84794 packages online
util/wb/confix12.lha |
No screenshot available
Short: | Easy backup of your config data, IMPROVED !!! |
Author: | cascade stuttgart.netsurf.de (Thomas Stadler) |
Uploader: | cascade stuttgart netsurf de (Thomas Stadler) |
Type: | util/wb |
Version: | 1.2 |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos |
Date: | 1998-08-21 |
Requires: | Any Amiga with OS 3.x or above |
Replaces: | Any older ConfiX version (1.0 and 1.1) |
Download: | util/wb/confix12.lha - View contents | Readme: | util/wb/confix12.readme |
Downloads: | 681 |
Usage Anwendung
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ConfiX erlaubt es Ihnen auf einfache
ConfiX contains DOS-Scripts which are able Weise eine Kopie Ihrer Konfiguration
to backup and restore your complete anzulegen und die Konfigurationsdateien
configuration files. ebenso wiederherzustellen. Doppelklicken
Sie das Skript das Sie verwenden wollen
Just doubleclick the icon of the desired und befolgen Sie die Anweisungen am
script and follow the instructions on the Bildschirm. Die Programme sind in Ihrem
screen. The scripts can be found in your Sys:C/ Verzeichnis zu finden. Sie können
Sys:C/ directory. You can also use the auch den "execute" Befehl benutzen.
"execute" command.
Other Stuff Sonstiges
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This piece of software is email-ware. Diese Software ist EMail-Ware,
That means, if you use it, you should das bedeutet, wenn sie es benutzen
send me an email/postcard with your opinion. mir eine E-Mail/Postkarte schicken
When I get enough response I'll be sollten. Wenn das Feedback groß genug ist,
pleased to write a new version. werde ich gerne eine neue Version schreiben,
With a mouse-driven, fancy GUI. mit Mausbedienung und einer netten Oberfläche.
You may also spread this whereever Sie dürfen das alles beliebig verbreiten,
you want, but keep the files in solange alle Dateien in ihrem Urzustand
their original state. bleiben.
This software requires any Amiga with Kick and WB 3.x or above.
Diese Software benötigt einen Amiga mit Kick und WB 3.x oder höher.
Alles getan, geschrieben und gemacht von Thomas "Cascade" Stadler.
Everything written and done by Thomas "Cascade" Stadler.
Send bug reports, suggestions, emails and PowerPC-Boards :-) to the:
Thomas Stadler
Beihinger Weg 11
70439 Stuttgart
D - Germany
Tel: ++49 711 803540
E-Mail: cascade@stuttgart.netsurf.de
PS: Please excuse my broken english !!!
Contents of util/wb/confix12.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 780 1855 42.0% -lh5- 6bc0 Aug 20 1998 ConfiX_V1.2/ATTENTION.WICHTIG
[generic] 2169 2986 72.6% -lh5- 61d3 Aug 18 1998 ConfiX_V1.2/ATTENTION.WICHTIG.info
[generic] 1307 2907 45.0% -lh5- a2d4 Aug 18 1998 ConfiX_V1.2/ConfiX_Manual
[generic] 2200 3057 72.0% -lh5- ca1f Aug 18 1998 ConfiX_V1.2/ConfiX_Manual.info
[generic] 859 1636 52.5% -lh5- a36b Aug 18 1998 ConfiX_V1.2/Deutsch.info
[generic] 507 1701 29.8% -lh5- 9b26 Aug 20 1998 ConfiX_V1.2/Deutsch/Konfiguration_Herstellen
[generic] 1452 2211 65.7% -lh5- 9173 Aug 16 1998 ConfiX_V1.2/Deutsch/Konfiguration_Herstellen.info
[generic] 435 1328 32.8% -lh5- 7ebf Aug 20 1998 ConfiX_V1.2/Deutsch/Konfiguration_Sichern
[generic] 1440 2208 65.2% -lh5- bf47 Aug 16 1998 ConfiX_V1.2/Deutsch/Konfiguration_Sichern.info
[generic] 313 844 37.1% -lh5- 29b2 Aug 20 1998 ConfiX_V1.2/Deutsch/Uninstall.Deutsch
[generic] 1571 2619 60.0% -lh5- eb61 Aug 16 1998 ConfiX_V1.2/Deutsch/Uninstall.Deutsch.info
[generic] 860 1636 52.6% -lh5- 0286 Aug 18 1998 ConfiX_V1.2/English.info
[generic] 421 1308 32.2% -lh5- 4c4b Aug 20 1998 ConfiX_V1.2/English/Backup_Configuration
[generic] 1442 2208 65.3% -lh5- af4c Aug 16 1998 ConfiX_V1.2/English/Backup_Configuration.info
[generic] 461 1606 28.7% -lh5- a825 Aug 20 1998 ConfiX_V1.2/English/Restore_Configuration
[generic] 1450 2211 65.6% -lh5- 7a61 Aug 16 1998 ConfiX_V1.2/English/Restore_Configuration.info
[generic] 295 825 35.8% -lh5- 1dfd Aug 20 1998 ConfiX_V1.2/English/Uninstall.English
[generic] 1569 2619 59.9% -lh5- 7bb4 Aug 16 1998 ConfiX_V1.2/English/Uninstall.English.info
[generic] 518 933 55.5% -lh5- 6b72 Jul 31 1998 ConfiX_V1.2/Features
[generic] 2303 3259 70.7% -lh5- 5b38 Aug 18 1998 ConfiX_V1.2/Features.info
[generic] 2011 3015 66.7% -lh5- 8442 Aug 18 1998 ConfiX_V1.2/Goodies.info
[generic] 266 968 27.5% -lh5- 1ee4 Apr 6 1998 ConfiX_V1.2/Goodies/More_Opus_ConfiX_Buttons
[generic] 774 1161 66.7% -lh5- 750b Aug 18 1998 ConfiX_V1.2/Goodies/More_Opus_ConfiX_Buttons.info
[generic] 2900 10610 27.3% -lh5- bf8e Apr 6 1998 ConfiX_V1.2/Goodies/Opus_File_Ops
[generic] 781 1161 67.3% -lh5- 3823 Aug 18 1998 ConfiX_V1.2/Goodies/Opus_File_Ops.info
[generic] 240 848 28.3% -lh5- f270 Aug 12 1998 ConfiX_V1.2/Goodies/SetOf_DOpus5_ConfiX_Button
[generic] 407 1518 26.8% -lh5- 5f7a Aug 20 1998 ConfiX_V1.2/Install.Deutsch
[generic] 1849 3048 60.7% -lh5- 0bef Aug 18 1998 ConfiX_V1.2/Install.Deutsch.info
[generic] 389 1490 26.1% -lh5- f56e Aug 20 1998 ConfiX_V1.2/Install.English
[generic] 1850 3048 60.7% -lh5- e66b Aug 18 1998 ConfiX_V1.2/Install.English.info
[generic] 502 896 56.0% -lh5- 9fa9 Jul 31 1998 ConfiX_V1.2/LegalStuff
[generic] 2170 2986 72.7% -lh5- 640c Aug 18 1998 ConfiX_V1.2/LegalStuff.info
[generic] 853 1636 52.1% -lh5- 763b Aug 18 1998 ConfiX_V1.2.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 33 files 37344 72342 51.6% Aug 20 1998
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