  63.6% -lh5- e58b Sep 29  1996 SysPic-4.00free/WBStartup/
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        66 files  235794  585349  40.3%            May  4  2001
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