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Short:Collection of tools for the manipulation of SWF anims.
Author:"Matthias Kramm" kramm at
Uploader:Diego Casorran <dcr8520 amiga org>
Download:gfx/conv/swftools-0.4.4.lha - View contents

SWFTools  is  a  collection  of  code  for handling Flash .SWF-files.  This
includes  a  merging  tool  (swfcombine),  an extracting tool (swfextract),
PDF/JPEG/PNG/AVI/WAV   to   SWF  converters  (pdf2swf,  jpeg2swf,  png2swf,
avi2swf,  and  wav2swf),  a  text  parsing tool (swfstrings), an SWF parser
(swfdump), and a library for writing and reading SWFs (rfxswflib).


Latest update of this package can be found at


LhA Freeware Version 2.2
Copyright © 1991-94 by Stefan Boberg.
Copyright © 1998-2000 by Jim Cooper and David Tritscher.

Listing of archive 'swftools-0.4.4.lha':
Original  Packed Ratio    Date     Time    Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------  -------------
    9381    2575 72.5% 21-Apr-03 15:55:30 +d050000l.afm
   11244   10584  5.8% 21-Apr-03 15:55:40 +default_loader.swf
     516     279 45.9% 21-Apr-03 15:55:38 +default_viewer.swf
     374     262 29.9% 21-Apr-03 15:55:38 +keyboard_viewer.swf
     126     113 10.3% 21-Apr-03 15:55:38 +PreLoaderTemplate.swf
     516     279 45.9% 21-Apr-03 15:55:38 +simple_viewer.swf
   12080   11335  6.1% 21-Apr-03 15:55:40 +swft_loader.swf
   11244   10584  5.8% 21-Apr-03 15:55:40 +tessel_loader.swf
   31595    8231 73.9% 21-Apr-03 15:55:26 +n019004l.afm
   32114    8497 73.5% 21-Apr-03 15:55:26 +n019023l.afm
   31901    8383 73.7% 21-Apr-03 15:55:26 +n019024l.afm
   31926    7911 75.2% 21-Apr-03 15:55:28 +n022003l.afm
   31779    7970 74.9% 21-Apr-03 15:55:28 +n022004l.afm
   32136    8188 74.5% 21-Apr-03 15:55:28 +n022023l.afm
   31961    8235 74.2% 21-Apr-03 15:55:28 +n022024l.afm
    9686    3357 65.3% 21-Apr-03 15:55:30 +s050000l.afm
   45955   42819  6.8% 21-Apr-03 15:55:22 +d050000l.pfb
   31763    8366 73.6% 21-Apr-03 15:55:26 +n019003l.afm
   31943    8334 73.9% 21-Apr-03 15:55:24 +n021003l.afm
   31889    8340 73.8% 21-Apr-03 15:55:24 +n021004l.afm
   31920    8484 73.4% 21-Apr-03 15:55:24 +n021023l.afm
   32028    8515 73.4% 21-Apr-03 15:55:24 +n021024l.afm
   51527   51527  0.0% 21-Apr-03 15:55:22 +n022024l.pfb
   33709   30157 10.5% 21-Apr-03 15:55:22 +s050000l.pfb
   36026   34825  3.3% 21-Apr-03 15:55:18 +n019003l.pfb
   35941   34740  3.3% 21-Apr-03 15:55:20 +n019004l.pfb
   38314   37114  3.1% 21-Apr-03 15:55:20 +n019023l.pfb
   39013   37819  3.0% 21-Apr-03 15:55:20 +n019024l.pfb
   44656   44656  0.0% 21-Apr-03 15:55:18 +n021024l.pfb
   45758   45758  0.0% 21-Apr-03 15:55:20 +n022003l.pfb
   50493   50493  0.0% 21-Apr-03 15:55:22 +n022004l.pfb
   44404   44404  0.0% 21-Apr-03 15:55:20 +n022023l.pfb
    1114     532 52.2% 21-Apr-03 15:55:36 +avi2swf.1
     596     334 43.9% 21-Apr-03 15:55:14 +font2swf.1
    1146     580 49.3% 21-Apr-03 15:55:06 +jpeg2swf.1
    2594    1166 55.0% 21-Apr-03 15:55:12 +pdf2swf.1
    4966    1897 61.8% 21-Apr-03 15:54:54 +swfcombine.1
    1420     614 56.7% 21-Apr-03 15:55:04 +swfdump.1
    1780     728 59.1% 21-Apr-03 15:55:00 +swfextract.1
     593     358 39.6% 21-Apr-03 15:54:58 +swfstrings.1
   46026   46026  0.0% 21-Apr-03 15:55:16 +n021003l.pfb
   44729   44729  0.0% 21-Apr-03 15:55:18 +n021004l.pfb
   45458   45458  0.0% 21-Apr-03 15:55:18 +n021023l.pfb
  761120  322275 57.6% 21-Apr-03 15:55:34 +avi2swf
  606724  283248 53.3% 21-Apr-03 15:55:14 +font2swf
  348080  173947 50.0% 21-Apr-03 15:55:04 +jpeg2swf
 1251508  542720 56.6% 21-Apr-03 15:55:12 +pdf2swf
  352244  175736 50.1% 21-Apr-03 15:54:52 +png2swf
  366772  184044 49.8% 21-Apr-03 15:54:54 +swfcombine
  356248  177926 50.0% 21-Apr-03 15:55:02 +swfdump
  363552  182863 49.7% 21-Apr-03 15:55:00 +swfextract
  344248  171777 50.1% 21-Apr-03 15:54:56 +swfstrings
  357672  179801 49.7% 21-Apr-03 15:54:48 +wav2swf
   17992    7014 61.0% 18-Oct-01 10:31:20 +COPYING
    3441    1616 53.0% 06-Apr-03 21:18:10 +FAQ
    1038     551 46.9% 21-Apr-03 15:54:52 +png2swf.1
     998     524 47.4% 21-Apr-03 15:54:50 +wav2swf.1
    1866     966 48.2% 16-Apr-03 18:58:26 +TODO
      72      72  0.0% 18-Oct-01 10:31:20 +AUTHORS
    7290    2879 60.5% 16-Apr-03 18:57:40 +ChangeLog
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
 6195205 3143515 49.2% Operation successful.

.Readme created with:  MRea  \
>»>»>»>»> Some additional info about this archive:

FileSize: 3147387 Bytes

CRC: 7D8F91F0
MD5: 73DDD7F6678CD5C853708F05A8A41A4F
SHA: 9A9F4FA6A3DE19D12C781988B95C3969C40FA949

Contents of gfx/conv/swftools-0.4.4.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 2575    9381  27.4% -lh5- 349f Apr 21  2003 swftools-0.4.4/share/swftools/fonts/d050000l.afm
[generic]                10584   11244  94.1% -lh5- 540e Apr 21  2003 swftools-0.4.4/share/swftools/swfs/default_loader.swf
[generic]                  279     516  54.1% -lh5- 10ff Apr 21  2003 swftools-0.4.4/share/swftools/swfs/default_viewer.swf
[generic]                  262     374  70.1% -lh5- c34e Apr 21  2003 swftools-0.4.4/share/swftools/swfs/keyboard_viewer.swf
[generic]                  113     126  89.7% -lh5- 5e7d Apr 21  2003 swftools-0.4.4/share/swftools/swfs/PreLoaderTemplate.swf
[generic]                  279     516  54.1% -lh5- 10ff Apr 21  2003 swftools-0.4.4/share/swftools/swfs/simple_viewer.swf
[generic]                11335   12080  93.8% -lh5- b07d Apr 21  2003 swftools-0.4.4/share/swftools/swfs/swft_loader.swf
[generic]                10584   11244  94.1% -lh5- 540e Apr 21  2003 swftools-0.4.4/share/swftools/swfs/tessel_loader.swf
[generic]                 8231   31595  26.1% -lh5- 5a65 Apr 21  2003 swftools-0.4.4/share/swftools/fonts/n019004l.afm
[generic]                 8497   32114  26.5% -lh5- 9fac Apr 21  2003 swftools-0.4.4/share/swftools/fonts/n019023l.afm
[generic]                 8383   31901  26.3% -lh5- 0d29 Apr 21  2003 swftools-0.4.4/share/swftools/fonts/n019024l.afm
[generic]                 7911   31926  24.8% -lh5- 8a67 Apr 21  2003 swftools-0.4.4/share/swftools/fonts/n022003l.afm
[generic]                 7970   31779  25.1% -lh5- dfe9 Apr 21  2003 swftools-0.4.4/share/swftools/fonts/n022004l.afm
[generic]                 8188   32136  25.5% -lh5- 6aa9 Apr 21  2003 swftools-0.4.4/share/swftools/fonts/n022023l.afm
[generic]                 8235   31961  25.8% -lh5- f5c2 Apr 21  2003 swftools-0.4.4/share/swftools/fonts/n022024l.afm
[generic]                 3357    9686  34.7% -lh5- 114e Apr 21  2003 swftools-0.4.4/share/swftools/fonts/s050000l.afm
[generic]                42819   45955  93.2% -lh5- 96ef Apr 21  2003 swftools-0.4.4/share/swftools/fonts/d050000l.pfb
[generic]                 8366   31763  26.3% -lh5- 1321 Apr 21  2003 swftools-0.4.4/share/swftools/fonts/n019003l.afm
[generic]                 8334   31943  26.1% -lh5- a089 Apr 21  2003 swftools-0.4.4/share/swftools/fonts/n021003l.afm
[generic]                 8340   31889  26.2% -lh5- cf8a Apr 21  2003 swftools-0.4.4/share/swftools/fonts/n021004l.afm
[generic]                 8484   31920  26.6% -lh5- 5513 Apr 21  2003 swftools-0.4.4/share/swftools/fonts/n021023l.afm
[generic]                 8515   32028  26.6% -lh5- 32a4 Apr 21  2003 swftools-0.4.4/share/swftools/fonts/n021024l.afm
[generic]                51527   51527 100.0% -lh0- ec99 Apr 21  2003 swftools-0.4.4/share/swftools/fonts/n022024l.pfb
[generic]                30157   33709  89.5% -lh5- 0edd Apr 21  2003 swftools-0.4.4/share/swftools/fonts/s050000l.pfb
[generic]                34825   36026  96.7% -lh5- 7f38 Apr 21  2003 swftools-0.4.4/share/swftools/fonts/n019003l.pfb
[generic]                34740   35941  96.7% -lh5- 454e Apr 21  2003 swftools-0.4.4/share/swftools/fonts/n019004l.pfb
[generic]                37114   38314  96.9% -lh5- 153e Apr 21  2003 swftools-0.4.4/share/swftools/fonts/n019023l.pfb
[generic]                37819   39013  96.9% -lh5- f79d Apr 21  2003 swftools-0.4.4/share/swftools/fonts/n019024l.pfb
[generic]                44656   44656 100.0% -lh0- 0b06 Apr 21  2003 swftools-0.4.4/share/swftools/fonts/n021024l.pfb
[generic]                45758   45758 100.0% -lh0- 24ae Apr 21  2003 swftools-0.4.4/share/swftools/fonts/n022003l.pfb
[generic]                50493   50493 100.0% -lh0- dd6b Apr 21  2003 swftools-0.4.4/share/swftools/fonts/n022004l.pfb
[generic]                44404   44404 100.0% -lh0- c38f Apr 21  2003 swftools-0.4.4/share/swftools/fonts/n022023l.pfb
[generic]                  532    1114  47.8% -lh5- efb8 Apr 21  2003 swftools-0.4.4/man/man1/avi2swf.1
[generic]                  334     596  56.0% -lh5- 9a40 Apr 21  2003 swftools-0.4.4/man/man1/font2swf.1
[generic]                  580    1146  50.6% -lh5- 0ac8 Apr 21  2003 swftools-0.4.4/man/man1/jpeg2swf.1
[generic]                 1166    2594  44.9% -lh5- 19a3 Apr 21  2003 swftools-0.4.4/man/man1/pdf2swf.1
[generic]                 1897    4966  38.2% -lh5- 1e6e Apr 21  2003 swftools-0.4.4/man/man1/swfcombine.1
[generic]                  614    1420  43.2% -lh5- 7edb Apr 21  2003 swftools-0.4.4/man/man1/swfdump.1
[generic]                  728    1780  40.9% -lh5- 3066 Apr 21  2003 swftools-0.4.4/man/man1/swfextract.1
[generic]                  358     593  60.4% -lh5- 9e9b Apr 21  2003 swftools-0.4.4/man/man1/swfstrings.1
[generic]                46026   46026 100.0% -lh0- 078c Apr 21  2003 swftools-0.4.4/share/swftools/fonts/n021003l.pfb
[generic]                44729   44729 100.0% -lh0- 7161 Apr 21  2003 swftools-0.4.4/share/swftools/fonts/n021004l.pfb
[generic]                45458   45458 100.0% -lh0- 2ac7 Apr 21  2003 swftools-0.4.4/share/swftools/fonts/n021023l.pfb
[generic]               322275  761120  42.3% -lh5- a79d Apr 21  2003 swftools-0.4.4/bin/avi2swf
[generic]               283248  606724  46.7% -lh5- 096f Apr 21  2003 swftools-0.4.4/bin/font2swf
[generic]               173947  348080  50.0% -lh5- d086 Apr 21  2003 swftools-0.4.4/bin/jpeg2swf
[generic]               542720 1251508  43.4% -lh5- 10f5 Apr 21  2003 swftools-0.4.4/bin/pdf2swf
[generic]               175736  352244  49.9% -lh5- 865d Apr 21  2003 swftools-0.4.4/bin/png2swf
[generic]               184044  366772  50.2% -lh5- cb23 Apr 21  2003 swftools-0.4.4/bin/swfcombine
[generic]               177926  356248  49.9% -lh5- d000 Apr 21  2003 swftools-0.4.4/bin/swfdump
[generic]               182863  363552  50.3% -lh5- 37fc Apr 21  2003 swftools-0.4.4/bin/swfextract
[generic]               171777  344248  49.9% -lh5- 67bd Apr 21  2003 swftools-0.4.4/bin/swfstrings
[generic]               179801  357672  50.3% -lh5- 7bbe Apr 21  2003 swftools-0.4.4/bin/wav2swf
[generic]                 7014   17992  39.0% -lh5- 4902 Oct 18  2001 swftools-0.4.4/COPYING
[generic]                 1616    3441  47.0% -lh5- 1fd9 Apr  6  2003 swftools-0.4.4/FAQ
[generic]                  551    1038  53.1% -lh5- ea91 Apr 21  2003 swftools-0.4.4/man/man1/png2swf.1
[generic]                  524     998  52.5% -lh5- 3ba5 Apr 21  2003 swftools-0.4.4/man/man1/wav2swf.1
[generic]                  966    1866  51.8% -lh5- a6aa Apr 16  2003 swftools-0.4.4/TODO
[generic]                   72      72 100.0% -lh0- 8e50 Oct 18  2001 swftools-0.4.4/AUTHORS
[generic]                 2879    7290  39.5% -lh5- c021 Apr 16  2003 swftools-0.4.4/ChangeLog
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        60 files 3143515 6195205  50.7%            Aug 24  2003
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