HistoryCD is a replacement for the original CD shell command. Several
years ago I thought that it would be nice to have the name of the current
directory in the title of the CLI window. I therefore wrote a replacement
for the original cd called TitleCD, which is also available from Aminet
as util/cli/TitleCD.lha.
The whole thing has been extended with wildcard support, an argument that
speeds up changing between the current and the last directory ("cd lastdir"
instead of "cd sys:bla/blo/ble/bli") and writing/reading the directory to
or from a file.
In the latest release, TitleCD has been extended with history functions.
HistoryCD is actually TitleCD without the Title in it. So if your shell
already displays the name of the current directory in the window title
or are happy with the way C='s shell does it, HistoryCD is for you.
Here's HistoryCDs argument list:
Have fun,
soenke (1-Jul-2000)