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Short:Advanced BreakOut clone, 6 years of dev.
Author:DawnBringer at (DawnBringer)
Uploader:DawnBringer BoingWorld com (DawnBringer)
Version:1.10 (First Aminet release)
Requires:+020, Fast memory
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BabeAnoid V1.10 (First official demo) (c) by Richard 'DawnBringer' Fhager

Please read this text, it will really help you play and evaluate this demo.
If something confuse or bothers you; first check the demo-notes further down.
These notes covers far from everything about BabeAnoid, but it will get you if all of you would actually read all this!?

What is this?:
This is the first official demo of a HUGE Arkanoid/Breakout clone.
But fear not, this is MUCH more than a simple Breakout game...
6 years in production this game contains more features and effects than
you are likely to discover even if you play through the whole game.

This demo contains 1 map with 4 levels. The final game will have 5 maps
with about 50 levels. I intend to release the finished game as PD but if
i'll have the energy to fix the last bits and design the remaning levels
depends on YOU! - If i'll receive enough positive feedback i'll quickly
finish the remaning parts.
Just tell me you want to see the game completed, if you have any questions,
suggestions or have found a bug - include that too!
Send your mail to: dawnbringer at

This game is aimed at +030, Fast-mem Amigas but could theoretically be run
on a plain 1200. There are a lot options (opts/map-screen) to reduce
effects and improve speed. Music can be turned of and there is a reduced
sample set available for 1MB chip systems.

Some things in the game:
* Balls: Normal, Plasma, Shield, Fly, Rubber and Spike
* Blocks: Walls, Moveable, Multi-Hit, Growing, Spawn, Chain-reaction, Mines etc.
* Bonuses: +30 (Help-bat, Rescue-probes, Aiming, Gold-bat, Time, Energy etc.)
* Features: Ramps (Pinball), 2 Warpzones, Tunnels, Roofs, Bumps, Speed-Zones
  One-way zones, Lemmings, Fruit-bonuses, 2 Switches-Open-gates sets etc.
* Enemies: Tank, Morpher, Invader, Enemy-Bat, Blocker.
* Weapons: Cannon and Laser.
* Store: Buy and Sell equipment.
* Mega-Bonus system: Collect M-bonuses and improve things like the
  ScoreBoard and your start-bat size.
* Bonus Game: Colllect Letters, B-O-N-U-S to open the bonus gate.
* Extra features: Catch Pacman, Hit Highlighted block, + secrets
* Special effects: Ball smoking when hot, Shrapnel from destroyed blocks,
  Twinkles, Extra lifes at 10/20/40.000...,Diffrent explosions & sfx for
  blocks, Help-On-Line system, A possible +70 bobs/sprites on screen.
And a some more...


   ESC - In-game-options / Help-on-line
 F1-F6 - Activates storage itmes (Diffrent balls etc.)
RETURN - Activate/select current mega-bonus
     P - Pause
     M - Music on / off
   F10 - Swap music
 SPACE - Drop fly-ball
 F7/F8 - Change Background Palette/Copper
     S - Stats screen, Isometric view + Info (Unfinished)

     L - (Map screen) Load external level
         (Caution! - Faulty file will exit the game)

      LMB - Launch ball / fire lazer
      RMB - Fire cannon
UP / DOWN - Move cannon / aim ball

Storage Keys:
  * Plasma ball - F1
  * Fly ball    - F2
  * Shield ball - F3
  * Cannon      - F4
  * Aiming/Glue - F5
  * Spike ball  - F6

Balls and what they do:
   -Plasma-  Moves through blocks without rebounding (except multi-hit)
   -Shield-  Protects from damage, Mines and Bad bonuses
      -Fly-  Flies over blocks, kills Invader (Space-key drops)
   -Rubber-  Bounces of blocks without causing damage
    -Spike-  Destroys all blocks in one hit (Including Bonuses)
             Kills Falling-block and Enemy-bat

   -Cannon-  3 shots. Destroys blocks, Tank, Enemy-Bat and Falling-block.
             Mouse up/down moves cannon, RMB fires.
    -Lazer-  Charge by hitting top-bar 10 times. Destroys all enemies.
             Does NOT destroy blocks. LMB fires.

How to destroy enemies:
  -Blocker-  (Moves in a circle) Can't be destroyed (not in this demo)
     -Tank-  Ball, Cannon and Lazer kills.
-Enemy-Bat-  Spike-ball,Cannon and Lazer kills.
  -Invader-  (Moves side-to-side and fires shots) Fly-ball and Lazer kills.
  -Morpher-  (Attacks by homing and diving) only Lazer kills.

Mega-bonus system:
  On the left screen there is a row of diffrent items, these are a part of
  the Mega-bonus advance in this list by collecting the 'M' select the current Mega-bonus press 'Return'.
  The Mega-bonus items are:
  1. Extra time
  2. Rescue probe (You can have two)
  3. Lazer (Can destroy all enemies, but no blocks)
  4. Expanded Score-board (60-70-80-80-100)
  5. Extra life
  6. Longer start bat (3-4-5)
  7. Start bat is aways gold (Bigger, can survive one enemy hit)

  Number 4,6,7 are "Eternal" and can never be lost.

Physics of BabeAnoid:
* Hitting the ball with a moving bat will increase the ball's speed.
  (The ball will jump up and throw a shadow)
* The ball to bat bounce doesn't work like classical Arkanoid/Breakout
  games, the physics are 'real' and behave like it would in real life.
 (Ok, so the round corners of the bat has no effect...but who cares...)

* Points for blocks are randomized from your scoreboard, 10-50 when you
  start. Expanding this scoreboard will be a very smart investment in the
  final game.

* You will recieve an extra life when you reach 10000,20000,40000,80000...
  points etc. If you have qualified for an extra life but already have the
  maximum will hear a time you loose a life this extra
  life will be given to you...

* Some bonuses like the spike-ball and fly-ball goes directly into the
  storage instead of being's beacuse these are very
  'tactical' items you only want to use in certain situations that you
  decide...Other storageable items like the plasma, shield, cannon and
  aiming will activate when you pick them up...but if you pick up a second
  one..that one will go into the storage!

* It is theoretically possible that a block could be trapped between
  moveable-blocks!, the cannon can't reach it!! and you are out fly-balls!!!
  If this extremly unlikely event occurs (I've played 10.000 levels and it
  happend ONCE)...there is only one thing to do...
  Press 'Esc' for the 'In-Game-Menu' and select 'Jump level'. This will
  finish the current level but cost you a life...(obviously this does
  not work with your last bat)

* Collecting the letters B O N U S will open the bonus gate...enter the
  gate at the right-screen side to enjoy a random bonus-score.

Things that could look weird but are not really bugs
* Lemmings disapearing. The game only supports 4 lemmings at the same
  time, if a fifth is activated the system will rotate and lemming 1
  will be replaced by number 5. (There should rarely be more than 4
  lemmings active at same time in the final game...but since they are
  purely a BONUS in doesn't really matter)

* Extra ball caught under a Spawned block...causing the bounce sample
  to play repeativly and annoyingly. A possible solution would be to
  kill a trapped extra-ball...or perhaps add some kind of minimum time
  for the bounce sample to be played...I'm gonna look into it.

* Some little gfx-errors on spawned-blocks. I don't think there is anything
  i can do to fix this...the incredibly fluid and complex nature of
  BabeAnoid with so many bobs and gfx effects happening at the same time
  and in random places combined with the violent effects of Spawn-blocks
  is bound to cause som problems...however none of these gfx-error are
  static...they are native only to a single block...the gfx-error will be
  destroyed together with the block.

* Two white pixels on the top-left off Help-on-line screens:
  This is a copper-error caused by AMOS when i have the menu-screen
  (button-row) so far down on the screen. I haven't found a way round
  this yet...

* I still think there could be some problem with on-screen-messages
  sometimes causing a little gfx error on the time-bar.

Demo-notes: (Things special to this demo or unfinished)
* All the levels can be accessed in any order and played any number of times.
  (In the finished game you can never pass an unplayed room)

* The levels are temporary and mostly overkills to display as many effects
  as possible.

* Load/Save is enabled. In the final game SAVE function is only available
  at the completion of each map.
* A loaded game will NOT display 'Played Levels' (Golden cross) as the
  final game can only be saved at the end of a map - thus always starting
  with a 'clean' map.

* You are given 1 of all the storable itmes (Keys: F1-F6) to make testing
  easier and faster.

* The occurence of Bonuses is higher than in the final game, to speed up
  testing and make it funnier.

* The Stats-screen (Key: S) is at a very early stage of development.

* Most of the Background/Palette/Copper combinations are random and might
  not always look good.

* Keys are required to enter the next map, but since this demo is one map
  only - they are quite pointless.

And yes, it's all written in AMOS...believe it or not :)

Richard 'DawnBringer' Fhager (June 2001)
Email: DawnBringer at


Also check out my other Aminet releases:...

* game/think/DawnVideoPoker.lha - DawnVideoPoker2.0, The world's greatest
  videopoker game! (Well, you have to play it to prove me wrong ;))

* game/actio/spaceball2000.lha - A futuristic sport game, a cross between
  pong/tennis/speedball. 1 or 2 players.

* game/think/D-Flip.lha - "Tile-Flipping" game, the objective is to change
  a board of tiles into the same number using as few moves as possible.

* game/think/Simon2001.lha - My version of the old classic where you repeat
  sequences of light and sound.

* game/think/SeaHaven2000.lha - Semi-finished but fully playable solitare
  game with features taken from the SGI version.

* game/actio/Fnurr2000.lha - Make your pixel avoid other homing pixels and
  trick them to crash and explode. A demonstration that a simple game
  with only 26 pixels can actually be funny!

Contents of game/actio/BabeAnoid_demo.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 3484    8038  43.3% -lh5- 606b Jun 25  2001 BabeAnoid/gfx/Babe-Sprites2-2e
[generic]                17038   23470  72.6% -lh5- 8d30 Mar 31  2001 BabeAnoid/gfx/Babeboard2000-2
[generic]                19062   24786  76.9% -lh5- a575 Jun 25  2001 BabeAnoid/gfx/BabeIcons2001
[generic]                 2491    3304  75.4% -lh5- 9bb5 Aug 20  1997 BabeAnoid/gfx/bar.1
[generic]                 2485    3302  75.3% -lh5- e15c Aug 20  1997 BabeAnoid/gfx/bar.2
[generic]                 2487    3296  75.5% -lh5- c49c Aug 20  1997 BabeAnoid/gfx/bar.3
[generic]                 2495    3304  75.5% -lh5- 4472 Aug 20  1997 BabeAnoid/gfx/bar.4
[generic]                33697   49248  68.4% -lh5- 3f2c Apr  6  2001 BabeAnoid/gfx/BBatstest2001
[generic]                32127   38800  82.8% -lh5- 7d40 Mar  5  2001 BabeAnoid/gfx/bonus7.iff
[generic]                10092   24412  41.3% -lh5- 23fc Jun  1  2000 BabeAnoid/gfx/BonusScore08
[generic]                 1198    4686  25.6% -lh5- 61fa Mar  4  2001 BabeAnoid/gfx/credits
[generic]                 2282    4504  50.7% -lh5- aadf May 23  2000 BabeAnoid/gfx/error.iff
[generic]                35682   41088  86.8% -lh5- fe2b Mar 31  2001 BabeAnoid/gfx/Example7.1
[generic]                37487   41816  89.6% -lh5- f744 Jun 25  2001 BabeAnoid/gfx/Example7.2
[generic]                19330   29684  65.1% -lh5- 367d Mar 31  2001 BabeAnoid/gfx/Example7.3
[generic]                34381   41104  83.6% -lh5- fcd5 Mar 31  2001 BabeAnoid/gfx/Example7.4
[generic]                 5946   11602  51.2% -lh5- 580a Mar 31  2001 BabeAnoid/gfx/ExtraGfx01-2
[generic]                31564   40752  77.5% -lh5- a433 Aug 16  1999 BabeAnoid/gfx/gameover04
[generic]                  661    3646  18.1% -lh5- d97f Mar  4  2001 BabeAnoid/gfx/hiscore.iff
[generic]                19062   21394  89.1% -lh5- 8b3f Mar 22  2001 BabeAnoid/gfx/hiscoreback
[generic]                 2611    6510  40.1% -lh5- 4ffa Jun 26  2001 BabeAnoid/gfx/info
[generic]                21141   29544  71.6% -lh5- 2d24 Jun 26  2001 BabeAnoid/gfx/info.1a
[generic]                    6       6 100.0% -lh0- 69ac Jun 24  2001 BabeAnoid/gfx/info.2a
[generic]                29633   37426  79.2% -lh5- 2511 Jun 22  2001 BabeAnoid/gfx/start05
[generic]                    6       6 100.0% -lh0- 69ac Jun 24  2001 BabeAnoid/gfx/info.3a
[generic]                    6       6 100.0% -lh0- 69ac Jun 24  2001 BabeAnoid/gfx/info.4a
[generic]                    6       6 100.0% -lh0- 69ac Jun 24  2001 BabeAnoid/gfx/info.5a
[generic]                 2544    3314  76.8% -lh5- 734b Jun 25  2001 BabeAnoid/gfx/infobar5
[generic]                82788   91108  90.9% -lh5- 6557 Mar  5  2001 BabeAnoid/gfx/intro001-8
[generic]                 8330   15636  53.3% -lh5- 23ed Mar 22  2001 BabeAnoid/gfx/
[generic]                21986   39404  55.8% -lh5- af75 Feb 12  2001 BabeAnoid/gfx/Store11
[generic]                16422   34910  47.0% -lh5- 1f09 Mar 31  2001 BabeAnoid/gfx/Text2000-2
[generic]                  645    1394  46.3% -lh5- d979 Jun 27  2001 BabeAnoid/babe.prefs
[generic]               190117  426448  44.6% -lh5- e56e Jun 27  2001 BabeAnoid/BabeAnoid.exe
[generic]                  547     956  57.2% -lh5- 5577 Jun 26  2001 BabeAnoid/gfx/
[generic]                34912   40944  85.3% -lh5- 0ad3 May 31  2000 BabeAnoid/gfx/load.screen5
[generic]                 5425   10284  52.8% -lh5- 5388 Mar  4  2001 BabeAnoid/gfx/MDn.dawn
[generic]                21688   34874  62.2% -lh5- dfc5 Jun 25  2001 BabeAnoid/gfx/prefs2000-21
[generic]                35363   41206  85.8% -lh5- 7a77 Jun 24  2001 BabeAnoid/gfx/save.screen6
[generic]                 4338    8278  52.4% -lh5- 1d75 Jun 25  2001 BabeAnoid/gfx/zones2001
[generic]                36786   58588  62.8% -lh5- b257 Dec 22  1998 BabeAnoid/music/v2/mod.01
[generic]                24243   41544  58.4% -lh5- 7e6e Jun  2  2000 BabeAnoid/music/v2/mod.02
[generic]                29168   45384  64.3% -lh5- 9c9b Jun  2  2000 BabeAnoid/music/v2/mod.03
[generic]                26926   52564  51.2% -lh5- b7a4 Jun  2  2000 BabeAnoid/music/v2/mod.04
[generic]                34356   53146  64.6% -lh5- 44e2 Feb 25  1999 BabeAnoid/music/v2/mod.05
[generic]                13589   28700  47.3% -lh5- 9013 Feb 25  1999 BabeAnoid/music/v2/mod.06
[generic]                 3025   10702  28.3% -lh5- 0146 May 18  2000 BabeAnoid/music/v2/mod.08
[generic]                30787   54866  56.1% -lh5- 1735 Jun  2  2000 BabeAnoid/music/v2/mod.09
[generic]                    6       6 100.0% -lh0- 69ac Jun 24  2001 BabeAnoid/music/mod.enlight me 3
[generic]                    6       6 100.0% -lh0- 69ac Jun 24  2001 BabeAnoid/music/mod.mystery tuesday
[generic]                43727   63274  69.1% -lh5- 1661 Aug 12  1998 BabeAnoid/music/mod.pointman
[generic]                    6       6 100.0% -lh0- 69ac Jun 24  2001 BabeAnoid/music/mod.prodigy 4
[generic]                42173   69920  60.3% -lh5- 92e6 Oct 30  1995 BabeAnoid/music/theme/mod.and the sun rise...
[generic]                12191   19288  63.2% -lh5- 5448 Jun  2  2000 BabeAnoid/music/v2/mod.07
[generic]                 1119    4768  23.5% -lh5- 5442 Jun 26  2001 BabeAnoid/levels/!Bumps
[generic]                 1167    4602  25.4% -lh5- 43a1 Jun 26  2001 BabeAnoid/levels/!Tunnel-plant
[generic]                 7206   18580  38.8% -lh5- 8245 Jun 26  2001 BabeAnoid/levels/AANNIE
[generic]                19898   31204  63.8% -lh5- 548c Jan 18  1999 BabeAnoid/music/interlude/mod.magicdreams
[generic]                18911   30672  61.7% -lh5- 1532 Jul 28  1999 BabeAnoid/music/mod.we are
[generic]                    6       6 100.0% -lh0- 69ac Jun 24  2001 BabeAnoid/music/mod.wierdnes
[generic]                42949   71926  59.7% -lh5- 2a26 Feb 25  1999 BabeAnoid/music/mod.x-files 3
[generic]                 2473    6802  36.4% -lh5- 94b8 Jun 26  2001 BabeAnoid/levels/!ComplexRamp
[generic]                 1413    4736  29.8% -lh5- 3dae Jun 26  2001 BabeAnoid/levels/!DoubleSwitches
[generic]                 1427    4592  31.1% -lh5- 58cf Jun 26  2001 BabeAnoid/levels/!Puzzly
[generic]                 1945    6072  32.0% -lh5- 030e Jun 26  2001 BabeAnoid/levels/!SpeedZones
[generic]                 1583    4890  32.4% -lh5- 479f Jun 26  2001 BabeAnoid/levels/ABBY
[generic]                 1684    5006  33.6% -lh5- 32b4 Jun 26  2001 BabeAnoid/levels/ABONY
[generic]                  971    4492  21.6% -lh5- 2c59 Jun 26  2001 BabeAnoid/levels/ACE
[generic]                   19     431   4.4% -lh5- b5a1 May 20  2000 BabeAnoid/
[generic]                   19     431   4.4% -lh5- b5a1 May 20  2000 BabeAnoid/
[generic]                   19     431   4.4% -lh5- b5a1 May 20  2000 BabeAnoid/
[generic]                  711    4136  17.2% -lh5- 7137 Jun 26  2001 BabeAnoid/levels/!Bonus
[generic]                  939    4596  20.4% -lh5- b3e2 Jun 26  2001 BabeAnoid/levels/!FastCourse
[generic]                  930    4360  21.3% -lh5- aa28 Jun 26  2001 BabeAnoid/levels/!FullAssault
[generic]                  116     164  70.7% -lh5- adc1 Jun 22  2001 BabeAnoid/text/19
[generic]                   94     129  72.9% -lh5- 5ca0 Jun 22  2001 BabeAnoid/text/2
[generic]                  100     148  67.6% -lh5- b385 Jun 22  2001 BabeAnoid/text/4
[generic]                  100     148  67.6% -lh5- b385 Jun 22  2001 BabeAnoid/text/21
[generic]                  147     207  71.0% -lh5- c185 Jun 22  2001 BabeAnoid/text/22
[generic]                  147     221  66.5% -lh5- 87c4 Apr 30  1997 BabeAnoid/text/30
[generic]                  146     219  66.7% -lh5- 14db May 16  2000 BabeAnoid/text/31
[generic]                   90     111  81.1% -lh5- a367 Jul 28  2000 BabeAnoid/text/32
[generic]                  133     196  67.9% -lh5- 71c6 Apr 24  1997 BabeAnoid/text/33
[generic]                  107     143  74.8% -lh5- 0ef7 Apr 24  1997 BabeAnoid/text/34
[generic]                   69      82  84.1% -lh5- 6d14 Apr 24  1997 BabeAnoid/text/35
[generic]                  143     203  70.4% -lh5- 89a1 Apr 29  2000 BabeAnoid/text/7
[generic]                  121     158  76.6% -lh5- 415f Apr 29  2000 BabeAnoid/text/8
[generic]                  133     185  71.9% -lh5- 05a4 May 16  2000 BabeAnoid/text/9
[generic]                   60      75  80.0% -lh5- bc0e Apr 24  1997 BabeAnoid/text/11
[generic]                  142     199  71.4% -lh5- 48b8 May 16  2000 BabeAnoid/text/16
[generic]                    3       3 100.0% -lh0- a5a6 Apr 24  1997 BabeAnoid/text/18
[generic]                   43      43 100.0% -lh0- 7ba6 Apr 24  1997 BabeAnoid/text/24
[generic]                   46      46 100.0% -lh0- c702 Apr 24  1997 BabeAnoid/text/25
[generic]                  143     209  68.4% -lh5- 1757 Apr 25  1997 BabeAnoid/text/27
[generic]                   84      96  87.5% -lh5- 6638 Apr 29  2000 BabeAnoid/text/29
[generic]                   63      73  86.3% -lh5- ad4d Apr 29  2000 BabeAnoid/text/36
[generic]                   64      73  87.7% -lh5- 2ab2 Apr 29  2000 BabeAnoid/text/37
[generic]                   30      30 100.0% -lh0- 5b2b Apr 24  1997 BabeAnoid/text/42
[generic]                  138     192  71.9% -lh5- 7ae4 May  5  1997 BabeAnoid/text/6
[generic]                   60      75  80.0% -lh5- bc0e Apr 24  1997 BabeAnoid/text/12
[generic]                   60      75  80.0% -lh5- bc0e Apr 24  1997 BabeAnoid/text/13
[generic]                   60      75  80.0% -lh5- bc0e Apr 24  1997 BabeAnoid/text/14
[generic]                   60      75  80.0% -lh5- bc0e Apr 24  1997 BabeAnoid/text/15
[generic]                  123     172  71.5% -lh5- da47 Apr 24  1997 BabeAnoid/text/17
[generic]                  112     159  70.4% -lh5- bf56 Jun 22  2001 BabeAnoid/text/20
[generic]                   99     147  67.3% -lh5- 4f70 Apr 23  1997 BabeAnoid/text/26
[generic]                   44      44 100.0% -lh0- 9e70 Apr 24  1997 BabeAnoid/text/28
[generic]                  120     165  72.7% -lh5- 584c Apr 25  1997 BabeAnoid/text/3
[generic]                  115     149  77.2% -lh5- 888a Apr 30  1997 BabeAnoid/text/38
[generic]                  124     170  72.9% -lh5- fc12 May  5  1997 BabeAnoid/text/5
[generic]               161941  221192  73.2% -lh5- 8731 Jun 22  2001 BabeAnoid/ball2-lo.abk
[generic]               308321  401172  76.9% -lh5- d1e6 Mar 16  2001 BabeAnoid/ball2.abk
[generic]                  176     898  19.6% -lh5- 70de Apr  6  2001 BabeAnoid/
[generic]                  176     898  19.6% -lh5- 70de Apr  6  2001 BabeAnoid/
[generic]                   67      82  81.7% -lh5- b637 Jun 22  2001 BabeAnoid/text/1
[generic]                   99     147  67.3% -lh5- 4f70 Apr 23  1997 BabeAnoid/text/10
[generic]                   67      82  81.7% -lh5- 9cd0 Jul 29  1997 BabeAnoid/text/23
[generic]                   92     114  80.7% -lh5- 3509 May  5  2000 BabeAnoid/text/39
[generic]                  105     133  78.9% -lh5- dff0 May  5  2000 BabeAnoid/text/40
[generic]                   91     126  72.2% -lh5- 364d May  5  2000 BabeAnoid/text/41
[generic]                   19     431   4.4% -lh5- b5a1 May 20  2000 BabeAnoid/
[generic]                 8359   12378  67.5% -lh5- 2619 Jul  3  1996 BabeAnoid/demo-backs/nback.1
[generic]                14802   17546  84.4% -lh5- 1104 May  2  2000 BabeAnoid/demo-backs/nback.10
[generic]                12560   17068  73.6% -lh5- 4be4 May  1  2001 BabeAnoid/demo-backs/nback.2
[generic]                 9562   15144  63.1% -lh5- e9f5 Jun 22  1998 BabeAnoid/demo-backs/nback.3
[generic]                10215   14282  71.5% -lh5- 7e30 May 15  2000 BabeAnoid/demo-backs/nback.8
[generic]                12106   16780  72.1% -lh5- 5011 Jun  2  2000 BabeAnoid/demo-backs/nback.9
[generic]                 4956   10496  47.2% -lh5- ae4d Jun 27  2001 BabeAnoid.readme
[generic]                 2584    8254  31.3% -lh5- b5ac May  2  2000 BabeAnoid/demo-backs/nback.4
[generic]                 4035    9008  44.8% -lh5- 56d3 May  2  2000 BabeAnoid/demo-backs/nback.5
[generic]                 8928   12684  70.4% -lh5- 3442 May  1  2000 BabeAnoid/demo-backs/nback.6
[generic]                11238   15854  70.9% -lh5- 62b3 May  2  2000 BabeAnoid/demo-backs/nback.7
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total       132 files 1767881 2734651  64.6%            Jun 29  2001

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