1. Introduction
A command that can be used in ToolManager or any other utility to change
Workbench's preferences. Should (but will not, in some cases;-) word with
non-standard prefs programs (will with those who support the template:
FILE/A,USE/S or something like that).
PRESET - is a name of a directory in a dir SYS:Prefs/Presets, from which
the files should be read.
example: Weird20 -> SYS:Prefs/Presets/Weird20
The program then looks in that directory up for files matching pattern
"#?.prefs" and executes the prefs program connected with it
(wbpattern.prefs -> SYS:Prefs/WBPattern, MyOwnProgram.prefs ->
SYS:Prefs/MyOwnProgram). It also looks for a file "AmigaDOS.script" and if
it exists, it executes it after changing the prefs files.
Tried it with ToolManager 2.1 and StartMenu2 - works OK. It's very good for
changing the printer drivers, fonts & keymaps (like AmigaPL or ISO ),
screenmodes or pointers.
2. Legal stuff
It's freeware! blah blah blah - LEGAL STUFF HERE - Thank you.
3. Other products
My other products on Aminet:
- game/gag/ufocheat.lha - cheating on UFO/AGA
- game/gag/transacheat.lha - mo' lignite & anthrecite in TransArctica
- util/boot/astart.lha - allows to LoadWB with more memory
- util/cli/wkutils.lha - some useful commands
I recommend trying AStart! It's a good util and when booting up with mo'
memory it still makes the assigns in user-startup - didn't find anything
else like that on Aminet! Besides it was one of the most downloaded
archives last week (I wrote this on 7/09/97) - 6th place.
The rest isn't very good - but still darn useful!
4. Me, :-)
Ok, my name's Wojciech Kocjan, I'm 16, I'm polish.
e-mail: wkocjan@polbox.com
home page: http://free.polbox.pl/w/wkocjan/
Yeap, this is the end.