Test Version - May Not Be Stable, use UHCGUI-Current If Needed
This is a graphical user interface which you can use with the UHC Tools
package which is a collection of cli tools to make a real or emulated
Amiga which has internet access a lot easier to work with.
Full details for this you can find on the UHC Tools aminet page, this
readme simply covers this work in progress GUI which requires a
correctly installed UHC Tools.
Note: due to the nature of "Online" life, some sites may enforce http
redirects to https, in which case you may see a popup mentioning that
AMISSL is needed for some operations, currently Remix.Kwed enforces
a https redirect so AMISSL is needed, the same may apply to some of the
other sites supported by UHC Tools and may change 1 way or the other
over time.
This is an experimental Test version of the GUI, it may or may not work
for you, if you encounter any glaring issues feel free to post feedback
over at the EAB Forum thread: https://eab.abime.net/showthread.php?t=109949
or just send an email, any feedback appreciated.
Experimental Features and Changes.
It is best to keep the Current and Test versions as individual installs,
the test version should not interfere with the normal version and it has
its own location for preferences.
2 new folders have been added, 1 for Preferences and 1 for site Catalogues.
The Preferences folder obviously now contains the GUI prefs files which
were previously held in UHC: the Catalogue folder contains text files which
contain a list of text/names that functions as a quick filter for searches that
are tailored for each mirror/download site.
I have included a list of catalogues containing what i believe to be useful, as
these are simple text files however, you can amend them as you see fit, remove
anything you do not use or add custom categories/filters to word match anything
you prefer.
Normally if you search for nothing, no search is done, but if you now select a
category and search for nothing then the GUI will attempt to find everything under
the selected category, so if your search box contains nothing and you select the
DRIVER/AUDIO on Aminet and hit the "<<" button to search or hit enter in the search
box then ALL audio drivers in Aminet will be listed. You can further narrow down
search results by also adding "AHI" to the search box, now only Audio Drivers that
contain the word AHI will be listed.
The same applies to all categories on all sites, you can use the categories alone
or in combination with words to narrow down what you are attempting to find, due to
the word matching way UHC Tools works however you still might pick up extra results
you did not expect, the function remains useful even with those extra results.
The list of mirror/download sites are listed in a CycleGadget as default to save space,
there is however a new menu option to enable a Listview alternative which takes up more
window space but is easier to use than a Cyclegadget.
As this is a test version a number of Prefs options are included which normally would
not be, this is just to save time and have "the new stuff" enabled from the beginning.
You can still enable/disable then save whatever you prefer.
Previous additions/changes can be found in the ReadMe for UHCGUI-Current
Here is a Youtube link showing a quick video of what the GUI does and a sample of
the new additions in the Test version, my setup is via FS-UAE, results will probably
not be as swift on real unexpanded hardware.