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Short: | File renaming utility. Advanced & fast! |
Author: | Jostein Aarbakk |
Uploader: | Jostein Aarbakk (jaarbakk gmail com) |
Type: | util/cli |
Version: | 1.02 |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos |
Date: | 2010-03-04 |
Replaces: | util/cli/JustName.LhA |
Distribution: | Aminet |
Download: | util/cli/JustName.lha - View contents | Readme: | util/cli/JustName.readme |
Downloads: | 825 |
Mass-rename files.
It runs on:
* classic Amigas (680xx CPU, kickstart v1.3 and above).
(older kickstarts might also work).
* PPC-equipped Amigas with at least OS4.1
(OS4.0 might also work).
* Convert letters to uppercase or lowercase.
* Misc. "uppercase options":
* Make 1st. letter uppercase.
* Make 1st. letter after a character uppercase
(the user can specify one or more such characters).
* Make roman numerals uppercase (ex: xvIi -> XVII).
* Add/remove leading zeros in numbers.
* Remove CTRL-characters. These are characters which are displayed
as strange and meaningless characters, like f.ex squares.
* Flexible filters:
* Wildcards are supported.
* Perform actions on the prefix, main or suffix part of the filename.
* Perform actions on selected substrings.
* Perform actions before or after a substring.
* Case sensitive or case insensitive pattern matching.
* Replace filenames (or parts of it, if a filter is used) with:
* a given string, or
* the contents of the file's filenote.
* Insert new text:
* At the start or after the end.
* Before or after a chosen filter.
* Can perform multiple actions on filenames in one go (&&-option),
which otherwise had to be done via several calls to JustComm.
This is also more efficient, since each filenote will not
be written to disk more than once.
* Most of the features above can be combined together.
* Flexible selection of files:
* Filenames can be up to 108 characters long.
* You can choose as many files as you like.
* Wildcards.
* Very efficient processing:
* Optimized. It won't do any unnecessary work.
* Has an option ("o") which makes JustName execute faster when
using a filemanager like f.ex. Directory Opus.
v1.02 (28.Feb.2010). Changes:
* Standard input redirection is now supported.
This means you can let JustName read the args from a textfile.
F.ex.: JustName ? <MyArgs.txt
* Processing can now be aborted by pressing <CTRL>+C (CLI-break).
* Max number of allowed &&'s is increased from 4 to 7.
* New option ZER (leading zeros in numbers).
* More flexible search&replace functionality.
Added support for 2 new wildcards:
* |#| : Searches for a number.
* |U| : Searches for an uppercase letter placed
immediatly after a lowercase letter.
* Internal changes.
v1.00 (14.Jun.2001):
* Initial Aminet release.
Contents of util/cli/JustName.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 41 41 100.0% -lh0- 1899 Jan 19 20:08 JustName/ArgListTMP.script
[generic] 120 120 100.0% -lh0- 8baa Feb 17 2002 JustName/echo_noLF
[generic] 4746 6516 72.8% -lh5- 4f9e Feb 28 17:56 JustName/JustName
[generic] 11037 39354 28.0% -lh5- 45cf Feb 28 22:20 JustName/JustName.guide
[generic] 707 1857 38.1% -lh5- dc64 Jul 16 1994 JustName/JustName.guide.info
[generic] 1818 4096 44.4% -lh5- 09c9 Mar 1 00:52 JustName/JustName.readMe
[generic] 1587 12988 12.2% -lh5- 287a Mar 1 00:47 JustName/JustName_buttons
[generic] 10378 10471 99.1% -lh5- f6fd Feb 28 19:31 JustName/Screenshot_Opus5Buttons.PNG
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 8 files 30434 75443 40.3% Mar 3 19:13
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