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gfx/conv/heif-convert.lha |
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Port of the conversion tool from libheif
... for fast Amigas with FPU and more than 32Mb Ram.
HEIF files is the new standard for photos created with Android and iOS.
They contain one or more HEVC/H265 images, usually using .heic extension.
heif-convert is a conversion tool which is part of the libheif sources.
It allows to convert heic images to the more common jpeg or png format.
If you have a modern Android phone plugged into an Amiga USB port,
and retreive photo using MTP protocol, you will need this to see HEIC images.
you may install with:
>copy heif-convert c:
use is simple:
>heif-convert example.heic
... will convert to jpg by default
>heif-convert example.heic -o example.png
... will convert to png.
heif-info and dec265 are extra tools that was also parts of libheif
so they are gladly included.
This port could only be compiled for high speed 68040/68060 compatible Amigas with FPU.
Yet , don't expect speed: H265 fpu decoding is slower than jpg, and usually
heic images produced by phones has 4000x3000 pixels or more.
a piStorm with rPi3 take one minute to convert such image.
a 68060 50Mhz would probably take 6 minutes.
(untested on vampire.) UAE intel with 68060 JIT takes 6 seconds.
This port could only be compiled for high speed 68040/68060 compatible Amigas
with FPU, using the excellent bebbo gcc6.5 compiler.
Developer port notes:
Due to the fact gcc bebbo have no options to create Amiga shared libraries (yet),
I'm giving up my initial plans to make a legit heif.library ,and a datatype class.
along with libheif, libs statically linked are:
each are released with their respective opensource licences.
The sources for this release and more developper notes can be found here:
Contents of gfx/conv/heif-convert.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[unknown] 383012 904740 42.3% -lh5- 976d Jan 17 22:18 heif-convert/dec265
[unknown] 1469 1882 78.1% -lh5- a64f Jan 17 22:18 heif-convert/dec265.info
[unknown] 718114 718114 100.0% -lh0- aa00 Jan 17 22:19 heif-convert/example.heic
[unknown] 860204 1919760 44.8% -lh5- fa4f Jan 17 22:16 heif-convert/heif-convert
[unknown] 1469 1882 78.1% -lh5- df5a Jan 17 22:17 heif-convert/heif-convert.info
[unknown] 1119 2231 50.2% -lh5- b87c Jan 17 22:22 heif-convert/heif-convert.readme
[unknown] 866 1214 71.3% -lh5- 4db6 Jan 17 22:22 heif-convert/heif-convert.readme.info
[unknown] 714844 1676508 42.6% -lh5- 2c81 Jan 17 22:17 heif-convert/heif-info
[unknown] 1471 1882 78.2% -lh5- fe1c Jan 17 22:18 heif-convert/heif-info.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
Total 9 files 2682568 5228213 51.3% Jan 18 04:05
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