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Jaybee's HD-Game NewIcons - 25/05/99
Hi there peeps! James here, bringing you a collection of home-made newicons
for JST/WHDload HD-installed games, to be used for "whatever you want".
Yup, I was pretty surprised no-one had actually put together an archive of
newicons like this...well someone probably has....but...oh well...either
way they werent very good. Anyway, heres some information that I cant be
bothered to put into a nicely written paragraph:
* All the icons were created by me - so if you use them in anthing,just
mention my name or something. ;)
* The icons are mainly from titlescreen grabs or gameboxes from Buzz's
great site - Exotica. (http://exotica.amigascne.org - i think....)
* The icons are usually 93 pixels wide or tall (ie: they're big).
* The icons have been created for a light background, and transparency
used wherever possible (some are just "button style") - I have included
a small BG pic (cream.jpg) as an example. This basically means the
anti-aliasing will look crap on most Babylon-5 backgrounds (oh yes....
that is all part of being an Amiga owner....[shudder]...)
* The icons should have the correct default tool, so you ought to just
be able to copy them over - if not use Iconizer or something.
* The icons have been saved in the "single" format, meaning there is
only one image tag (eg: no IM2= ) Basically, this makes them load
faster, and halves the filesize. Do we really need to know if we've
clicked an icon anyway?
* The icons have no "classic" image, meaning you'll only see a white
dot if you dont have newicons running - but every does, right?
Again, this saves on loading and diskspace.
* Several classic, and some not-so-classic games are catered for - if you
want an icon made, just let me know first, send me the game (hd-install)
and I'll be happy to help out ;)
....sorry about that, but I really couldnt be bothered putting sentances
together, you know how I mean?
All of these icon were taken from my AmigaInABox archives. AmigaInABox is
a collection of packages for UAE users (including myself) to see what a real
Amiga can be like. Check out:
In case you didn't know, everything in this archive has been created in
WinUAE - thats right, I dont actually own a real Amiga, yet seem to spend
more time on "the Amiga" than "the PC" - ironic huh?.....
Anyway, thats about it really - if youve got any comments about these icons
or just wanna "flame" me for using WinUAE you can email me below.
James Maurice Battle - jaybee@aiab.freeserve.co.uk
Contents of pix/nicon/GameNIcons.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 811 1441 56.3% -lh5- 85d5 May 24 1999 Game-NIcons.info
[generic] 3239 3239 100.0% -lh0- 7bd1 Apr 9 1998 Game-NIcons/cream.jpg
[generic] 716 1367 52.4% -lh5- f648 May 24 1999 Game-NIcons/cream.jpg.info
[generic] 669 1398 47.9% -lh5- 33fe May 24 1999 Game-NIcons/Icons.info
[generic] 6155 9407 65.4% -lh5- bdd9 May 24 1999 Game-NIcons/Icons/AGONY.info
[generic] 5909 6923 85.4% -lh5- d573 May 24 1999 Game-NIcons/Icons/Apidya.info
[generic] 3832 9133 42.0% -lh5- bd99 May 24 1999 Game-NIcons/Icons/ATRHD.info
[generic] 5974 7187 83.1% -lh5- 000f May 24 1999 Game-NIcons/Icons/BudokanHD.info
[generic] 5552 7643 72.6% -lh5- 8255 May 24 1999 Game-NIcons/Icons/BugBomberHD.info
[generic] 3049 3697 82.5% -lh5- 5e17 May 24 1999 Game-NIcons/Icons/ChaosHD.info
[generic] 7195 9292 77.4% -lh5- d8f6 May 24 1999 Game-NIcons/Icons/DSHD.info
[generic] 5376 6534 82.3% -lh5- 1cf0 May 24 1999 Game-NIcons/Icons/DynaHD.info
[generic] 7404 11480 64.5% -lh5- dad0 May 24 1999 Game-NIcons/Icons/FlashbackHD.info
[generic] 3906 5705 68.5% -lh5- cbb7 May 24 1999 Game-NIcons/Icons/Flood.info
[generic] 4870 6086 80.0% -lh5- 0c5a May 24 1999 Game-NIcons/Icons/FormulaOneGrandPrix.info
[generic] 3643 4485 81.2% -lh5- e8f3 May 24 1999 Game-NIcons/Icons/GhoulsnGhostsHD.info
[generic] 9270 11582 80.0% -lh5- 8dde May 24 1999 Game-NIcons/Icons/GNGHD.info
[generic] 4938 5862 84.2% -lh5- 8316 May 24 1999 Game-NIcons/Icons/GoldenAxe.info
[generic] 6849 8074 84.8% -lh5- 86a1 May 24 1999 Game-NIcons/Icons/GolfHD.info
[generic] 2944 3726 79.0% -lh5- fbea May 24 1999 Game-NIcons/Icons/Hybris.info
[generic] 3390 5225 64.9% -lh5- 71c7 May 24 1999 Game-NIcons/Icons/IkariWarriors.info
[generic] 5005 5906 84.7% -lh5- 2db9 May 24 1999 Game-NIcons/Icons/IKplus.info
[generic] 3892 4584 84.9% -lh5- 949d May 24 1999 Game-NIcons/Icons/Indy500.info
[generic] 6515 8141 80.0% -lh5- 2c25 May 24 1999 Game-NIcons/Icons/JaguarXJ220.info
[generic] 6132 7293 84.1% -lh5- f33b May 24 1999 Game-NIcons/Icons/JumpingJackSon.info
[generic] 3260 4918 66.3% -lh5- 1a68 May 24 1999 Game-NIcons/Icons/LeanderHD.info
[generic] 5674 7027 80.7% -lh5- 357c May 24 1999 Game-NIcons/Icons/LemmingsHD.info
[generic] 3135 6889 45.5% -lh5- beea May 24 1999 Game-NIcons/Icons/LotusTrilogy.info
[generic] 3766 4695 80.2% -lh5- 9fb3 May 24 1999 Game-NIcons/Icons/MegaLoMania.info
[generic] 4943 6112 80.9% -lh5- eb46 May 24 1999 Game-NIcons/Icons/NZSHD.info
[generic] 6718 9968 67.4% -lh5- c652 May 24 1999 Game-NIcons/Icons/PinballHD.info
[generic] 6580 8236 79.9% -lh5- c86c May 24 1999 Game-NIcons/Icons/PrinceHD.info
[generic] 5376 6915 77.7% -lh5- de8e May 24 1999 Game-NIcons/Icons/RickDangIIHD.info
[generic] 4542 5586 81.3% -lh5- 1308 May 24 1999 Game-NIcons/Icons/RoadRashHD.info
[generic] 6259 7404 84.5% -lh5- ba7d May 24 1999 Game-NIcons/Icons/RuffNTumbleHD.info
[generic] 3877 4651 83.4% -lh5- bae4 May 24 1999 Game-NIcons/Icons/SF2HD.info
[generic] 3648 4694 77.7% -lh5- 9e56 May 24 1999 Game-NIcons/Icons/SpeedBall2HD.info
[generic] 3727 4673 79.8% -lh5- eda6 May 24 1999 Game-NIcons/Icons/StuntCarRacer.info
[generic] 6665 10839 61.5% -lh5- baa4 May 24 1999 Game-NIcons/Icons/SuperCars2HD.info
[generic] 4693 7099 66.1% -lh5- d5bf May 24 1999 Game-NIcons/Icons/SupercarsHD.info
[generic] 6112 7555 80.9% -lh5- 0517 May 24 1999 Game-NIcons/Icons/SuperOffroad.info
[generic] 5826 8780 66.4% -lh5- 89b8 May 24 1999 Game-NIcons/Icons/SWOSHD.info
[generic] 6242 7896 79.1% -lh5- 59c4 May 24 1999 Game-NIcons/Icons/ThunderCats.info
[generic] 7866 10998 71.5% -lh5- 132f May 24 1999 Game-NIcons/Icons/Unreal.info
[generic] 4033 4786 84.3% -lh5- 0c1a May 24 1999 Game-NIcons/Icons/WalkerHD.info
[generic] 1406 2712 51.8% -lh5- d2d4 May 24 1999 Game-NIcons/ReadMe.txt
[generic] 671 967 69.4% -lh5- 1175 May 24 1999 Game-NIcons/ReadMe.txt.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 47 files 222254 298810 74.4% May 26 1999
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