scrsh is a rewrite of my fabled 'screen shell' command - the tool which led
me to write the almighty 'ShellScr'.
First a little history. Around October 1992, I discovered I'd be getting an
Amiga for Xmas. So I started getting the Amiga Format magazine, which
happened to give away Devpac 2 (the Hisoft editor, assembler and debugger).
Some time later, I started getting the Amiga Shopper magazine, which went
on in the coding bits about the 'RKRMs'. So I got these out of the library
and tried all this 'cool new stuff' from the Libraries RKM about public
screens. Given that I wanted a shell on a seperate screen from Devpac
(which is WB screen only). So scrsh was born some time around mid 1994.
However, scrsh never tested if anything went wrong, and it was fixed to
640x256 PAL Hires with the CON: window. Many years later, with an A1200, I
started to realise that this needed updating, so I started to write
'ShellScr' in Amiga E instead of assembler. Nowadays, ShellScr is a very
powerful, flexible and easy to use public screen shell opener. It works
with any screen mode, any font, any shell, and almost any language. You can
get ShellScr from Aminet as util/shell/ShellScr.lha
However, all those options and features have made ShellScr fat. It's just
under 10Kb, which for something that opens a shell is quite a bit. So -
presenting a new version of scrsh. Just imagine ShellScr with no options.
It opens a shell on a public screen and becomes the default screen. It uses
your current default screen to base its choices on. It's 540 bytes. What
more could you want?
Usage: Run <>NIL: scrsh
When you close the shell and all other windows on the screen, it goes away.
If this fails, use the Break command on scrsh.
Requires 2.0 or better.
* The KyzSmlClxn is a set of small yet useful commands. *
* *
* Commands are installed by copying them to your C: directory. *
* Source is included, and is licensed under the GNU GPL version 2. *
* *
* Email Kyzer/CSG <> or see the website at *