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Short:Convert JAVA files to syntax highlighting HTMLs.
Author:Lorenzo Bettini
Uploader:Diego Casorran <dcr8520 amiga org>
Download:util/cli/java2html-1.7.lha - View contents

GNU java2html 1.7

by Lorenzo Bettini

This is a simple program that, given a source java file, produces an html
source with syntax highlighting.

Java2html is free software. Please see the file COPYING for details. For
documentation, please read this file. As it is a GPL program, I provide
sources (~70k), but if you don't fell like compiling it, you can download
Win32 executable (~100k) (new).

Java2html is a GNU program, so you can download it also fro GNU's ftp site:

or from here:

   * Latest Version (sources, .tar.gz) - md5sum - signature of md5sum
   * Latest Version (win32 executable, zipped) - md5sum - signature of
   * Cygnus DLL for win32 (needed for win32 executable, zipped)

You may also want to check the md5sum of the archives, which are also
digitally signed by me (Lorenzo Bettini) with GNU gpg
( My GPG public key can be found at my home page (see
at the end of this doc).

Java2html main home page is at GNU site:

You can also get the pacthes from the GNU ftp site (see below for patching
from a previous version).

Changes in this release

   * Fixed a bug in reading footer and header
   * Fixed bug in number scanning (reported by Curtis Weyant
   * Added TODO list (thanks Xavier Outhier <>)

Changes in release 1.6

   * fixed the bug of /* comment in another environment (notified by Michael
     Gasche <>)
   * --header and --footer options added by Xavier Outhier
     <>, that allow to specify files to be included at the
     beginning and at the end of the generated document.
   * GNU gengetopt is used for command line parsing.
   * hexadecimal and floating point numbers are treated (Tom Hull
   * Added TODO list (thanks Xavier Outhier <>)

Changes in release 1.5

   * fixed the bug of darkgreen option (which wasn't recognized) (thanx to
     Chris Mason <>)
   * now --tab option is documented (I had forgotten it) (thanx again Chris)
   * --enable-warnings added to configure (to enable -Wall option for
   * docs are installed in (prefix)/share/doc/java2html (in previous version
     the docs were not installed in the correct dir if no prefix was

Changes in release 1.4

   * more adeherent to GNU Coding Standards.
   * getopt_long used for command line options
   * -input changed in -i or --input
   * -output changed in -o or --output
   * other options changed
   * multiple input files accepted (e.g. java2html *.java)
   * --version added
   * tags.j2h is installed in $(prefix)/share/java2html: it is first checked
     in the current dir, and otherwise in that dir.
   * 'check' added to Makefile ('test' taken away)
   * documentation is installed

see also NEWS file and ChangeLog for the complete list of changes between
versions, or old-changes.html, for previous changes.


See the file INSTALL for detailed building and installation instructions;
anyway if you're used to compiling Linux software that comes with sources
you may simply follow the usual procedure:

cd <source code main directory>
make install

Note: unless you specify a different install directory by --prefix option of
configure (e.g. ./configure --prefix=<your home>), you must be root to 'make

Files will be installed in the following directories:

   * Executables          -> /prefix/bin
   * docs and samples     -> /prefix/share/doc/java2html
   * conf files           -> /prefix/share/java2html

Default value for prefix is /usr/local but you may change it with --prefix
option to configure (see above).

What you need to build java2html

Actually you need nothing more than a Unix C/C++ compiler.

java2html has been developed under Linux, using gcc (C++), and bison (yacc)
and flex (lex), and ported under Win32 with Cygnus C/C++ compiler, available
at (a .DLL is also distributed togheter with the
.exe: you may simply copy it in the same place of the .exe). I used the
excellent GNU Autoconf and Automake. I also used Autotools
( which creates a starting
source tree (according to GNU standards) with autoconf, automake starting
files. Finally I used GNU gengetopt (,
for command line parsing.

Actually, unless you want to develop java2html, you don't need all these
tools to build java2html because I provide generated sources; you don't need
neither bison (yacc) nor flex (lex), for the same reason. Actually programs
that use lex generated files need to link with library libfl (or libl for
lex); anyway configuration phase can discover if this library is missing and
in that case it sets the program to link with a source file I provide. This
hack works for flex: I don't know about lex generated scanners. But, again,
this is a problem only if you develop java2html and you use lex.

Patching from a previous version

If you downloaded a pacth, say java2html-1.3-1.3.1-patch.gz (i.e. the pacth
to go from version 1.3 to version 1.3.1), cd to the directory with sources
from the previous version (java2html-1.3) and type:

gunzip -cd ../java2html-1.3-1.3.1.patch.gz | patch -p1

and restart the compilation process (if you had already run configure a
simple make will do).


java2html only does a lexical analisys of the source code, so the Java
program is assumed to be correct !

here's how to run it:

java2html --input <file (a java prog)> --output <file (an html)>

if you want a real html document, specify --doc option at the end. Otherwise
you just get some text to copy and paste in you own html pages. If you
choose -doc option the page will have a white background and your source
file name as title. --tab n option apply a substitution of tab characters
with n spaces. You also may want to specify the title of the page with
--title "my title" option (this implies -doc). Now you can also generate an
html with CSS format, by using --css "url of .css" (try some .css files
included in the package). The order of the options is not relevant. You may
also want to customize the produced document: you can use --header and
--footer options that allow you to specify files to be included,
respectively, at the beginning and at the end of the document.

Use to make some test, if you want. Here's how Hello1.html,
Hello2.html, Hello3.html, Hello4.html, Hello5.html, Hello_h_f.html were

java2html -i -o Hello1.html
java2html --input --output Hello2.html --doc
java2html -i -o Hello3.html --title "Happy Java with java2html :-)" --tab 3
java2html < > Hello4.html --title "and what about CSS :-)" --css "Hello.css"
java2html < > Hello5.html --title "Wooo... this is quite dark ;-D" --css "mono-alt.css"
java2html --doc *.java
Processed   (creates
java2html --doc -i -o Hello_h_f.html --header="header.html" --footer="footer.html"

which can also be obtained by typing

make check

And here's the output of `java2html -help`

Usage: java2html [OPTION]... [INPUT-FILE]...
       java2html < INPUT-FILE > OUTPUT-FILE [OPTION]...

given a source java file, produces an html source with syntax highlighting.

  -v, --verbose           verbose mode on
  -d, --doc               creates html with title, header...
  -c, --css=URL           use a css for formatting (implies --doc)
  -T, --title=TITLE       give title to the html (implies --doc)
  -i, --input=FILE        input file (default standard input)
  -o, --output=FILE       output file (default standard output)
  -t, --tab=TABLEN        specify tab length (default 8)
  -H, --header=STRING     file to insert as header
  -F, --footer=STRING     file to insert as footer
  -V, --version           print version

As it handles standard output and input you may also run it like

cat | java2html | lpr

You may want to specify your options for syntax highlighting in the file
tags.j2h. If this file is not present in the current directory, some default
colors will be used. Here's the tags.j2h file that comes with this

keyword blue b ;
type green ;
string red ;
comment brown i ;
number purple ;

as you might see the syntax of this file is quite straightforward:

   * b = bold
   * i = italics
   * u = underline

You may also specify more than on of these options separated by commas
keyword blue u, b ;

you may see all possible colors in the file colors.html

if something goes wrong with your options try to run java2html with
--verbose option enabled


Many people sent me much feedback and some of them also sent some patches
for bug fixes and new features :-)
Here they are (if I forgot someone please mail me):

   * Marcus G. Daniels <> who gave me some good advices about
     GNU standards,
   * Osvaldo Pinali Doederlein <> for tab option
   * Richard Freedman <> for feed back and bugs
   * John Constantine <> for some great
     suggestions I'll surely apply.
   * Raymond Lambe <>, for quotation bug signalation
   * Robert J. Clark <> for adding -input, -output, -title
   * Hans-Peter Bischof <> for suggestions (to apply).
   * Luc Maisonobe <> for the patch for const char * in
     order to make it work under gcc 2.95
   * Jari Korva <> for the bug of \" inside a string and &
     treatme nt, and especially for adding CSS options and handling
   * Kaloian Doganov <> for .css suggestion and for
     providing some nice .css files
   * Ziv Caspi <> found the bug of \\ in chars
   * Chris Mason <> found the darkgreen bug, and that
     --tab was not documented
   * Michael Gasche <> found the bug of /* comment inside
     another environment
   * Xavier Outhier <> added --header and --footer options
   * Tom Hull <> added hexadecimal and floating point

See also THANKS file and mails.txt :-)


Tell me if you like this software :-)

Actually I want to extend it, so if you have some ideas...
The most import one will be to make java2html more customizable :-)

Please send all bug reports by electronic mail to:

  See also cpp2html


Here's the list of TODO stuff, if you'd like to contribute :-)

Mailing Lists

The following mailing lists are available:

   *, for generic discussions about the program and
     for asking for help about it (open mailing list),
   *, for receiving information about new releases
     and features (read-only mailing list),

if you want to subscribe to a mailing list just go to the URL and follow the
instructions, or send me an e-mail and I'll subscribe you.

My home page is  or (very fast if you're in University)
and this is my e-mail address where you can contact me about java2html, or
other things

java2html is free software. See the file COPYING for copying conditions.
Anyway I won't get offended if you send me a postcard :-)


Return to GNU's home page.

Please send FSF & GNU inquiries & questions to There are also
other ways to contact the FSF.

Please send comments on these web pages to, send
other questions to

Copyright (C) 1999 Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite
330, Boston, MA 02111, USA

Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire article is permitted in any
medium, provided this notice is preserved.


Latest update of this package can be found at


LhA Freeware Version 2.2
Copyright © 1991-94 by Stefan Boberg.
Copyright © 1998-2000 by Jim Cooper and David Tritscher.

Listing of archive 'java2html-1.7.lha':
Original  Packed Ratio    Date     Time    Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------  -------------
    1224     525 57.1% 02-Apr-00 13:51:02 +colors.html
     896     478 46.6% 29-Dec-00 12:36:48
    2097     834 60.2% 13-Jan-01 15:22:44
    1659     621 62.5% 13-Jan-01 15:22:44 +Hello1.html
    2097     834 60.2% 13-Jan-01 15:22:44 +Hello2.html
    2144     842 60.7% 13-Jan-01 15:22:44 +Hello3.html
    2096     853 59.3% 13-Jan-01 15:22:44 +Hello4.html
    2107     859 59.2% 13-Jan-01 15:22:44 +Hello5.html
   17593    6646 62.2% 13-Jan-01 15:44:00
     279     199 28.6% 29-Dec-00 12:36:48  AUTHORS
     432     237 45.1% 29-Sep-00 21:12:36 +footer.html
     550     308 44.0% 29-Sep-00 21:12:36 +header.html
     284     153 46.1% 02-Apr-00 13:51:02 +Hello.css
     273     143 47.6% 02-Apr-00 13:51:02 +Hello2.css
    3001    1186 60.4% 13-Jan-01 15:22:44 +Hello_h_f.html
   17551    6635 62.1% 25-Jun-02 02:35:50 +java2html.html
     315     155 50.7% 02-Apr-00 13:51:02 +mono-alt.css
     299     157 47.4% 02-Apr-00 13:51:02 +mono.css
    2256    1077 52.2% 02-Apr-00 13:51:02 +old-changes.html
      77      64 16.8% 02-Apr-00 13:51:02 +tags.j2h
    3861    1591 58.7% 13-Jan-01 15:46:06  ChangeLog
   17982    6993 61.1% 02-Apr-00 13:51:02  COPYING
  180540   70512 60.9% 25-Jun-02 03:04:48  java2html
    9932    4348 56.2% 29-Dec-00 12:36:48  mails.txt
    2848    1345 52.7% 13-Jan-01 15:46:40  NEWS
   12377    5220 57.8% 13-Jan-01 15:45:40  README
    1103     647 41.3% 13-Jan-01 15:21:08  THANKS
     459     286 37.6% 13-Jan-01 15:21:08  TODO.txt
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
  286332  113748 60.2% Operation successful.

.Readme created with:  MRea  \
>»>»>»>»> Some additional info about this archive:

FileSize: 114783 Bytes

CRC: 05517293
MD5: B1A32076741E58D5E9D326EF573E2F5A
SHA: 446F1E5B2AC454549C072FBF5991968F75B80521

Contents of util/cli/java2html-1.7.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  525    1224  42.9% -lh5- aae8 Apr  2  2000 doc/colors.html
[generic]                  478     896  53.3% -lh5- 3ef1 Dec 29  2000 doc/
[generic]                  834    2097  39.8% -lh5- 296e Jan 13  2001 doc/
[generic]                  621    1659  37.4% -lh5- cd3e Jan 13  2001 doc/Hello1.html
[generic]                  834    2097  39.8% -lh5- 296e Jan 13  2001 doc/Hello2.html
[generic]                  842    2144  39.3% -lh5- 5f08 Jan 13  2001 doc/Hello3.html
[generic]                  853    2096  40.7% -lh5- a339 Jan 13  2001 doc/Hello4.html
[generic]                  859    2107  40.8% -lh5- b0db Jan 13  2001 doc/Hello5.html
[generic]                 6646   17593  37.8% -lh5- 67ec Jan 13  2001 doc/
[generic]                  199     279  71.3% -lh5- 72b9 Dec 29  2000 authors
[generic]                  237     432  54.9% -lh5- 643a Sep 29  2000 doc/footer.html
[generic]                  308     550  56.0% -lh5- 1f69 Sep 29  2000 doc/header.html
[generic]                  153     284  53.9% -lh5- a72c Apr  2  2000 doc/Hello.css
[generic]                  143     273  52.4% -lh5- 6fdb Apr  2  2000 doc/Hello2.css
[generic]                 1186    3001  39.5% -lh5- 8cbe Jan 13  2001 doc/Hello_h_f.html
[generic]                 6635   17551  37.8% -lh5- 68ad Jun 25  2002 doc/java2html.html
[generic]                  155     315  49.2% -lh5- fd20 Apr  2  2000 doc/mono-alt.css
[generic]                  157     299  52.5% -lh5- 9032 Apr  2  2000 doc/mono.css
[generic]                 1077    2256  47.7% -lh5- be42 Apr  2  2000 doc/old-changes.html
[generic]                   64      77  83.1% -lh5- 03e0 Apr  2  2000 doc/tags.j2h
[generic]                 1591    3861  41.2% -lh5- 228a Jan 13  2001 ChangeLog
[generic]                 6993   17982  38.9% -lh5- dc3e Apr  2  2000 copying
[generic]                70512  180540  39.1% -lh5- 2b99 Jun 25  2002 java2html
[generic]                 4348    9932  43.8% -lh5- 07e7 Dec 29  2000 mails.txt
[generic]                 1345    2848  47.2% -lh5- e5f4 Jan 13  2001 news
[generic]                 5220   12377  42.2% -lh5- e550 Jan 13  2001 readme
[generic]                  647    1103  58.7% -lh5- a86b Jan 13  2001 thanks
[generic]                  286     459  62.3% -lh5- f252 Jan 13  2001 TODO.txt
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        28 files  113748  286332  39.7%            Aug 24  2003
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