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name: ^ version: path: dls: size: date: arch: desc:
pinouts.lha docs/hard 4124 349K 2001-10-02 generic icon Custom chip pinouts. - (readme)
PlaquePlay.lha docs/hard 540 34K 2002-10-18 generic icon Problem Solutions the playstation 1 - (readme)
Play-Hitach.lha docs/hard 549 9K 1999-02-25 generic icon Connect Hitachi RGB TV to Playstation - (readme)
pocket.lzh docs/hard 647 47K 1992-10-13 generic icon Parallel port ARCnet adaptor - (readme)
PortDiag.lha 1.0 docs/hard 1086 10K 1997-02-09 generic icon CIA & other hardware diagnostics - (readme)
pp16f84.lha docs/hard 1741 188K 2002-12-10 generic icon Pic 16F84 programmer - (readme)
ppazip.lha 0.8 docs/hard 5064 81K 1998-09-05 generic icon Iomega ZIP Parallel Interface 0.8 - (readme)
pr-modem.lha docs/hard 798 95K 1997-01-31 generic icon Packet-Radio-Modem - (readme)
protapp.lha docs/hard 680 18K 2002-04-17 generic icon Protection for Amiga parallel port - (readme)
PRTSwitch.lha docs/hard 596 56K 1993-09-07 generic icon Switch for 2 printers and 2 computers - (readme)
ps2m.lha 1.5 docs/hard 6288 191K 2001-07-08 generic icon Ultimate Amiga PS/2 WheelMouseController - (readme)
ps2m_example.lha 1.5 docs/hard 2601 150K 2001-07-08 generic icon PS/2 WheelMouseController - PCB photos - (readme)
PS2_adapter.lha docs/hard 1251 20K 1996-03-24 generic icon Use PS/2 Simms in an A3000. - (readme)
psu-problems.txt docs/hard 713 6K 2003-03-07 generic icon Diagnosing power supply problems - (readme)
psu.lha docs/hard 755 6K 1997-01-23 generic icon EPROM Burner PSU! - (readme)
PSX-MCTool.lha 0.07 docs/hard 674 105K 1999-06-01 generic icon Use Playstation Memcard with Amiga - (readme)
psxTO1084.lha 1.0 docs/hard 567 78K 1998-10-19 generic icon Connect the PSX to the C=1084 RGB-Input - (readme)
pygmy-pckbd.lha docs/hard 823 12K 1995-09-26 generic icon pc keyboard adapter (Parallel port) - (readme)
Ramrom.lha docs/hard 1081 7K 1997-02-22 generic icon Ram/Rom overlay mod for A500 - (readme)
rascal.lzh docs/hard 1015 10K 2020-10-14 generic icon Project for 1.5MB RAM on A500 w/ A501 - (readme)
resetfix.lha docs/hard 596 165K 2000-08-28 generic icon Resetfix applied on Powerflyer - (readme)
ResetPrinter.lha docs/hard 568 16K 1994-04-23 generic icon Software controlled parallel port reset - (readme)
Resistors.lha 1.0 docs/hard 544 15K 2001-05-07 generic icon Colour barcode resistors (engl./polish) - (readme)
Retro-Computing.pdf docs/hard 1941 24M 2016-01-17 generic icon C64/Amiga HW repairs/projects (German) - (readme)
Rompuller.pdf docs/hard 453 195K 2024-06-02 generic icon How replace ROM on early AmigaOne boards - (readme)
romswitcher31.lzh docs/hard 1865 98K 1993-08-20 generic icon Build a Kickstart ROM switcher 500/2000 - (readme)
rvc.lha docs/hard 572 23K 1997-09-30 generic icon Control the volume of an audiosource. - (readme) 1.0 docs/hard 737 313K 2007-12-13 generic icon Convert A520 to S-VHS (Braz. Portuguese) - (readme)
S-Video_A1200.lzh docs/hard 3486 777K 2005-03-30 generic icon S-Video output for A1200/A600 - (readme)
sapep2.lha 2.0 docs/hard 967 83K 1996-04-28 generic icon Simple Amiga Parallel Eprom Programmer - (readme)
Sayett_LCD.lha 1.0 docs/hard 535 9K 1999-05-04 generic icon Connect Sayett DATASHOW HR/M LCD Panel - (readme)
scartdco.lha docs/hard 814 14K 1997-08-24 generic icon Pics of normal scart + Amiga D-connector - (readme)
SCART_2_Amiga.lha docs/hard 1297 6K 1993-09-21 generic icon How to connect Amiga to SCART TV-Set - (readme)
Schaltuhr.lha docs/hard 554 14K 1997-12-29 generic icon Turn on and off your amiga automatically - (readme)
scsiex_html.lha docs/hard 600 16K 1997-12-21 generic icon SCSI Examples in HTML (12/97) - (readme)
scsinetz.lha docs/hard 804 18K 1995-04-01 generic icon SCSI network Amiga <-> PC - (readme)
SCSITerminator.lha docs/hard 622 34K 1996-06-08 generic icon External SCSI Terminator - (readme)
SCSItower.lha docs/hard 570 6K 1996-05-09 generic icon Fitting up a SCSI tower - (readme)
SCSITowerII.lha 2.0 docs/hard 597 12K 1997-01-13 generic icon Fitting up a SCSI tower (V2.0) - (readme)
sdii.lzh docs/hard 2394 732K 1998-09-19 generic icon Show 15khz on VGA Monitor, no Patch - (readme)
SegateIDE.lha docs/hard 558 47K 1994-11-09 generic icon Segate 120MHD IDE Docs - (readme)
SerialBuffer.lha docs/hard 584 11K 1995-06-13 generic icon Make a buffer for serial links - (readme)
SerialCable.lha docs/hard 961 7K 1995-06-13 generic icon Instructions to make a null modem cable. - (readme)
SetClockI2C.lha 2.9 docs/hard 887 22K 2004-04-05 generic icon SetClock clone w/ I2C realtime clocks - (readme)
ShineR.lha 2.0 docs/hard 565 7K 2000-01-30 generic icon PSX card reader hardware/software - (readme)
Simulation-Emulation.pdf docs/hard 1208 21M 2016-01-17 generic icon Exotic retro computing projects (German) - (readme)
slimcdrom_in_a.txt docs/hard 1122 6K 2001-07-28 generic icon Use Slimline CD/CDR/DVD in your Amiga - (readme)
SMIF.lha 0.3 docs/hard 580 141K 2001-08-25 generic icon Cheap SmartMedia interface + sourcecode - (readme)
SNES1084.lha docs/hard 583 13K 1995-06-26 generic icon Connect Super Nintendo to CBM 1084 - (readme)
softPSUoff.lha 1.3 docs/hard 785 20K 2005-05-10 generic icon Turn off an ATX-PSU from the shell + ATX Pinout - (readme)
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