· Introduction
LZXRepacker repacks different archive types to LZX with corrupt checking,
variable compression rate (intelligent BEST MODE - if LZX archive is bigger
than the previous one then the old archive will be the one that remains).
The program removes uncorrect symbols like "( ) [ ] |" from directory names
and replaces them by "underscore", because LZX is not supporting this characters
and does not pack them.
LZXRepacker has priority options for background repacking.
· Features
Suppoted Archive Types: LZX, LHA, ARJ, ZIP, RAR, HA, TAR, TGZ, SHR, ZOO.
Also Supported Self-extracting archives RAR, ZIP and ARJ.
All archives are recognized by contents (does not need extension)
except for TAR, TGZ and all archives support of XAD system.
To work, LZXRepacker calls external programs from C: directory, it must be:
LZX (1.21), LHA (1.62), UnZIP (5.4), UnARJ (AmigaPort 1.04 of UnARJ 2.41),
UnRAR (2.02), HA (0.999b), UnTAR (37.1), UnTGZ (1.5), Shrink (1.1), ZOO (2.1).
Program versions are the versions we use. We recommend it.
If you use different version, amend the s:LzxRepacker.config file.
· Copyright
This software is subject to the "Standard Amiga FD-Software Copyright Note".
It is Freeware as defined in paragraph 4a.
For more information please read "AFD-COPYRIGHT" (Version 1.4 or higher).
Send your questions and bug reports to: