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Found 33 matching packages
name: ^ version: path: dls: size: date: arch: desc:
avs.lha text/misc 5376 2.1M 1994-05-02 m68k-amigaos icon AVS is a bible viewer program. - (readme)
BB.lha docs/hyper 4434 285K 2000-12-03 generic icon The BLACK BIBLE (Russian), AmigaGuide - (readme)
BibelGuide01.lha BibelGuide V0.8 (Mai. 2002) docs/hyper 3938 773K 2002-05-25 generic icon The bible in AmigaGuide, UpDate V0.8 searchable - (readme)
BibelGuide02.lha BibelGuide02 V0.6 (Mai 2002) docs/hyper 3943 499K 2002-05-25 generic icon The bible prophets in searchable AG - (readme)
BibelGuide03.lha BibelGuide03 V0.4 (Mai 2000) docs/hyper 3870 315K 2002-05-25 generic icon The bible new testament in AmigaGuide - (readme)
BibelHyperGuid.lha Bibel.hguide V0.3 (Apr. 1998) docs/hyper 3888 328K 1999-04-14 generic icon The bible in HyperGuide, searchable HTDS - (readme)
BibelNTGuide1.lha 1.0 (July 1999) docs/hyper 3871 729K 2000-01-20 generic icon Interpretations of bible NT1 (german) - (readme)
BibelNT_Guide2.lha 1.0 (July 1999) docs/hyper 3902 482K 1999-12-16 generic icon Interpretations of bible NT2 (german) - (readme)
Bible_Search.lha 1.3a misc/misc 4146 1.9M 2002-06-02 m68k-amigaos icon Holy Bible Search - (readme)
BibVision.lha 2.0 text/show 6614 305K 2010-12-23 ppc-amigaos icon Bible text viewer for OS4 - (readme)
CZ_Bible_Kr01.lha Bible V0.4 docs/hyper 3860 501K 1999-01-07 generic icon Czech Bible of Kralice in searchable AG - (readme)
CZ_Bible_Kr02.lha Bible V0.4 docs/hyper 1770 666K 1999-01-07 generic icon Czech Bible of Kralice in searchable AG - (readme)
CZ_Bible_Kr03.lha Bible V0.4 docs/hyper 1726 620K 1999-01-07 generic icon Czech Bible of Kralice in searchable AG - (readme)
DailyBible11.lzh util/boot 579 645K 1995-05-08 m68k-amigaos icon WordWise Daily Scripture Calendar - (readme)
ebp10.lha text/show 6147 1.5M 1998-02-05 m68k-amigaos icon Bible viewing program - (readme)
fdby.tar.gz 1.0 docs/misc 783 1.3M 2010-12-24 generic icon The Bible (French) by J. N. Darby - (readme)
gurubible.lha docs/misc 543 18K 1996-06-10 generic icon List and Explanation on Guru Numbers - (readme)
HBible.lha docs/misc 607 1.2M 2001-08-05 generic icon Hebrew Bible with vowels and cantillation marks - (readme)
KJV-Bible.lha docs/misc 584 1.4M 1995-04-17 generic icon The Holy Bible (King James Version) - (readme)
KJVcbible.lha docs/misc 480 402K 1995-10-30 generic icon Context Bible Hypertext - Neuralink - (readme)
KJVnt1.lha docs/misc 464 811K 1995-10-30 generic icon Context Bible KJV N.T. except Ehp and Rev - (readme)
KJVnt2.lha docs/misc 457 50K 1995-10-30 generic icon Context Bible KJV N.T. Revelation - (readme)
KJVot1.lha docs/misc 466 795K 1995-10-30 generic icon Context Bible KJV, Genesis thru Judges - (readme)
KJVot2.lha docs/misc 472 701K 1995-10-30 generic icon Context Bible KJV, Ruth thru Esther - (readme)
KJVot3.lha docs/misc 475 796K 1995-10-30 generic icon Context Bible KJV, Job thru Lamentations - (readme)
KJVot4.lha docs/misc 451 351K 1995-10-30 generic icon Context Bible KJV, Ezekiel thru Malachi - (readme)
LutherBibel.lha 1.0 docs/misc 623 1.4M 2003-01-04 generic icon The bible (German) by Martin Luther - (readme)
mkbibel.lha game/think 616 106K 1996-01-27 m68k-amigaos icon Very systemfriendly Bible - Quiz Game. - (readme) 0.00 docs/misc 398 10M 2025-01-26 generic icon The Bible (Polish) - (readme)
VerseWise12.lha docs/misc 526 71K 1992-08-15 generic icon VerseWise 1.2 Bible software, program only. - (readme)
vwfb12_1.lha docs/misc 556 407K 1992-08-15 generic icon VerseWise Full Bible display/search/output - (readme)
vwfb12_2.lha docs/misc 577 522K 1992-08-15 generic icon VerseWise Bible data 1 - (readme)
vwfb12_3.lha docs/misc 535 435K 1992-08-15 generic icon VerseWise Bible data 2 - (readme)
Found 33 matching packages
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