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NI_b&s10 - Version 1.0 - 07-Apr-2000
Get all my Nicons packs exclusively on my webpage:
Here come a set of cool NewIcons for the game:
These icons are in 32 colours, with no MagicWB icon this time,
but NewIcons & GlowIcons.
If you don't know GlowIcons, download now from Aminet.
Included are:
-2 pics I used to work on this iconset...
-6 screenshots of the games
-1 preview of the iconset
-2 patches for removing the on disk protection & install ECS&AGA games on HD
Here's the details:
4 NIcons for the main file (Guy1+2,Guys,Aga,Title)
3 GlowIcons for the main file (Guy,Guys,HQ64)
3 GlowIcon for the game drawers (ECS,AGA,CD32)
Starting with year 2000, I stopped making Icons for Low workbench screens!
Now if you want me to increase this collection of Icons, email me some
CovertArt (that is a scan of the box) or ScreenGrab (with something
usefull to be transformed into NewIcon.
(well supported by Iconian)
You can find on Aminet
pix/nicon/PSicon10.lha 311k A large NIcon set for Parasol Stars
pix/nicon/RDIcon10.lha 570k A large NIcon set for Rodland
pix/nicon/RIicon10.lha 68k A NIcon set for Rainbow Islands
pix/nicon/NI-i5010.lha 92k A NIcon set for Indianapolis 500
pix/nicon/NI-wod10.lha 11k A NIcon set for Wrath of the demon
pix/nicon/NI-pow10.lha 600k A large NIcon set for Powermonger
pix/nicon/NI_pww11.lha 696k A large NIcon set for Powermonger WW1
pix/nicon/NI_hgn10.lha 1089k A large NIcon set for Hired Guns
pix/nicon/NI_trc10.lha 731k A large NIcon set for Turrican1,2&3
pix/nicon/NI_tnt10.lha 452k A large NIcon set for Traps n' treasures
pix/nicon/NI_bck10.lha 446k A large NIcon set for BC Kid
pix/nicon/NI_vrm11.lha 245k A large NIcon set for Vroom&Multiplayer
pix/nicon/NI_spc10.lha 387k A large NIcon set for Space Crusade
pix/nicon/NI_g-i10.lha 440k A large NIcon set for 31 Islona&Guildhall games
pix/nicon/NI_b&s10.lha ???k A large NIcon set for Bubble & Squeak + HDinst
BAT2 is almost finished (get previews on my page)
Rtype too (get previews on my page)
I almost finnished a Cover+Titles collection, Superfrog, BaseJumpers,
& Gold of the aztec
This iconset was realised with HRTmon and Personnal Paint 7.1 with the free
addon (new)icon loader/saver and with Iconian & Image Studio.
Thanx to one of the GlowIcons set designer to told me about this addon...
I also learned to use PPaint, and this Colors merger between the pic
and the brush is awesome!!! it's the first time ever I see that! even on
PC!. And this color reduction.. excellent too.
I also used the Amiga Patch List 3.1, a crack, & Wpatch to remove this
horrible on disk protections that allows to play on HD.
Contents of pix/nicon/NI_b_s10.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 2673 4485 59.6% -lh5- ad2a Apr 7 2000 Bubble&Squeak.info
[generic] 2668 4485 59.5% -lh5- 4f3d Apr 7 2000 Bubble&Squeak/GIcons.info
[generic] 2692 4516 59.6% -lh5- a531 Apr 7 2000 Bubble&Squeak/GIcons/GI_B&SDrawer.info
[generic] 2803 4822 58.1% -lh5- 00ba Apr 7 2000 Bubble&Squeak/GIcons/GI_B&SDrawerAGA.info
[generic] 2808 4897 57.3% -lh5- d7ac Apr 7 2000 Bubble&Squeak/GIcons/GI_B&SDrawerCD32.info
[generic] 2781 4805 57.9% -lh5- 7ea4 Apr 7 2000 Bubble&Squeak/GIcons/GI_B&SDrawerECS.info
[generic] 972 1537 63.2% -lh5- 6a1c Apr 7 2000 Bubble&Squeak/GIcons/GI_BubbleNSqueakGuy.info
[generic] 1821 2960 61.5% -lh5- b2fd Apr 7 2000 Bubble&Squeak/GIcons/GI_BubbleNSqueakGuys.info
[generic] 5479 11060 49.5% -lh5- eeba Apr 7 2000 Bubble&Squeak/GIcons/GI_BubbleNSqueakHQ64.info
[generic] 2782 4791 58.1% -lh5- 93df Apr 7 2000 Bubble&Squeak/HDinstall.info
[generic] 2784 4791 58.1% -lh5- 690d Apr 7 2000 Bubble&Squeak/HDinstall/AGAversion.info
[generic] 47 55 85.5% -lh5- 7cc6 Apr 6 2000 Bubble&Squeak/HDinstall/AGAversion/Bubble&SqueakAGA.IconXScript
[generic] 349 572 61.0% -lh5- b1f9 Apr 7 2000 Bubble&Squeak/HDinstall/AGAversion/Bubble&SqueakAGAHD.readme
[generic] 52 62 83.9% -lh5- 5610 Apr 6 2000 Bubble&Squeak/HDinstall/AGAversion/code.WPATCH
[generic] 1632 2268 72.0% -lh5- 7999 Jul 6 1999 Bubble&Squeak/HDinstall/AGAversion/WPatch
[generic] 624 1408 44.3% -lh5- d916 Jul 6 1999 Bubble&Squeak/HDinstall/AGAversion/WPatch.doc
[generic] 2756 4774 57.7% -lh5- 5f49 Apr 7 2000 Bubble&Squeak/HDinstall/ECSversion.info
[generic] 72 93 77.4% -lh5- c765 Apr 7 2000 Bubble&Squeak/HDinstall/ECSversion/Bubble&SqueakECS.IconXScript
[generic] 612 1101 55.6% -lh5- 43c8 Apr 7 2000 Bubble&Squeak/HDinstall/ECSversion/Bubble&SqueakECSHD.readme
[generic] 67 91 73.6% -lh5- e3bf Apr 7 2000 Bubble&Squeak/HDinstall/ECSversion/originalCODE.WPATCH
[generic] 1632 2268 72.0% -lh5- 7999 Jul 6 1999 Bubble&Squeak/HDinstall/ECSversion/WPatch
[generic] 624 1408 44.3% -lh5- d916 Jul 6 1999 Bubble&Squeak/HDinstall/ECSversion/WPatch.doc
[generic] 1490 3035 49.1% -lh5- 7b90 Apr 7 2000 Bubble&Squeak/NI_b&s10.readme
[generic] 2756 4774 57.7% -lh5- 8951 Apr 7 2000 Bubble&Squeak/NIcons.info
[generic] 1510 2338 64.6% -lh5- 08ce Apr 7 2000 Bubble&Squeak/NIcons/NI_BubbleNSqueak1+2.info
[generic] 1656 2795 59.2% -lh5- eb65 Apr 7 2000 Bubble&Squeak/NIcons/NI_BubbleNSqueakGuys.info
[generic] 1625 2793 58.2% -lh5- 0637 Apr 7 2000 Bubble&Squeak/NIcons/NI_BubbleNSqueakGuysAga.info
[generic] 2473 5507 44.9% -lh5- 63f5 Apr 7 2000 Bubble&Squeak/NIcons/NI_BubbleNSqueakTitle.info
[generic] 2782 4866 57.2% -lh5- 6624 Apr 7 2000 Bubble&Squeak/Pictures.info
[generic] 8056 14196 56.7% -lh5- 441d Apr 7 2000 Bubble&Squeak/Pictures/B&S_HQicon.iff
[generic] 2592 10296 25.2% -lh5- 4023 Apr 7 2000 Bubble&Squeak/Pictures/B&S_HQicon.iff.info
[generic] 61475 90028 68.3% -lh5- c752 Apr 7 2000 Bubble&Squeak/Pictures/B&S_Preview.iff
[generic] 5171 6667 77.6% -lh5- 8a14 Apr 7 2000 Bubble&Squeak/Pictures/B&S_Preview.iff.info
[generic] 9445 19170 49.3% -lh5- 7ee4 Apr 7 2000 Bubble&Squeak/Pictures/B&S_Work.iff
[generic] 2065 9653 21.4% -lh5- 35fe Apr 7 2000 Bubble&Squeak/Pictures/B&S_Work.iff.info
[generic] 2668 4485 59.5% -lh5- c5f8 Apr 7 2000 Bubble&Squeak/Pictures/Screenshots.info
[generic] 12129 56508 21.5% -lh5- 58f9 Jan 1 1980 Bubble&Squeak/Pictures/Screenshots/bs.iff
[generic] 3602 9398 38.3% -lh5- 6dcf Apr 7 2000 Bubble&Squeak/Pictures/Screenshots/bs.iff.info
[generic] 11975 49468 24.2% -lh5- 0505 Jan 1 1980 Bubble&Squeak/Pictures/Screenshots/bs2.iff
[generic] 3844 8405 45.7% -lh5- c42f Apr 7 2000 Bubble&Squeak/Pictures/Screenshots/bs2.iff.info
[generic] 11953 49468 24.2% -lh5- 575a Jan 1 1980 Bubble&Squeak/Pictures/Screenshots/bs3.iff
[generic] 3807 8407 45.3% -lh5- 7fe4 Apr 7 2000 Bubble&Squeak/Pictures/Screenshots/bs3.iff.info
[generic] 12219 49468 24.7% -lh5- 89f7 Jan 1 1980 Bubble&Squeak/Pictures/Screenshots/bs4.iff
[generic] 4899 8392 58.4% -lh5- 253d Apr 7 2000 Bubble&Squeak/Pictures/Screenshots/bs4.iff.info
[generic] 612 14048 4.4% -lh5- 0f68 Jan 1 1980 Bubble&Squeak/Pictures/Screenshots/bs5.iff
[generic] 488 2460 19.8% -lh5- aa04 Apr 7 2000 Bubble&Squeak/Pictures/Screenshots/bs5.iff.info
[generic] 1757 6908 25.4% -lh5- 7171 Jan 1 1980 Bubble&Squeak/Pictures/Screenshots/bs6.iff
[generic] 2109 9968 21.2% -lh5- c419 Apr 7 2000 Bubble&Squeak/Pictures/Screenshots/bs6.iff.info
[generic] 1490 3035 49.1% -lh5- 7b90 Apr 7 2000 NI_b&s10.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 49 files 215378 523785 41.1% Apr 9 2000
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