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Giga-Checker V1.1 (1990)
- works ONLY with Kick 1.2/1.3
- the last Version!?
* Giga-Checker v1.1 *
* *
* 18.05.90 : Idea,start coding v0.1 *
* 18.05.90 : DoIO,Interrupts,(Old)OpenLibrary v0.5 *
* 18.05.90 : Cold/Cool/WarmCapture,Kick(Mem/Tag)Ptr v0.7 1936 *
* 12.06.90 : Optimized v0.8 1416 *
* 29.07.90 : Hard Reset v1.1 1496 *
* --.--.-- : SumKickData v1.2 *
Thank you for reading this text, and I hope you will use this
little util-prog. In the box above you can see current version
of this prog.
First is date, when I added things specified after colon. The
next is version number, and the last is file (object) size.
(Without hunks). Hunks add the size about 200 bytes.
This program is very easy to use. Just type the name from CLI
and it will display pointers, where viruses are generally. If
the pointer is strange, the prog will display an alert. By
pressing right button you can get the virus out of memory.
Hard Reset resets whole memory, and viruses are absolutely
You should put this util to your startup-sequence (it is very
fast) and if the alert is displayed, you have a virus, or some
kind of recoverable program (Ram-disk?).
If you don't want to see the text you can write:
Giga-Checker >NIL:
and the program doesn't print anything to screen, but if
pointers are changed, the alert will be displayed.
This includes three files:
- Giga-Checker - Main program
- Giga-Checker v1.1.S - Seka source code for program / placed in c:
- Giga-Checker v1.1 Docs - This Doc-file
I hope you will find this prog useful.
You can call me with your modem every day between 21.00 and 21.30.
Kimmo Mustonen
Kontiom{entie 1 B
01260 Vantaa
Tel:90-876 38 51
Modem line is the same number, but only 21.00-21.30
Any comments are welcome!
Contents of util/virus/Giga-Checker.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[unknown] 981 1636 60.0% -lh5- 72ea Sep 7 1990 Giga-Checker/Giga-Checker
[unknown] 1755 6637 26.4% -lh5- e353 Sep 7 1990 Giga-Checker/Giga-Checker v1.1.S
[unknown] 973 2091 46.5% -lh5- 8981 Jul 28 08:10 Giga-Checker/Giga-Checker.Doc
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
Total 3 files 3709 10364 35.8% Jul 31 16:43
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