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util/pack/xpkHFMN_136.lha |
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V 1.29 - V 1.33 - some experimental version for the 1.34 bugfix.
V 1.34 - fixed a bug that i had added somewhere before 1.16.
it should have caused problems only under bad circumstances,
when the byte statistic was fibonacci like.
(in fact, the decompression routine couldn't handle huffman
codes longer than 16 bits, ups...)
Thanks to Nicolas Pomarede for his superdetailed bugreport.
(He analysed the code and told me exactly when and where it
goes wrong :-) )
V 1.35 - fixed a bug in the 020+ compression routine.
sometimes lha archives got a really high compression ratio.
(16 Bit overflow for number of bytes written to xsp_OutBuf
wasn't handled correctly)
Thanks to David Balazic for reporting this one.
V 1.36 - 1.35 bugfix wasn't 100% ok.
This is not a replacement for HUFF but a further library called HFMN
because the algorithm used is not 100% identical to the one of HUFF,
therefore the HFMN data will not decrunch with HUFF and vice versa.
Contents of util/pack/xpkHFMN_136.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 2250 5540 40.6% -lh5- 87ac Jun 13 1995 HFMN.doc
[generic] 325 854 38.1% -lh5- b824 Nov 3 1992 HFMN.doc.info
[generic] 1492 2124 70.2% -lh5- 4318 Jun 13 1995 xpkHFMN.library_1.36_000+
[generic] 1446 2056 70.3% -lh5- fe63 Jun 13 1995 xpkHFMN.library_1.36_020+
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 4 files 5513 10574 52.1% Jun 20 1995
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