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util/cli/RequestAssign.lha |
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_ _ __ ___ __ __ __ _ _ __
|\ | /\ | | | | | | | | | | | | |
|/ |_ | | |_ |_ | |__| |_ |_ | | |\ |
|\ | \/ | | | | | | | | | | | \ | \|
| \ |_ \ |_| |_ _| | | | _| _| _|_ |_/ | | Version 1.0
by Lee Hesselden of Satanic Dreams Copyright 1999 28 APR 1999
RequestAssign is a GUI designed for use in AmigaDOS scripts. The user
is presented with an ASL file requester and has to select a directory.
The program then assigns a pre-defined path to the directory selected.
Usage: RequestAssign <Assign> [<Title>] [<x> <y> <w> <h>]
<Assign> = This is the Assign you would like to create.
Eg. Utilities: Arse: FECK: etc.
<Title> = (Optional)
This specifies a title for the ASL file requester. If
a title is not specified "RequestAssign V1.0" is
substituted instead.
Eg. "Wibbly Wobbly" "Select a Directory" etc.
<x> = (Optional)
Specifies the X co-ordinates for the ASL file
Eg. 0 12 100 etc.
<y> = (Optional)
Specifies the Y co-ordinates for the ASL file
Eg. 12 57 99 etc.
<w> = (Optional)
Specifies the width of the ASL file requester.
Eg. 100 200 320 etc.
<h> = (Optional)
Specifies the height of the ASL file requester.
Eg. 125 256 512 etc.
RequestAssign My_Assign:
Assigns My_Assign: to the directory selected by the
RequestAssign My_Assign: "Select a directory to Assign"
Assigns My_Assign: to the directory selected by the
user. This time the ASL file request has the title
"Select a directory to Assign"
RequestAssign Me: "Assign What?" 0 0 640 512
An ASL file requester has the title "Assign What?", and
is at co-ordinates 0,0 which is the top left hand corner
of the screen. The ASL file requester is 640 pixels
wide, and 512 pixels tall, and would fill a hires-laced
screen. The path to be assigned is Me:
RequestAssign This_won't_Work: 0 12 320 200
This won't work because there is to Title before the
__/\ __
RequestAssign 1.0 was written using Blitz Basic ][ on an Amiga 1200, by
Lee Hesselden of Satanic Dreams. For other Satanic Dreams Software
projects, See:
WWW: http://www.satanicdreams.freeserve.co.uk/
AMINET: MailTo: admin@satanicdreams.freeserve.co.uk
for a list of names and where to find them.
RequestAssign is MAILWARE. If you like it, or want to use it in your own
creations please eMail me, or send me a postcard. I collect postcards! If
you do distribute my software, please keep the whole archive intact.
Keep the .readme file with the main executale. I have included the
source code. If you use, or edit it, please contact me before
distributing an edited version of what I have spend (a short period of)
time making.
This software is provided as-is, without warranty of any kind, either
expressed or implied. In no event will the author be liable for direct,
indirect, incidental or consequential damages or data loss resulting
from the use or application of this software. The entire risk as to the
results and performance of this software is assumed by the user!
Contact me;
eMail: lee@amiga.findhere.com
Write: Lee Hesselden
8 Plough Green
PL12 4JZ
WWW: http://www.amiga.findhere.com
Contents of util/cli/RequestAssign.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 590 1593 37.0% -lh5- 5cbe Apr 12 1996 RequestAssign.info
[generic] 16588 29016 57.2% -lh5- d15b Apr 12 1996 RequestAssign/RequestAssign
[generic] 1611 4228 38.1% -lh5- d8cc Apr 29 1999 RequestAssign/RequestAssign.ReadMe
[generic] 347 584 59.4% -lh5- f3e9 Apr 12 1996 RequestAssign/Sources/RequestAssign.bb2
[generic] 187 1206 15.5% -lh5- b7f3 Apr 12 1996 RequestAssign/Sources/RequestAssign.bb2.xtra
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 5 files 19323 36627 52.8% Apr 30 1999
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