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util/wb/DeStart.lha |
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About DeStart v2.0 by Deniil 715!
Date: 2003-02-24
What is it?
This is a small startup-utility that you can use when starting
programs from the WBStartup-drawer but at the same time want
some control over the execution of the programs.
This program will give you a choise of either starting the program,
not to start the program or optionally start it behind workbench
if it opens it's own screen. You can also set a timer to trigger
on of these three events.
* NEW * Now using MUI!
* NEW * Many new tooltypes added.
* NEW * Because of MUI, programs can now be started automatically
after a specified delay if you want. This is nice if you
want the possibility to choose if a program should be started
or not but at the same time be sure it starts automatically
if you're not home, or just doing something else at the moment
when the computer happens to (re)boot.
* Tooltype DISPLAYNAME and CD added.
* First release.
Daniel Westerberg alias Deniil 715! - Amiga-E programmer!
E-mail: deniil@algonet.se
Homepage: http://www.algonet.se/~deniil/
Send bug-reports and/or suggestions to me.
Other programs by Deniil 715! can be found on OnyxSoft homepage at:
Feel free to mail me if you found bugs or have suggestions!
Contents of util/wb/DeStart.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 1889 2380 79.4% -lh5- f287 Jun 19 2002 DeStart.info
[generic] 9527 25052 38.0% -lh5- 4ed5 Feb 24 2003 DeStart/DeStart
[generic] 1145 1453 78.8% -lh5- 5774 Feb 24 2003 DeStart/DeStart.info
[generic] 2456 5974 41.1% -lh5- 4cac Feb 24 2003 DeStart/DeStart.readme
[generic] 1799 2764 65.1% -lh5- 26bd Jun 19 2002 DeStart/DeStart.readme.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 5 files 16816 37623 44.7% Apr 3 2003
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