version 1.6 (19.01.2011):
- images are cropped to 94x94 because larger ones are not displayed
by os3.5/3.9
- prints changed images information
version 1.4:
- fixes now also different widths of normal and selected image (the
bigger one will be cut on the right side)
- outputs now size and colors of the images
This small program fixes the structure of some broken NewIcons, so that
OS3.5 will display them. OS3.5 is more restrective than the old NewIcon
system and will not display any icons which structure is incorrect.
INPUTFILE is the icon to check and fix, the icon will be overwritten
you need newicon.library version 39. you must NOT have run any patches
on the newicon.library! otherwise FixNI will not work!
For more infos check the included source.
May the source be with you...