gifsicle-src.lha |
1.44 |
gfx/misc |
972 |
286K |
2007-04-02 |
Tool for manipulating GIF images - (readme) | |
1.0 |
game/strat |
1522 |
26M |
2018-01-14 |
Gigalomania Source - (readme) |
Gin_Rummy_src.lha |
game/misc |
644 |
22K |
1999-02-10 |
Amos Pro Source Code to this game - (readme) |
git-src.lha |
4.3.15 |
dev/gg |
573 |
398K |
1998-03-16 |
A file system browser with shell. V4.3.15 - (readme) |
GLArea_src.lha |
dev/mui |
6816 |
42K |
2005-09-11 |
GLArea (MUI Custom Class) source code - (readme) |
GloomTrainer_src.lha |
2.0 |
game/patch |
1251 |
12K |
2017-04-26 |
Gloom trainer source code - (readme) |
Gloom_src.lha |
game/shoot |
1494 |
6.8M |
2017-05-06 |
The first-person shooter source code - (readme) |
GLperf3.12-src.lha |
dev/src |
917 |
351K |
1998-09-24 |
Official OpenGL benchmark (source codes) - (readme) |
glquake-sdl-src.lha |
1.09 |
game/shoot |
1058 |
1.2M |
2012-04-11 |
SDL-based GLQuake sources - (readme) |
GLQuake_src.lha |
1.0 beta 6.1 |
game/shoot |
948 |
441K |
2000-06-26 |
GLQuake sources for Amiga/WarpOS - (readme) |
GlSrc.lha |
game/shoot |
743 |
1.5M |
2002-12-15 |
Q2-Src: Gameleader - (readme) |
gltron_src.lha |
game/misc |
739 |
1.4M |
2000-06-19 |
GLTron source - (readme) |
gmp-src.lha |
2.0.2 |
dev/gg |
580 |
391K |
1998-03-16 |
Arbitrary precision math library. V2.0.2 - (readme) |
gnat-src.lha |
3.10p |
dev/gg |
595 |
3.6M |
1998-03-16 |
GNU ADA compiler. V3.10p - (readme) |
GNUboy-src.lha |
1.03 |
misc/emu |
1146 |
224K |
2006-07-10 |
Source code for GNUboy 1.03 - (readme) |
GnuChessSrc.lha |
game/board |
797 |
1.5M |
1995-08-15 |
GNU chess program - (readme) |
gnuplot-src.lha |
gfx/misc |
465 |
1.5M |
1999-11-07 |
Interactive function and data plotting - (readme) |
Gofer230aP3src.lha |
dev/lang |
588 |
433K |
1994-09-21 |
Gofer 2.30a Functional Language (#4/4) - (readme) |
GoFetch12_Src.lha |
1.2 |
comm/net |
661 |
65K |
2000-12-21 |
Amiga E Sourcecode to GoFetch 1.2 - (readme) |
GOldNEST_src.lha |
0.42 |
misc/emu |
1273 |
42K |
2017-03-20 |
GOldNEST source code - (readme) |
GoogleDoc.lha |
1.0h |
comm/tcp |
1916 |
53K |
2008-07-22 |
Translate texts (+src). - (readme) |
GoPortscan_src.lha |
1.1 |
dev/e |
614 |
293K |
2003-11-16 |
E Source Code to Go Portscan! V1.1 - (readme) | |
051303 |
misc/emu |
831 |
264K |
2008-01-30 |
Genesis Plus (AROS port sources) - (readme) |
GrabURL_src.lha |
comm/www |
776 |
104K |
1998-05-30 |
Source to GrabURL - (readme) |
grafix_src.lha |
gfx/misc |
508 |
87K |
1999-02-10 |
Grafix Source Code - (readme) |
GraphPaper_src.lha |
text/print |
825 |
14K |
1999-01-07 |
ASM-source of GraphPaper - (readme) |
grep-2.5-ppc-amigaos-src.lha |
2.5 |
text/misc |
575 |
1.3M |
2005-09-26 |
GNU grep, egrep and fgrep - (readme) |
grep-src.lha |
2.0 |
text/misc |
496 |
152K |
1998-03-16 |
GNU grep package. V2.0 - (readme) |
groff-1.10src.lha |
text/misc |
798 |
1.3M |
1995-12-19 |
GNU roff 1.10 text formatter (sources) - (readme) |
groff-src.lha |
1.10 |
dev/gg |
569 |
1.1M |
1998-03-16 |
GNU groff document formatting system. V1.10 - (readme) |
GS-AmiWin-src.lha |
misc/x11 |
4417 |
948K |
1995-12-23 |
GS-AmiWin.lha archive sources - (readme) |
gs503src_amiga.lha |
text/dtp |
529 |
196K |
1997-08-18 |
Ghostscript5.03 Amiga sources - (readme) |
gs503src_gs.lha |
text/dtp |
543 |
3.1M |
1997-08-18 |
Ghostscript5.03 original sources - (readme) |
GS510-main-src.lha |
text/dtp |
978 |
3.2M |
1998-03-09 |
Postscript-pdf prtr/viewer new printers - (readme) |
gs860_src.lha |
8.60 |
text/dtp |
1281 |
13M |
2009-01-22 |
Ghostscript 8.60 source files - (readme) |
guavac-src.lha |
0.2.5 |
dev/gg |
593 |
417K |
1998-03-16 |
A portable compiler for Java. V0.2.5 - (readme) |
GuideMaker-src.lha |
0.7 |
text/hyper |
1665 |
143K |
2016-04-03 |
Sources for GuideMaker. - (readme) |
guile-src.lha |
1.2 |
dev/gg |
557 |
708K |
1998-03-16 |
Portable, embeddable Scheme interpreter. V1.2 - (readme) |
GuiSrc_1.lha |
1.0 |
dev/misc |
671 |
8K |
2003-09-27 |
Lists c-source functions,easy search 4 calls - (readme) |
GUITools_src.lha |
dev/m2 |
5486 |
30K |
1994-05-25 |
modula-2 source of the guitools.library (38.1) - (readme) |
gzip-src.lha |
1.2.4 |
dev/gg |
1575 |
246K |
1998-03-16 |
GNU compressing/decompressing programs. V1.2.4 - (readme) |
gzipPPC.lha |
1.2.4 |
util/pack |
1818 |
180K |
1999-08-14 |
PPC version of gzip (src included). - (readme) |
HAM8bob.lha |
dev/e |
610 |
127K |
1994-08-17 |
Bouncing bob in HAM8. Src in E v3. - (readme) |
headbanger_src.lha |
0.11 |
util/pack |
1213 |
5K |
2017-07-11 |
Headbanger source code - (readme) |
Hexaco_1.0.lha |
1.0 |
util/wb |
1185 |
842K |
2017-08-17 |
Color values as hex/dec/... (MUI, +src) - (readme) |
Hexaco_1.1.lha |
1.1 |
util/wb |
1226 |
895K |
2018-06-18 |
Color values as hex/dec/... (MUI, +src) - (readme) |
hexen2.src-aros.lha |
1.5.3 |
game/shoot |
937 |
2.6M |
2012-05-29 |
Hexen II for AROS (sources) - (readme) |
Hexy.lha |
dev/misc |
770 |
152K |
1999-08-25 |
Binary file viewer/editor v1.6 (w/src GPL) - (readme) |
HideWBTitle_src.lha |
1.4 |
util/cli |
1231 |
11K |
2017-05-29 |
HideWBTitle source code - (readme) |
HotShotsSRC.lha |
1.2 |
dev/basic |
692 |
403K |
2000-01-10 |
BB2 source code, unfinished, great game - (readme) |