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Short:VLab-Macro: Convert YUV + VLAB to IFF
Author: Joerg.Hintze at (Joerg Hintze)
Uploader:Joerg Hintze Constellation Nshift de (Joerg Hintze)
Download:gfx/conv/vlab_macro.lha - View contents

VLab-Arexx-Script Version 1.1,

it Translates a sequence form YUVN- or VLAB-format to  

Amiga-IFF-ILBM 24 Bit
Amiga-IFF-ILBM 24 Bit Deep
Amiga-IFF-ILBM  8 Bit Black & White
Amiga-IFF-ILBM  8 Bit HAM (256k Color HAM)

Source:        VLab-Sequenz

Modify by Joerg Hintze, 07.09.2000

The old Script writes the Translated Pic over the grabbed Pic`s so 
all grabbed Pic`s was lost, this was a great shit.

The new Script save the Pic with ".IFF", so the grabbed Pic`s are  
not lost, but the User can say he will delete the Pic`s after convert,
thats the right Way.

On 07.09.2000 I have added a Requester to save the Converted Pic`s in 
a differend DIR or DRIVE as the grabbed Pic`s.

A lot of other Changes for a confortable Working

Requires ?

A Amiga with VLab-Motion Card, apig.library (include), 
rexxsupport.library (Not include), Cyberview (include).

Testet on A 4000 with CyperstormPPC 060/604e  50/233 Mhz, 144 MB Fast
Ram, Picasso_IV, IOblix Multi I/O Card with Ethernetmodul, Toccata,

How to Install ??

Rename the old Script "SequencetoAmiga" in VLab/Macros as what you want,
then copy the new Script to VLab/Macros. After this you must copy the
apig.library to LIBS:. The Programm check`s out for that Library and for
the "rexxsupport.library" if one of this Library not present the Programm
breakup. Copy Cyberview to C: and change the Parameter "Board PiccassoIV"
in the Arexx Script to the right Value. 

How the Programm works ??
Step 0:
In Step 0 the Programm takes all User Parameter and save this, then
a Requester for the Translationfiles pop`t up, after this Translation 
Deep Requester pop`t up, a click on one of the four Deep Buttons and 
the Programm goes on with the next Steps.  

Step 1:
In Step 1 the Programm request`s for the Save Path when the List from the
grabbed Files are exists. After this Request the Convering beginns

Step 2:
In Step 2 the Programm check`s out for the Breakup Button, the
Converting work`s in the Background, but a click on the Breakup Button
breaks the Working and the Programm saves the last Pic an goes 
on with the Next Programm Step (3).

Step 3:
In Step 3 the User can select a slideshow, if Cyberview present, 
the Slideshow comes with a Requester after show a Pic, here can the User 
select that the Requester cames immerdaly or not, but he can also break 
the Slideshow. If the Slideshow over or the User have Breakup than the
next Step (4) is going on.

Note_1, if Cyberview not present the Answer must be NO by the Requester
        to start the Slideshow.
Note_2, if Cyberview present, so change the Parameter BOARD in the 
        Arexx Script to the right Board. If the your Board are not 
        supportet, so delete this Parameter.

Step 4:
In Step 4 the User can select to delete the grabbed Pic`s this can`t
Breakup, handle with care. If the Answer of the Question is 'yes', all
grabbed Pic`s are lost, only the Translated Pic`s are aviable.

Step 5:
All change`d Parameter are setting to the Default User Parameter.


It give no warrenty by using this Script, the use of the Script is
for your own Risc. 

Problems ?

Arexx Script Bugs: None
                   Arexx Script testet on a A 4000, it works fine.

Other Bugs: Yes
            The VLab Programm 4.2 has a Bug by the Arexx Command 
            EXPORTAMIGA, so the Command does`t accept the Parameter
            FORCE. So it will Pop up a Requester that will say that
            the last convertet Pic is lost when the next Pic is loadet.
            Sorry Guy`s that is a Bug of the VLab Software not a
            Bug of the Arexx Script. This Bug is activ by the 
            Convertmode Black & White and 256k Color HAM.


How the Price for that Programm ??
The Programm is Freeware. All User can modify the Script for your own.

Have fun with this Arexx Script.
      Joerg Hintze

Contents of gfx/conv/vlab_macro.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  255     628  40.6% -lh5- 148c Sep  6  2000
[generic]                  253     628  40.3% -lh5- 7f73 Sep  6  2000 VLab/
[generic]                14796   25516  58.0% -lh5- 9765 Jun 23  1996 VLab/c/CyberView
[generic]                  256     628  40.8% -lh5- 4768 Sep  6  2000 VLab/
[generic]                30702   61220  50.2% -lh5- 26ab Mar 15  1992 VLab/Libs/apig.library
[generic]                  255     628  40.6% -lh5- a040 Sep  6  2000 VLab/
[generic]                 4617   16382  28.2% -lh5- b640 Sep  8  2000 VLab/Macros/SequenceToAmiga.rx
[generic]                  383     552  69.4% -lh5- e9cc May 17  1993 VLab/Macros/
[generic]                 1674    3840  43.6% -lh5- d660 Sep  8  2000 VLab/readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total         9 files   53191  110022  48.3%            Sep  9  2000
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