* -disp modes not functional (bug in org src) - Fixed.
* Updated Usage() text to truly reflect available options.
Recompiled with geekgadgets gcc
(name) (bytes)
whirlgif202-ixemul 13468 (needs ixemul.library 46.1+)
whirlgif202-noixemul 19168 (plain amiga exe)
/Hannu E K Nevalainen, henk@it.kth.se (Jul 7, 1997)
Have a look at the output from whirlgif;
http://www.it.kth.se/~henk/ -> klick on "Welcome" (161 KB)
> Author: sfx@unix-ag.uni-siegen.de (Lars Eilebrecht)
> Uploader: sfx@unix-ag.uni-siegen.de (Lars Eilebrecht)
> WhirlGIF is a quick program that reads a series of GIF files,
> and produces a single GIF file composed of those images.
> Viewing GIF animations is possible with Xanim or any
> web browsers that supports it (eg. IBrowse).
> Original version by Kevin Kadow (kadokev@msg.net).
> Amiga version by Lars Eilebrecht.
> Features:
> - Netscape 'loop' extension
> - transparent colormaps
> - inter-frame timing
> - batch processing
> - four different disposal methods
> --
> _____ ____ __
> /\___// __// / __ sfx@cyberspace.org
> \ \ / /_\ / /\_\ http://www.cyberspace.org/~sfx/
> ___\ \/ __// \ \/_/
> /____\/_/ /_/\ \ - "This signature sucks."
> \_\ - "Shut up Beavis! It gets cool in a minute."