84794 packages online
util/wb/DefIcons44.lha |
No screenshot available
44.6 removed a few lines of weird and probably "buggy" code. Still don't
know why I wrote that ;)
44.6a included polish catalog by mr.Dark.
============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
2400 1340 44.1% 05-May-00 20:52:12 +deficons.prefs
2201 956 56.5% 10-Jun-00 12:15:56 +deficonsprefs.cd
1660 894 46.1% 07-Jun-00 05:27:58 +deficonsprefs.catalog
2802 1843 34.2% 30-Apr-00 18:24:50 +español.info
1586 898 43.3% 30-Apr-00 18:24:50 +deficonsprefs.catalog
1550 840 45.8% 10-Jun-00 12:15:24 +deficonsprefs.catalog
2991 1350 54.8% 10-Jun-00 12:15:24 +deficonsprefs.ct
1706 936 45.1% 11-Aug-00 20:18:14 +deficonsprefs.catalog
1704 1018 40.2% 10-Sep-80 16:10:56 +DefIconsPrefs.catalog
1690 939 44.4% 11-Jun-00 23:02:00 +deficonsprefs.catalog
3237 1547 52.2% 11-Jun-00 23:02:00 +deficonsprefs.ct
1586 847 46.5% 26-Apr-00 22:18:12 +DefIconsPrefs.catalog
1540 888 42.3% 20-Jun-00 12:56:16 +deficonsprefs.catalog
3009 1533 49.0% 20-Jun-00 12:52:10 +deficonsprefs.ct
3132 1701 45.6% 05-May-00 20:51:08 +deficons.prefs
3724 2455 34.0% 07-Sep-00 13:21:10 +DefIcons44
13307 5687 57.2% 07-Sep-00 13:20:56 +DefIcons44.doc
1266 674 46.7% 27-Jul-00 12:16:30 +DefIcons44.doc.info
3797 3387 10.7% 27-Jul-00 12:16:30 +DefIcons44.info
14699 6131 58.2% 10-Aug-92 14:41:10 +DefIcons44.it.doc
1269 678 46.5% 27-Jul-00 12:16:30 +DefIcons44.it.doc.info
2079 1725 17.0% 27-Jul-00 12:16:30 +DefIcons44_Drawer.info
23280 13351 42.6% 05-Jun-00 16:08:38 +DefIconsPrefs
3979 3635 8.6% 27-Jul-00 12:16:30 +DefIconsPrefs.info
1588 1122 29.3% 24-Jun-00 11:07:20 +DoMIME
1700 917 46.0% 24-Jun-00 13:09:42 +DoMIME.doc
932 823 11.6% 05-May-00 20:45:36 +def_elf.info
1000 881 11.9% 05-May-00 20:45:36 +def_patch.info
3375 1183 64.9% 23-Jun-00 21:52:02 +Install
1455 1194 17.9% 27-Jul-00 12:16:30 +Install.info
321 220 31.4% 05-May-00 20:45:58 +PlacePatch.bat
5924 1835 69.0% 30-Apr-00 18:24:50 +Processfile.rexx
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
116489 63428 45.5% 11-Sep-00 17:27:24 32 files
Contents of util/wb/DefIcons44.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 1340 2400 55.8% -lh5- e065 May 5 2000 DefIcons44/alt/deficons.prefs
[generic] 956 2201 43.4% -lh5- 7eee Jun 10 2000 DefIcons44/catalogs/deficonsprefs.cd
[generic] 894 1660 53.9% -lh5- ad01 Jun 7 2000 DefIcons44/catalogs/deutsch/deficonsprefs.catalog
[generic] 1843 2802 65.8% -lh5- 830f Apr 30 2000 DefIcons44/catalogs/español.info
[generic] 898 1586 56.6% -lh5- 5293 Apr 30 2000 DefIcons44/catalogs/español/deficonsprefs.catalog
[generic] 840 1550 54.2% -lh5- 335f Jun 10 2000 DefIcons44/catalogs/français/deficonsprefs.catalog
[generic] 1350 2991 45.1% -lh5- a8bb Jun 10 2000 DefIcons44/catalogs/français/deficonsprefs.ct
[generic] 936 1706 54.9% -lh5- 4064 Aug 11 2000 DefIcons44/catalogs/italiano/deficonsprefs.catalog
[generic] 1018 1704 59.7% -lh5- a458 Sep 10 1980 DefIcons44/catalogs/polski/DefIconsPrefs.catalog
[generic] 939 1690 55.6% -lh5- 4e61 Jun 11 2000 DefIcons44/catalogs/Português/deficonsprefs.catalog
[generic] 1547 3237 47.8% -lh5- b564 Jun 11 2000 DefIcons44/catalogs/Português/deficonsprefs.ct
[generic] 847 1586 53.4% -lh5- a0d5 Apr 26 2000 DefIcons44/catalogs/suomi/DefIconsPrefs.catalog
[generic] 888 1540 57.7% -lh5- a091 Jun 20 2000 DefIcons44/catalogs/türkçe/deficonsprefs.catalog
[generic] 1533 3009 50.9% -lh5- a81c Jun 20 2000 DefIcons44/catalogs/türkçe/deficonsprefs.ct
[generic] 1701 3132 54.3% -lh5- 1f3a May 5 2000 DefIcons44/deficons.prefs
[generic] 2455 3724 65.9% -lh5- 7e08 Sep 7 2000 DefIcons44/DefIcons44
[generic] 5687 13307 42.7% -lh5- b057 Sep 7 2000 DefIcons44/DefIcons44.doc
[generic] 674 1266 53.2% -lh5- c6f2 Jul 27 2000 DefIcons44/DefIcons44.doc.info
[generic] 3387 3797 89.2% -lh5- 6149 Jul 27 2000 DefIcons44/DefIcons44.info
[generic] 6131 14699 41.7% -lh5- 1edf Aug 10 1992 DefIcons44/DefIcons44.it.doc
[generic] 678 1269 53.4% -lh5- 8aee Jul 27 2000 DefIcons44/DefIcons44.it.doc.info
[generic] 1725 2079 83.0% -lh5- c2f6 Jul 27 2000 DefIcons44/DefIcons44_Drawer.info
[generic] 13351 23280 57.3% -lh5- 657d Jun 5 2000 DefIcons44/DefIconsPrefs
[generic] 3635 3979 91.4% -lh5- c649 Jul 27 2000 DefIcons44/DefIconsPrefs.info
[generic] 1122 1588 70.7% -lh5- 0f26 Jun 24 2000 DefIcons44/DoMIME
[generic] 917 1700 53.9% -lh5- 7288 Jun 24 2000 DefIcons44/DoMIME.doc
[generic] 823 932 88.3% -lh5- 511b May 5 2000 DefIcons44/icons/def_elf.info
[generic] 881 1000 88.1% -lh5- f2c6 May 5 2000 DefIcons44/icons/def_patch.info
[generic] 1183 3375 35.1% -lh5- 371d Jun 23 2000 DefIcons44/Install
[generic] 1194 1455 82.1% -lh5- 91c7 Jul 27 2000 DefIcons44/Install.info
[generic] 220 321 68.5% -lh5- 38bd May 5 2000 DefIcons44/s/PlacePatch.bat
[generic] 1835 5924 31.0% -lh5- b8ef Apr 30 2000 DefIcons44/s/Processfile.rexx
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 32 files 63428 116489 54.4% Sep 14 2000
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