84782 packages online
misc/edu/GasWasserTest.lha |
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Dieses Programm ist ein Test (etwa 500 Fragen) für
Gas und Wasserinstallateure im Fach Technologie.
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
95092 54780 42.3% 14-Sep-97 04:03:44 +Gas_Wasser_Test
578 160 72.3% 14-Sep-97 23:06:54 +Gas_Wasser_Test.info
18484 17196 6.9% 14-Sep-97 20:04:54 +hehaheha
3682 2940 20.1% 14-Dec-97 22:31:30 +hey
3004 2637 12.2% 14-Sep-97 17:26:58 +hey1
13844 13067 5.6% 14-Sep-97 20:04:28 +ayeh
10756 8001 25.6% 14-Sep-97 06:13:16 +baaaa
8494 6846 19.4% 14-Sep-97 22:31:18 +hahaha
11434 9466 17.2% 14-Sep-97 04:27:02 +Hahahaa
16084 14586 9.3% 14-Sep-97 20:05:38 +shutout
28628 20277 29.1% 14-Sep-97 01:22:28 +kotzen1
6268 4677 25.3% 14-Sep-97 01:15:00 +ok
3144 2650 15.7% 14-Sep-97 17:26:26 +ok1
8180 6784 17.0% 14-Sep-97 20:05:16 +pülps
28864 22832 20.8% 14-Sep-97 01:22:48 +ruelps
4480 3104 30.7% 14-Sep-97 15:53:16 +Hua
10056 8765 12.8% 14-Sep-97 03:02:42 +Itsmagic
6380 5376 15.7% 14-Sep-97 20:33:44 +Yeah
7814 6383 18.3% 14-Sep-97 16:22:18 +YEH
6814 4866 28.5% 14-Sep-97 00:56:12 +yuppie
628 275 56.2% 14-Sep-97 23:06:54 Gas_Wasser_Test.info
1479 834 43.6% 14-Sep-97 18:22:48 +Gas_Wasser_Test.dok
473 244 48.4% 14-Sep-97 23:06:54 +Gas_Wasser_Test.dok.info
20136 16075 20.1% 14-Sep-97 20:58:14 +wegot
14114 11479 18.6% 14-Sep-97 23:46:28 +wurg
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
328910 244300 25.7% 17-Sep-98 23:14:06 25 files
Contents of misc/edu/GasWasserTest.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 54780 95092 57.6% -lh5- 9bef Mar 2 1980 gas_wasser_test/Gas_Wasser_Test
[generic] 160 578 27.7% -lh5- 6eca Sep 17 1998 gas_wasser_test/Gas_Wasser_Test.info
[generic] 17196 18484 93.0% -lh5- 3ab5 Jul 1 1993 gas_wasser_test/samples/hehaheha
[generic] 2940 3682 79.8% -lh5- d719 Dec 31 1988 gas_wasser_test/samples/hey
[generic] 2637 3004 87.8% -lh5- 5971 Jul 27 1988 gas_wasser_test/samples/hey1
[generic] 13067 13844 94.4% -lh5- b5a0 Jul 1 1993 gas_wasser_test/samples/ayeh
[generic] 8001 10756 74.4% -lh5- 1ec9 Mar 27 1991 gas_wasser_test/samples/baaaa
[generic] 6846 8494 80.6% -lh5- 669a Dec 31 1988 gas_wasser_test/samples/hahaha
[generic] 9466 11434 82.8% -lh5- 01a5 Mar 27 1991 gas_wasser_test/samples/Hahahaa
[generic] 14586 16084 90.7% -lh5- bc28 Jul 1 1993 gas_wasser_test/samples/shutout
[generic] 20277 28628 70.8% -lh5- ae63 Mar 27 1991 gas_wasser_test/samples/kotzen1
[generic] 4677 6268 74.6% -lh5- 8117 Jan 1 1988 gas_wasser_test/samples/ok
[generic] 2650 3144 84.3% -lh5- e496 Jul 27 1988 gas_wasser_test/samples/ok1
[generic] 6784 8180 82.9% -lh5- c3d8 Jul 1 1993 gas_wasser_test/samples/pülps
[generic] 22832 28864 79.1% -lh5- cbcc Mar 27 1991 gas_wasser_test/samples/ruelps
[generic] 3104 4480 69.3% -lh5- 185a Jan 2 2000 gas_wasser_test/samples/Hua
[generic] 8765 10056 87.2% -lh5- b7e1 Mar 27 1991 gas_wasser_test/samples/Itsmagic
[generic] 5376 6380 84.3% -lh5- 570b Jan 2 2000 gas_wasser_test/samples/Yeah
[generic] 6383 7814 81.7% -lh5- c41a May 12 1993 gas_wasser_test/samples/YEH
[generic] 4866 6814 71.4% -lh5- 97de May 17 1989 gas_wasser_test/samples/yuppie
[generic] 275 628 43.8% -lh5- b224 Sep 17 1998 Gas_Wasser_Test.info
[generic] 834 1479 56.4% -lh5- 08c4 Sep 14 1998 gas_wasser_test/Gas_Wasser_Test.dok
[generic] 244 473 51.6% -lh5- c064 Sep 17 1998 gas_wasser_test/Gas_Wasser_Test.dok.info
[generic] 16075 20136 79.8% -lh5- 7732 Aug 31 1994 gas_wasser_test/samples/wegot
[generic] 11479 14114 81.3% -lh5- 092c Mar 26 1991 gas_wasser_test/samples/wurg
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 25 files 244300 328910 74.3% Sep 19 1998
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