Are you one of those who copy files to your harddisk and then forget where
you put them. Don't feel like you're the only one. My memory too, is very
useful but sadly very short.
No need to worry anymore. Your problem (and mine for that matter) is now
solved. The solution is Seek (what else?).
Going through my old sourcecodes I found this program and decided to make
some improvements.
As you might have seen there are many programs like this one but none of
them can do what Seek does.
Seek was mainly written to search for files, but I soon discovered that just
finding the files weren't enough. Many programs doesn't have the ability to
look through a directory tree to find files. I therefor added the option to
execute any command on the files it find. This makes it possible to
eg. delete all files matching '#?.bak' on a whole volume.
What you want to do with the files Seek finds is up to you but deleting
them could be one of them. The only requirement is that the command you
execute must not expect any input (besides commandline arguments of course).
Seek will find both files and directories matching the pattern.
Files are printed in black and directories in blue.