| 84656 packages online |
| util/wb/Weather1.1.lha | | | No screenshot available |
Fisrt - sorry for my poor english.
Program requirements:
- MorphOS 1.4.x (it works also on 1.5, but it's better on 1.4.x :)
- MOSMedia (http://teleinfo.pb.bialystok.pl/mosmedia/)
- internet connection
- open program (you should see only weather.com logo)
- select "Prefs" from menu
- click on "Select city"
- enter city name (in english) you're looking for into a string and press
"Search" (program will be frozen during search, so don't panic).
- if you'll get no entries in list, it means that city couldn't be found.
Try searching the nearest big city, or use internet browser
(http://www.weather.com) to find it
- select city from lister and press "Ok"
- select what informations should be displayed
- press "Save"
If you like this program and you want to fit it nicely to your desktop I advice
to use "Backdrop window" & "Borderless window", select pen numer for text
in program prefs and select background for window in MUI settings.
If you want to start it from a WBStartup take a look at "Delay after start
fetching data (in sec)" option.
Weather data are updated every 30 mins.
Changes in 1.1:
- data was downloaded twice during start
- some minor gui fixes
- metric units of pressure changed from mm to hPa
- when city is not found Weather informs about it
- data from switches "Backdrop window" & "Borderless window" was synced by
a mistake
- added "No TitleBar window" option (window with borders but without
a TitleBar)
- gui sometimes disappeared, because of error in server response. Now when
error occur Weather redownload data after 2 seconds
- window postion wasn't saved with prefs
- added weather forecast for 10 days (available from menu, or amiga+f)
- added localization support (although it's not full, because of
a weather.com's way of giving data)
Q: Will you add transparency support to Weather?
A: No. Real transparency is not suitable for MUI programs, and fake
transparency suxx
Q: I'm using MorphOS 1.5, and I know it must be released ASAP. What can I do to
avoid this message?
A: Inform Weather about it! Set ENV var I_KNOW_1_5_MUST_BE_RELEASED to 1.
This program was written in a few days. Author take no responsibility for any
damage caused by it.
Wymagania programu:
- MorphOS 1.4.x (dzia³a te¿ na 1.5, ale jest lepszy na 1.4.x :)
- MOSMedia (http://teleinfo.pb.bialystok.pl/mosmedia/)
- po³±czenie z internetem
Jak to w³±czyæ:
- uruchom program (powiniene¶ zobaczyæ tylko logo weather.com)
- wybierz "Prefs" z menu
- klinknij na gad¿ecie "Select city"
- wpisz nazwê miasta (po angilesku) jakiego poszukujesz i naci¶nij "Search"
(program bêdzie zamro¿ony podczas szukania, wiec nie panikuj)
- je¶li w listerze nie pojawi± siê ¿adne pozycje, oznacza to, ¿e miast nie
zosta³o znalezione. Spróbuj poszukaæ najbli¿szego du¿ego miasta albo
u¿yj przegl±darki internetowej (http://www.weather.com) do znalezienia go
- wybierz miasto z listy i naci¶nij "Ok"
- wybierz jakie informacje maja byæ wy¶wietlane
- nacisnij "Save"
Je¶li podoba Ci siê ten program i chcesz go ³adnie wkomponowaæ w biurko
u¿yæ opcji "Backdrop window" i "Borderless window", wybraæ numer pisaka
dla tekstu w preferencjach programu oraz wybraæ odpowiednia podk³adkê do okna
w preferencjach MUIa.
Je¶li chcesz uruchamiaæ ten program z WBStartup spojrz na opcjê "Delay after
start before fetching data (in sec)"
Dane o pogodzie s± aktualizowane co 30 minut.
Zmiany w wersji 1.1:
- dane by³y ¶ci±gane 2 razy podczas w³±czania programu
- ma³e poprawki w guiu
- w systemie metrycznym jednostka ci¶nienia zosta³a zmieniona z mm na hPa
- kiedy miasto jest nieznalezione Weather informuje o tym
- dane z prze³±cznikiow "Backdrop window" i "Borderless window" by³y
po³±czone przez przypadek
- dodana opcja "No TitleBar window" (okno z ramkami ale bez belki tytu³owej)
- gui czasem znika³ z powodu b³edów w odpowiedzi serwera. Teraz kiedy
pojawia siê b³±d Weather ¶ci±ga ponowanie dane po 2 sekundach
- pozycja okna nie by³a zapisywana razem z razem z ustawieniami
- dodana prognoza pogody (na 10 dni, dostepne z menu lub pod skrótem amiga+f)
- dodana obs³uga lokalizacji (jednak nie jest to pe³na lokalizacja z powodu
sposobu podawania danych przez serwis weather.com)
P: Czy dodasz przezroczyto¶æ do Weather'a?
O: Nie. Prawdziwa przezroczysto¶æ nie odpowiednia dla MUI'owych programów a
fa³szywa przezroczyto¶æ ssie.
P: U¿ywam MorphOS'a 1.5 i wiem ¿e musi on zostaæ wydany ASAP. Co mogê
zrobiæ aby
wy³±czyæ t± wiadomo¶æ?
O: Poinformuj Weather'a o tym! Ustawm zmienn± ¶rodowiskow±
I_KNOW_1_5_MUST_BE_RELEASED na warto¶æ 1.
Program ten zosta³ napisany w kilka dni. Autor nie ponosi ¿adnej
za ewentualne szkody spowodowane przez niego.
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 6839 6965 98.2% -lh5- 28de Dec 30 2004 Weather.info
[generic] 1454 2960 49.1% -lh5- 8804 Jan 15 2005 Weather/Catalogs/polski/polski.ct
[generic] 832 1550 53.7% -lh5- 11bf Jan 15 2005 Weather/Catalogs/polski/Weather.catalog
[generic] 933 2142 43.6% -lh5- bf36 Jan 15 2005 Weather/Catalogs/weather.cd
[generic] 7387 7506 98.4% -lh5- 6bf7 May 5 2003 Weather/gfx/0.mbr
[generic] 7791 7899 98.6% -lh5- 67da May 5 2003 Weather/gfx/1.mbr
[generic] 7375 7478 98.6% -lh5- 59eb May 5 2003 Weather/gfx/10.mbr
[generic] 6941 7029 98.7% -lh5- 6583 May 5 2003 Weather/gfx/11.mbr
[generic] 7633 7742 98.6% -lh5- bb7f May 5 2003 Weather/gfx/12.mbr
[generic] 5574 5689 98.0% -lh5- bfdc May 5 2003 Weather/gfx/13.mbr
[generic] 6481 6574 98.6% -lh5- 2a87 May 5 2003 Weather/gfx/14.mbr
[generic] 4677 4864 96.2% -lh5- 4de7 May 5 2003 Weather/gfx/15.mbr
[generic] 7533 7659 98.4% -lh5- 19bf May 5 2003 Weather/gfx/16.mbr
[generic] 7387 7506 98.4% -lh5- 6bf7 May 5 2003 Weather/gfx/17.mbr
[generic] 7234 7336 98.6% -lh5- 6188 May 5 2003 Weather/gfx/18.mbr
[generic] 7705 7803 98.7% -lh5- ef0e May 5 2003 Weather/gfx/19.mbr
[generic] 7038 7122 98.8% -lh5- 7d00 May 5 2003 Weather/gfx/2.mbr
[generic] 6392 6524 98.0% -lh5- e6d4 May 5 2003 Weather/gfx/20.mbr
[generic] 6657 6815 97.7% -lh5- c806 May 5 2003 Weather/gfx/21.mbr
[generic] 6149 6315 97.4% -lh5- 10d7 May 5 2003 Weather/gfx/22.mbr
[generic] 3714 3962 93.7% -lh5- 7253 May 5 2003 Weather/gfx/23.mbr
[generic] 3714 3962 93.7% -lh5- 7253 May 5 2003 Weather/gfx/24.mbr
[generic] 5977 6151 97.2% -lh5- 82a4 May 5 2003 Weather/gfx/25.mbr
[generic] 7215 7344 98.2% -lh5- b88c May 5 2003 Weather/gfx/26.mbr
[generic] 10772 10984 98.1% -lh5- 0f92 May 5 2003 Weather/gfx/27.mbr
[generic] 10287 10412 98.8% -lh5- 49d8 May 5 2003 Weather/gfx/28.mbr
[generic] 10184 10378 98.1% -lh5- 7140 May 5 2003 Weather/gfx/29.mbr
[generic] 7387 7506 98.4% -lh5- 6bf7 May 5 2003 Weather/gfx/3.mbr
[generic] 9885 10018 98.7% -lh5- 8ac3 May 5 2003 Weather/gfx/30.mbr
[generic] 9889 10134 97.6% -lh5- 64cf May 5 2003 Weather/gfx/31.mbr
[generic] 8637 8731 98.9% -lh5- a3dc May 5 2003 Weather/gfx/32.mbr
[generic] 9889 10134 97.6% -lh5- 64cf May 5 2003 Weather/gfx/33.mbr
[generic] 9625 9718 99.0% -lh5- 50db May 5 2003 Weather/gfx/34.mbr
[generic] 7387 7506 98.4% -lh5- 6bf7 May 5 2003 Weather/gfx/35.mbr
[generic] 9342 9467 98.7% -lh5- 383c May 5 2003 Weather/gfx/36.mbr
[generic] 6378 6491 98.3% -lh5- 78f3 May 5 2003 Weather/gfx/37.mbr
[generic] 6378 6491 98.3% -lh5- 78f3 May 5 2003 Weather/gfx/38.mbr
[generic] 7633 7742 98.6% -lh5- bb7f May 5 2003 Weather/gfx/39.mbr
[generic] 7387 7506 98.4% -lh5- 6bf7 May 5 2003 Weather/gfx/4.mbr
[generic] 7275 7377 98.6% -lh5- c6b8 May 5 2003 Weather/gfx/40.mbr
[generic] 7533 7659 98.4% -lh5- 19bf May 5 2003 Weather/gfx/41.mbr
[generic] 7533 7659 98.4% -lh5- 19bf May 5 2003 Weather/gfx/42.mbr
[generic] 8546 8709 98.1% -lh5- 21a1 May 5 2003 Weather/gfx/43.mbr
[generic] 9885 10018 98.7% -lh5- 8ac3 May 5 2003 Weather/gfx/44.mbr
[generic] 12324 12507 98.5% -lh5- 0155 May 5 2003 Weather/gfx/45.mbr
[generic] 12029 12190 98.7% -lh5- 0087 May 5 2003 Weather/gfx/46.mbr
[generic] 11868 12066 98.4% -lh5- a431 May 5 2003 Weather/gfx/47.mbr
[generic] 7681 7775 98.8% -lh5- 0ffe May 5 2003 Weather/gfx/5.mbr
[generic] 7234 7336 98.6% -lh5- 6188 May 5 2003 Weather/gfx/6.mbr
[generic] 8153 8267 98.6% -lh5- 05dc May 5 2003 Weather/gfx/7.mbr
[generic] 6195 6321 98.0% -lh5- 2e9c May 5 2003 Weather/gfx/8.mbr
[generic] 5126 5260 97.5% -lh5- 484d May 5 2003 Weather/gfx/9.mbr
[generic] 8984 9234 97.3% -lh5- bb22 May 5 2003 Weather/gfx/na.mbr
[generic] 7447 7540 98.8% -lh5- 838a May 2 2003 Weather/gfx/TWClogo.mbr
[generic] 3235 3272 98.9% -lh5- 03bb May 5 2003 Weather/gfx/TWClogo_32px.mbr
[generic] 90865 286788 31.7% -lh5- e208 Jan 16 2005 Weather/Weather
[generic] 5640 5640 100.0% -lh0- b781 Dec 30 2004 Weather/Weather.info
[generic] 2481 4984 49.8% -lh5- 2eb5 Jan 16 2005 Weather/Weather.txt
[generic] 7161 7301 98.1% -lh5- 68bd Dec 30 2004 Weather/Weather.txt.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 59 files 508887 718018 70.9% Dec 6 15:53
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