84783 packages online


Showing: m68k-amigaos iconppc-amigaos iconppc-morphos iconi386-aros iconi386-amithlon iconppc-warpup iconppc-powerup icongeneric icon
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name: ^ version: path: dls: size: date: arch: desc:
PPDecrypt.lha 1.02 util/crypt 850 16K 2010-11-23 m68k-amigaos icon Decrypts PowerPacker executables (+src) - (readme)
prexx.lha dev/lang 580 13K 1998-12-31 m68k-amigaos icon Pascal Unit to use Arexx in pascal+src - (readme)
ProCtfSrc.lha game/shoot 672 990K 2002-12-15 m68k-amigaos icon Q2-Src: Pro-Ctf - (readme)
ProfiPacketSrc.lha 0.26 comm/misc 639 1.0M 1999-06-29 m68k-amigaos icon Packet Radio terminal program - source code - (readme)
profonts_src.lha 1.0 text/print 1028 67K 2018-03-21 generic icon ProFonts source code - (readme)
ProRocketSrc.lha game/shoot 706 1.2M 2002-12-15 m68k-amigaos icon Q2-Src: Pro-Rocket - (readme)
ProtectGUI_src.lha 1.0a util/misc 1306 47K 2017-05-29 generic icon ProtectGUI source code - (readme)
ps3msrc.lha mus/play 822 63K 1997-01-05 generic icon Source of PS3M 3.13, a module player. - (readme)
psutils-src.lha 1.16 dev/gg 611 104K 1998-03-16 m68k-amigaos icon Utils for manipulating PostScript files. V1.16 - (readme) 2.1 driver/input 433 221K 2021-07-06 generic icon PSXPort - source code - (readme)
psycheual_src.txt game/shoot 969 78K 2014-05-29 generic icon (incomplete) ASM source for Psycheal - (readme)
PT4_Beta2_src.lha mus/edit 1445 509K 2001-05-15 m68k-amigaos icon Protracker V4.0 Beta 2 full source code - (readme)
ptx-src.lha 0.4 dev/gg 629 223K 1998-03-16 m68k-amigaos icon Traditional permuted index generator. V0.4 - (readme)
PubScrnTools.lha 1 util/misc 712 35K 1999-04-27 m68k-amigaos icon Public Screen Tools (src included) - (readme)
pushover.src.tgz 0.0.4 game/think 570 543K 2013-03-14 generic icon Pushover sources - (readme)
PutMailSRC.lha comm/tcp 645 57K 1995-07-23 m68k-amigaos icon AmiTCP SMTP Client, Sends E-Mail. - (readme)
puzzlemos012.lha 0.1.2 game/think 905 1.0M 2008-08-13 m68k-amigaos icon Unfinished puzzle game (+ AmiBlitz src) - (readme)
Python152_Src.lha dev/lang 644 744K 1999-10-30 m68k-amigaos icon Python language 1.5.2 (source) - (readme)
Python16_Src.lha dev/lang 647 2.0M 2000-10-13 m68k-amigaos icon Python language 1.6 (source) - (readme)
Python20_Src.lha dev/lang 774 2.2M 2000-10-31 m68k-amigaos icon Python language 2.0 (source) - (readme)
q-device_src.lha 0.6 dev/e 765 66K 2005-02-14 m68k-amigaos icon E Source Code to Q-Device! V0.6 - (readme)
Q2CompSrc.lha game/shoot 652 860K 2002-12-15 m68k-amigaos icon Q2-Src: Q2Comp - (readme)
Q2MaxSrc.lha game/shoot 720 3.1M 2002-12-15 m68k-amigaos icon Q2-Src: Q2Max Engine Modification - (readme)
Q2Src.lha game/shoot 1275 1.5M 2002-12-15 generic icon Q2-Src: Quake2 for AmigaOS Source-Code - (readme)
QDisk-src-v214.lha 2.14 util/wb 726 125K 2007-12-03 generic icon SOURCES:Monitor Drive Space Usage From WB - (readme)
QLib-src-v200.lha 2.00 util/wb 745 128K 2007-12-03 generic icon SOURCES: Show Ver of DTypes,Classes,Libs - (readme)
QrSrc.lha game/shoot 790 1.3M 2002-12-15 m68k-amigaos icon Q2-Src: QuakeRacing - (readme)
qstat.src-aros.lha 2.11 game/misc 901 519K 2012-09-09 generic icon qstat sources - (readme)
qtools0.3-src.lha dev/c 959 698K 1999-01-02 m68k-amigaos icon A compilation of utils for QuakeI v0.3 (sourcecode files) - (readme)
QtoolsSrc.lha game/shoot 660 700K 2002-12-15 m68k-amigaos icon Q2-Src: QTools - (readme)
quake3-src.tar.bz2 1.31 game/shoot 695 3.9M 2006-07-07 generic icon Quake 3 Amiga Source Code - (readme)
QuakeWorld_src.lha 1.0 game/shoot 766 1.0M 2000-06-22 generic icon QuakeWorld sources for Amiga 68k/WOS/PUp - (readme)
Quake_III_1.32b_SRC.tar.bz2 1.32b game/shoot 648 3.8M 2006-02-05 generic icon Quake III SRC - (readme)
Quake_src.lha 2.30 game/shoot 968 566K 2005-10-03 generic icon Quake1 sources for AmigaOS/MorphOS - (readme)
quarterback_src.lha 6.01 disk/bakup 1729 3.1M 2018-03-21 generic icon Quarterback source code - (readme)
QuickLens.lha 2.02 util/wb 547 8K 2002-06-16 m68k-amigaos icon A quick lens, any OS, any font, w/src - (readme)
Qwk2Pkt.lha 1.2 comm/fido 617 28K 2010-08-31 m68k-amigaos icon Convert .QWK files to FidoNet .PKT (+src) - (readme)
RafikSrcDos.lha 1.0beta dev/src 613 54K 1997-05-31 m68k-amigaos icon Some system sources - (readme)
Ramjam_Corso_SRC.lha docs/help 1237 2.6M 2019-09-06 generic icon Sources for Italian Assembler tutorial - (readme)
RAPlay.lha 3.1 mus/play 1350 383K 2002-05-19 m68k-amigaos icon ppc-morphos icon Play/decode RealAudio v1/2/3 files. (w/src) - (readme)
raplay_os4.lha 3.1 mus/play 1034 266K 2007-01-01 ppc-amigaos icon Play/decode RealAudio v1/2/3 files (+src) - (readme)
rastermaster16.lha dev/amos 735 113K 1999-01-13 m68k-amigaos icon colour table/copperbar editor (+src) - (readme)
RBF_src.lha dev/src 603 3K 1999-02-18 m68k-amigaos icon C++ source for easy TileCoding of vectors using RBFs - (readme)
rcs-src.lha 5.7 dev/gg 550 335K 1998-03-16 m68k-amigaos icon Revision Control System. V5.7 - (readme) game/strat 227 3.9M 2022-02-28 m68k-amigaos icon realtime strategy written in AMOS (+src) - (readme)
recorder_src.lzh 1.4 util/cli 536 9K 1999-04-22 m68k-amigaos icon Assembler Source Code for V1.4 - (readme)
Redit_src.lha 2.0 text/edit 2255 87K 2018-03-11 generic icon Sourcecode of Redit - (readme)
RefreshWB.lha 1.0 util/boot 511 1K 1996-08-24 m68k-amigaos icon RefreshWB v1.0 (+src) refresh Workbench backdrop - (readme)
relocate103.lha dev/asm 706 11K 1993-01-19 m68k-amigaos icon Relocate 68k srcs, bins & includes. - (readme)
rememberday_src.lha 0.1 util/time 1231 19K 2017-10-10 generic icon Remember Day source code - (readme)
Found 1108 matching packages
1 2 3 4 5 ... 15 16 >17< 18 19 20 21 22 23
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