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POWER Teacher 1.11 © 1996 by Jérôme LOUVEL
POWER Teacher can be freely distributed but it's now CARDWARE : if you
like and use this program you should send me a postcard of your city.
This program helps you to memorize list of words, irregular verbs, or
any type of information.
You can edit your test file within the program, save it, reload it, and
run it.
Then you can choose the number of questions from your test file that you
want to answer, in random order or no, and the line to test from. Notice
that in random order, if the number or questions is inferior to the
number of tests existing, you won't be asked the same question twice !
A big advantage of this program is that you needn't type in your answer.
You only have to press the [ENTER] key or [LMB]+[RMB] (mouse buttons)
when you think you have found the solution and compare it to the result.
Then if your answer was right you should press [+] key or the [LMB], else
press the [-] key or the [RMB].
When you press the [-] key, the bad answered question is memorized.
At the end of the test session (when there isn't any question remaining),
you'll be reasked the bad answered questions until you answer right.
It's much less boring than type in the whole response ! :-)
At the very end, you will get your score (/20).
The program provide a self-explaining interface written in AMOS Basic
using the POWER Procedures (© 1996 by Jérome LOUVEL).
When the file selector appears for selecting a test to load/save, the
program searches the directory `PROGDIR:Tests/' so try to put the test
files here in order to shorten the selection.
During the test, you can press [ESC] to return to the menu.
You can press the keys `LAMIGA' + `a' once to popup the Workbench and
once again to make the program reappear.
If you don't already have the `AMOS.library' in your `Libs:' directory
you should copy it. If you don't, a Guru will appear !
1.00 : * Initial release
1.01 : * Traduced `Nombre de test restants' in `Remaining tests'.
1.10 : * Many improvements in the code of the procedures.
* An `ERRORS' and `NUMBER' counters have appeared.
* Now check if you answered right and reask you the wrong
answered questions at the end.
* Tells you your score after a test.
* You can be asked any number of questions.
* Ask you to confirm when you create a new test file, before
erasing an older one in memory.
1.11 : * Compiled with POWER Procedures 1.40
* No more `m' key problems
This program uses a small part of the POWER Procedures which should
be found on Aminet (dev/amos/pw_proce.lha). These procedures are Shareware.
If you want the source code of this program you should register to the
POWER Procedures.
Thanks to Roman PATZNER for his great icons !
Author's Adress
E-Mail : louvel@dig-isim.univ-montp2.fr
Snail Mail : Jérôme LOUVEL
23, rue Mareschal
Montpellier, the 04.02.96.
Contents of misc/edu/pw_teach.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 582 909 64.0% -lh5- c96c Feb 4 1996 POWER_Teacher/Amos.library.info
[generic] 438 855 51.2% -lh5- b031 Feb 4 1996 POWER_Teacher/POWER_Teacher.doc.info
[generic] 910 1567 58.1% -lh5- 5cdf Feb 4 1996 POWER_Teacher/POWER_Teacher_1.11.info
[generic] 437 855 51.1% -lh5- 5b1b Feb 4 1996 POWER_Teacher/Readme.info
[generic] 2166 36160 6.0% -lh5- cf48 Jan 18 1996 POWER_Teacher/Tests/Verbes_Irréguliers
[generic] 552 1197 46.1% -lh5- 451f Feb 4 1996 POWER_Teacher.info
[generic] 28913 46948 61.6% -lh5- 624f Oct 17 1995 POWER_Teacher/Amos.library
[generic] 1578 3430 46.0% -lh5- 356f Feb 4 1996 POWER_Teacher/POWER_Teacher.doc
[generic] 48633 157360 30.9% -lh5- f591 Feb 4 1996 POWER_Teacher/POWER_Teacher_1.11
[generic] 71 189 37.6% -lh5- 0916 Oct 17 1995 POWER_Teacher/Readme
[generic] 415 4480 9.3% -lh5- 77bb Jan 18 1996 POWER_Teacher/Tests/Pays_Capitale_Monnaie_Code
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 11 files 84695 253950 33.4% Feb 7 1996
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