Nice fullscreen clock, with extra features:
- Up to 6 alarms.
- Configure custom MP3 file, for each alarm.
- Posibility of random MP3 play from a selected directory.
- Nuclear Power plant alarm MP3 file included.
- Blanker activation posibility.
- Auto Scale blanker pictures.
- Use TTF antialiased fonts.
- Save or load different alarm configurations.
- Set transparency level between images and alarm clock, to have
a nicer effect.
- Set the time between images in slideshow (Blanker)
You can copy your own photos, images etc to the blanker drawer, and you
will see it, in an slideshow, with transparency effect over the clock,
really a nice effect to customize it.
Thanks go to... sekta crew (Doraemon, Novi, Pipo, Neko, Travol), Nowee,
Gogeta, and other betatesters...
v0.5: Internal release
v1.0: First public release
v1.1: Updated, cleaned code, bug fixed, faster.
v1.2: Updated again, added cleaner prefs, left and right mouse
actions supported now, time to slideshow, AROS, MorphOS
and Amiga OS 4 executables.
v1.3: Added WarpOS support, clean code.
v1.4: Added load and save alarm status, transparency level in
blanker mode.
v1.5: Reworked preferences screen, added quit button, added
custom images drawer option to preferences, added posibility
to use alarm clock in window mode, or request a custom screen
mode (Via tooltypes), added autoscale of pictures to 640x480
before display it, added time between images in slideshow mode.
Tested under Morphos and UAE, please report bugfixes if you found.