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Short:Spawns preconfigured CLIs
Author: megacz at
Uploader:megacz usa com
Download:util/cli/clispawn.lha - View contents



Do you remember 'clihandler'? No? Oh ... Anyway, this is something like
'clihandler', however much better. 'clispawn.rexx' is a way of spawning
preconfigured CLI window or CLI screen. You may of course adjust config
to suit your needs - its a script. You may also like to hack it if you
like - hacked/improved versions are welcome.



   [12-Oct-2009]  0.3  Added 'PATH' option, that can overrride the
                       default start path.
                       Fixed line parsing in 'EXECUTE'.
                       Fyi, 'mss' is on Aminet under 'megascreenshell'.

   [18-Jun-2009]  0.2  Removed 'screenshell' support, and thus code
                       responsible for grepping in 'screenmode.prefs',
                       and added 'mss' in place.



Requires 68000+, OS 2.04+, RexxMast, rx, mss, newcli, alias, run, noreq

Important, after installing edit 'clispawn.rexx' and adjust configuration
variables to fit your needs. Things you should change in the first place:

windowposition    = "10x10"
- where should your windows appear on the screen by default?

windowbordersize  = "23x16"
- manually summed (Bottom + Top)x(Left + Right) window borders, if you
use some window enhancers or fonts different than mine then you must
provide your values in order to achieve true window work space computed
according to (Columns)x(Rows).

windowworkspacepx = "423x216"
- default window workspace in pixels, this will be used when computing
workspace from character size will fail.

defaultprompt     = "%n.[$vardefaultsysnme]%s> "
- what should be your prompt, in my system i use a variable that shows
name of my system, but you may configure it to show currently logged in
user if you like.

'clispawn.rexx' was designed for use with hotkey handlers mainly, but you
may use it like 'newcli' from 'Execute Command' or some other shell.

'clispawn.rexx' does not display help screen and does not report errors,
if you want to check what has failed then dont 'RUN' it.

There is 'fkey' included with keys preconfigured, see '' to get
familiar key combinations.



          DEV/K  -  Device you wish to use, like KCON: or VNC:
       WINPOS/K  -  New window position, template: XxY, 10x10
       BORDER/K  -  New summed border values, t.: XxY, 23x16
       CSPACE/K  -  Workspace in chars, t.: XxY, 80x25
       PSPACE/K  -  Workspace in pixels, t.: XyY, 423x216
       MODEID/K  -  New ModeID for 'mss'(see its docs!)
         FROM/K  -  New startup file, like 's:shell-startup'
          PUB/K  -  New public screen, like 'MyScreen'
        KFONT/K  -  Font for 'newcli' with 'KCON:', like '6pack/8'
        SFONT/K  -  Font for 'mss', like 'courier/15'
      EXECUTE/K  -  Run command(s) in shell, 'ECHO\s"one"\nECHO\s"two"'
                    This option accepts quoted or unquoted multiline
                    strings. There can be quotes inside the quotes for
                    example: 'clispawn execute "echo "me is horny!""'.
                    Additionally these char repl. are available:
                    '\s' - space, '\n' - lf, so you can for instace:
                    'clispawn execute "showconfig\nwait 3\nendcli"'
        FLAGS/K  -  Handler related flags, like '/WAIT/AUTO'
         PATH/K  -  Default start path, like 'RAM:' or current
                    directory when '""' specified
      NOASCII/S  -  Dont print any ASCII Art stuff
       SCREEN/S  -  Prefer 'mss' instead of 'newcli'
         MONO/S  -  1 bit screen(for use with 'mss')
       MENUFY/S  -  Allow windows to be menufied
          POP/S  -  'Workbench' to front on 'newcli' spawn
      CURRENT/S  -  Open 'newcli' window on the current screen
     INACTIVE/S  -  Make 'newcli' window inactive, useful in
                    conjuntion with 'EXECUTE/K'.
        BLACK/S  -  Background is black and foreground white.



   ; install in SYS: if you dont know a better place
   cd clispawn-0.2
   makedir sys:clispawn
   copy all #? sys:clispawn/

   ; add to 'startup-sequence' before any hotkey handler
   ; and before 'loadwb'
   assign clispawn: sys:clispawn
   alias clispawn "RUN <NIL: >NIL: *`rx clispawn:clispawn.rexx []*`"
   run >NIL: clispawn:fkey cx_popup=no



If you use 'toolsdaemon' then you can attach an entry that will allow to
start CLI or Workbench program through 'clispawn'. Adding this will do:

   Menu entry: "clispawn []"
   (CLI) clispawn execute " []\nendcli" flags /wait inactive

Now, if you mark some icon and choose that entry from the menu, then output
of that proggy will appear in newly spawned CLI. In this example '/WAIT' flag
is used which means that window will stay opened after 'ENDCLI', you may want
to add 'wait 3' before 'ENDCLI' for example and remove '/WAIT'.

You can use 'clispawn' from under the Workbench as well. Suppose you created
some 'ARexx' script which outputs to console, but you would like to start it
in nice 'CLI' with just a double click. To do so make a file that looks more
or less like this:

   clispawn path "" execute "rx myscript.rexx open=thatfriggindoor.txt"

Then, make an icon, set to 'Project' and in the 'Default Tool' field type,
the immortal 'iconx'.



   ; usage is a simple as typing

   ; or for fullscreen
   clispawn screen


Contents of util/cli/clispawn.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  167     763  21.9% -lh5- 0877 Mar 12  2009 clispawn-0.3/ascii/amiga
[generic]                  276    1691  16.3% -lh5- 9b4c Mar 12  2009 clispawn-0.3/ascii/arkanoid
[generic]                  211    1311  16.1% -lh5- 7a73 Mar 12  2009 clispawn-0.3/ascii/baloons
[generic]                  109     723  15.1% -lh5- ccce Mar 12  2009 clispawn-0.3/ascii/bug
[generic]                  439    1187  37.0% -lh5- ffc0 Mar 12  2009 clispawn-0.3/ascii/butterfly
[generic]                  318     892  35.7% -lh5- e824 Mar 12  2009 clispawn-0.3/ascii/calvin
[generic]                  306    1360  22.5% -lh5- a395 Mar 12  2009 clispawn-0.3/ascii/crab
[generic]                  148     603  24.5% -lh5- 749d Mar 12  2009 clispawn-0.3/ascii/crayons
[generic]                  284     690  41.2% -lh5- e86c Mar 12  2009 clispawn-0.3/ascii/cuckoo
[generic]                  302     920  32.8% -lh5- 41f7 Mar 12  2009 clispawn-0.3/ascii/daffodils
[generic]                  366    1843  19.9% -lh5- 8fb7 Mar 12  2009 clispawn-0.3/ascii/dolphins
[generic]                  419    1726  24.3% -lh5- 66da Mar 12  2009 clispawn-0.3/ascii/drinkme
[generic]                  154     686  22.4% -lh5- a494 Mar 12  2009 clispawn-0.3/ascii/elephant
[generic]                  309    2040  15.1% -lh5- 0641 Mar 12  2009 clispawn-0.3/ascii/fall
[generic]                  165    1512  10.9% -lh5- 9e4a Mar 12  2009 clispawn-0.3/ascii/floppy
[generic]                  964    1698  56.8% -lh5- b3ed Mar 12  2009 clispawn-0.3/ascii/geometric
[generic]                  279    1168  23.9% -lh5- 1adf Mar 12  2009 clispawn-0.3/ascii/jolly
[generic]                  289    1341  21.6% -lh5- 93cd Mar 12  2009 clispawn-0.3/ascii/lamp
[generic]                  198    1082  18.3% -lh5- 12b1 Mar 12  2009 clispawn-0.3/ascii/lighthouse
[generic]                  350    1146  30.5% -lh5- 831f Mar 12  2009 clispawn-0.3/ascii/luckyluke
[generic]                  318    1297  24.5% -lh5- b681 Mar 12  2009 clispawn-0.3/ascii/magician
[generic]                  243    1068  22.8% -lh5- b0d3 Mar 12  2009 clispawn-0.3/ascii/mimefield
[generic]                  515    1701  30.3% -lh5- 1f02 Mar 12  2009 clispawn-0.3/ascii/muttley
[generic]                  146    1032  14.1% -lh5- 8e0c Mar 12  2009 clispawn-0.3/ascii/smiley
[generic]                  282     899  31.4% -lh5- c765 Mar 12  2009 clispawn-0.3/ascii/spacerocket
[generic]                  250     738  33.9% -lh5- e716 Mar 12  2009 clispawn-0.3/ascii/tornado
[generic]                   96     302  31.8% -lh5- d9c0 Mar 12  2009 clispawn-0.3/ascii/trex
[generic]                  342    1022  33.5% -lh5- 6519 Mar 12  2009 clispawn-0.3/ascii/volcano
[generic]                  263     926  28.4% -lh5- c472 Mar 12  2009 clispawn-0.3/ascii/wolf
[generic]                  158     575  27.5% -lh5- 48df Mar 12  2009 clispawn-0.3/ascii/wonderlamp
[generic]                12211   46680  26.2% -lh5- 8fbb Nov  8 00:07 clispawn-0.3/clispawn.lbm
[generic]                 2564    5396  47.5% -lh5- 9b40 Oct 12 14:48 clispawn-0.3/clispawn.readme
[generic]                 3148   10153  31.0% -lh5- 1445 Oct 12 14:43 clispawn-0.3/clispawn.rexx
[generic]                 1408    2281  61.7% -lh5- ff0e Mar 12  2009 clispawn-0.3/
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        34 files   27997   98452  28.4%            Nov  7 20:52
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